Lonely Soldier King

C83 Liu Pet in Distress

C83 Liu Pet in Distress

0"Who gave you the task?" Liu Yi asked again.    


Since they were already targeting him, what was there to be soft-hearted about? Since even he was involved, then Liu Yi would definitely find out who did it. At that time, even if Liu Hong didn't save him, Liu Yi would first get rid of the troublemaker.    


Originally, Liu Yi came to Africa this time to resolve the dispute, so he would definitely kill a lot of people. Of course, as a former brother, Liu Yi would not kill those who committed small mistakes. Liu Yi will give them a chance to correct their mistakes.    


However, at that instant, Liu Yi's thoughts changed. He wouldn't give anyone a chance to change their plans, and he would kill them all. As for the person who plotted against him, Liu Yi was even more unwilling to let that chance go.    


To even dare to scheme against their former leader, what kind of thing was this? Who gave them the guts to be so sure that they would plot against him again the next time?    


Liu Yi did not dare to imagine, and even more so, did not dare to keep this time bomb by his side.    


"It was given by Shen Lang." The shadow head's expression was extremely ugly, but it was not because of Shen Lang, rather, he felt that there were many things that gave off an extraordinary aura. As for your little brother participating in this mission, the person conscripting him is one of Shen Lang's trusted aides. "    


"" "Still, after pausing for a moment, the Head of the Shadows said with deep doubt." Even if I do my best to investigate, I won't be able to find out the reason behind it. Thinking about it, they have planned for a very long time for this to be watertight. "    


The shadow intelligence system was not omnipotent, and not everything could be found out. If someone wanted to hide the shadow intelligence system from them, as long as they had enough time, it would not be impossible.    


Of course, you can hide it for a while, but you have to get rid of it as soon as possible and destroy all the clues. Otherwise, if the Shadow Intelligence system is given enough time, it can be investigated.    


"All schemes and tricks become pale and powerless in front of absolute strength!" "" Liu Yi said, unconcerned. "What kind of mission is it this time?"    


Liu Hong was in danger and charged straight at him. Although Liu Yi was very powerful, he was not arrogant enough to charge directly at him. Liu Hong wanted to save them. It wasn't because he was unprepared to do so, but because he needed to have a plan to win.    


"Assassinate a member of the Saudi royal family." "At this point, the shadow paused for a moment, before continuing." The person who issued the mission was very mysterious, but even so, he couldn't hide it from me. The person who issued the mission should be someone from the government of M Nation. "    


There was nothing wrong with the task of assassinating members of the royal family of Saudi Arabia because Saudi Arabia was an oil exporter, a country from which much of the world's oil came.    


The most powerful people in Saudi Arabia right now weren't their government, but their royal family, whose royal family controlled most of the oil fields in their country. In other words, if the members of their royal family acted on their own initiative, they could end the supply of oil to some power.    


If the members of the royal family of Saudi Arabia refused to supply oil to M, they would be holding M's neck and taking their lives. How could this not infuriate M's and then kill the members of the royal family and give them a deterrent?    


However, this was all a surface phenomenon. Liu Yi would not be blinded by the surface phenomenon. Whether it was the same thing as the surface phenomenon or not still needed to be investigated before a conclusion could be made.    




There was a saying that was right. What one's eyes saw was not real. One needed to carefully feel it, and also needed to use evidence to prove it.    


"Send out the copper guards to monitor the entire base. Kill anyone who finds anything wrong." Liu Yi decisively gave the order, but sending out the Copper Guard was not the end. It was the beginning of the end. "Send four Golden Guards to Saudi Arabia to see if my brother is still there. If he's still here, then bring him back. If he's not, then immediately find out who did it, and kill him all!"    


Liu Yi was not a god. Even though he looked cold-blooded, he was not without emotions. Liu Hong had been overbearing before, being a foppish dandy that could bring about a devastating blow to the Liu family.    


It was impossible for Liu Yi to not have any reaction after seeing his brother in danger. If he was still alive, then Liu Yi would make more people die along with him.    


"In addition, I will also greet the royal family of Saudi Arabia. I believe that they will still give me face." Liu Yi waved his hand and said without any expression.    


Speaking of the royal family of Saudi Arabia, they had maintained a good relationship with Liu Yi. A few years ago, Liu Yi was hired to protect the current king of Saudi Arabia, and in just a few days, Liu Yi had blocked ten assaults that were guaranteed to kill him.    


If one had to calculate carefully, the current King of Saudi Arabia owed Liu Yi at least ten lives. In addition to his identity as the 'Burning Heaven', the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia deliberately tried to establish a relationship with Liu Yi, which resulted in the two being very amiable.    


Thus, in the next few years, the Burning Heaven Mercenaries did not accept any missions that were harmful to the Saudi royal family. Instead, they accepted many missions to protect the members of the royal family and forged a deeper friendship with them.    


But then again, this kind of friendship was built on benefits. If one day the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group or Liu Yi fell, then this kind of friendship would also come to an end.    


Luckily, Liu Yi is still alive and well, and with his unknown friendship with the current King of Saudi Arabia, I believe it can be easily resolved.    


"Well, by the way, find out if any members of the Saudi royal family were assassinated." Liu Yi added another sentence.    


Right now, there were many strange and suspicious layers. It could be said that anything could happen. Perhaps this mission was just a trap, a trap for many parties to work together.    


"Oh?" The screen head finally understood what Liu Yi meant. He couldn't help but nod his head, then asked. "What about you?"    


"This …" Hearing that, Liu Yi was stunned for a moment before he recovered and said. But I didn't notice. Well, you said to the public that I was going to Saudi Arabia myself. "    


Since they wanted to scheme against him, then what was Liu Yi to hesitate? He might as well do as he wanted, since his whereabouts were unpredictable, and it was impossible for him to hide his whereabouts. So, even if Liu Yi was in Africa, no one would know.    


"Alright." The shadow leader's hard face revealed a smile that was even uglier than crying as he nodded and replied.    


After the Shadow Head finished what he said, Liu Yi took off his mask and found a Golden Guard with a similar stature as him. He handed the silver mask and clothes to him and told him to leave the base as if he was him, quietly heading to Saudi Arabia.    


As the saying goes, in order to do the entire set, Liu Yi would have to do everything according to his plan. Only by doing everything so that no one could find a single flaw would he be able to proceed with his next plan.    


That night, Liu Yi sat in the basement of the base, which was the secret guard's base and also the headquarters of the Shadow Information System. Other than the people from the Shadow Information System and the secret guards, no one else would know of the existence of this place.    


Yes, all the people in the world wanted to know where the headquarters of the Shadow Intelligence System was, but up until now, no one knew where it was. The only thing they knew was that the head of the system appeared in the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company's base, but they all thought that it was a general contact point and didn't know where the other headquarters was.    


Liu Yi hid in the basement and began to look through the information. There was information about the danger to Liu Hong, as well as records of the abnormal actions of the Elders of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company.    


It had to be said that Shadowheads were naturally born for intelligence. Although he had done pretty well as the vice captain of a mercenary group before, compared to intelligence work, he was still a far cry.    


With the detailed information and records, Liu Yi was naturally able to understand some unknown secrets. The other doyens acting strangely was within Liu Yi's expectations, but one of them also acted abnormally during this period of time, which made Liu Yi puzzled.    




This was a person's name, his identity was Shen Lang's assistant, and he was also Shen Lang's trusted aide, the person who recruited Liu Hong as mentioned by the movie leader. In the past week, he had frequently visited the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company's base, and headed to the nearest city's Ministry of External Affairs. He seemed to be very busy.    


As the assistant to the captain of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, there were endless things to do every day. It was understandable to be a little busy, but this kind of work absolutely did not need to be done in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even if it was a mission or something, they only needed to contact each other over the phone.    


Philadelphia, on the other hand, ran off to the Foreign Office day after day, ostensibly to handle matters on behalf of Shen Lang, but in reality, no one knew what it was that it had done.    


XXXX, XX. Philadelphia Convenes the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.    


XXXX XX, Philadelphia summoned the Chief of Mission Audit Team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...    


XXXX XX, Philadelphia summoned the task review panel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs XX member...    


XXXX, XX. Philadelphia Convenes the Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.    


The record was very clear about Philadelphia's actions, but it was a pity that he only knew that he was seeing someone. In order not to alert them, the Head of the Guards did not send anyone to check on what they had said after their meeting.    


"There must be a problem with Philadelphia." Liu Yi secretly came to a conclusion.    



Anyone could tell that he was a questionable person by his unusual behaviour in Philadelphia, but Liu Yi did not know how big the problem was.    


As long as Liu Hong was in danger, the truth would be revealed. If Liu Hong was still alive, then it would be even better with more clues. Even Liu Hong himself knew that the truth was uncertain.    


Liu Yi was waiting for news from Saudi Arabia to arrive, but Liu Yi did not give up. There was at least information about the internal affairs of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group. The system read it three times, trying to understand the unknown behind the internal strife.    


Needless to say, after looking at it three times, Liu Yi had an intuitive understanding of it. He even knew something that surprised Liu Yi.    


"These people are very smart!" Liu Yi muttered to himself.    




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