Lonely Soldier King

C93 Country M Is the Best Place to Test!

C93 Country M Is the Best Place to Test!

0"Of course I hate him, but what I hate more is not him, but Islam!" Liu Yi said coldly.    


Liu Yi deeply remembered the capture of Liu Hong by Islam. Although it hadn't been cleaned up yet, with the order just now, the internal strife of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was already over. Under these circumstances without any internal worries, there was only revenge.    


The M nation was an enemy because they were trying to control the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, cooperating with Shen Lang and colluding with him. If the Yankees were the main culprit, then Islam was the accomplice. The accomplice's crime was not that big of a crime, and although it would arouse Liu Yi's ire, it would not cause much trouble.    


But the problem was that Islam and the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had an extraordinary relationship, a cooperative relationship. Over the years, Islam had smuggled weapons through the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, and there weren't many channels through which to do so.    


In addition, sometimes when Islam met with trouble, it would hire the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group as a customer. Now, they were acting as an accomplice, causing people to feel infuriated.    


Well, the Yankees want revenge, but so does the Shariah Liu Yi.    


"I've checked. Recently, Islam has sent a batch of weapons over through us. I didn't know which team was responsible for this mission. So, when you go back, ask around and check which group it is. Then, capture the weapons for me and use them." Liu Yi pretended to be a black sheep as he said.    


So what if he eats the black?    


After seizing a batch of goods, Islam could not do anything about Liu Yi. He could only watch and endure, or send people to negotiate and beg for forgiveness.    


However, no matter what, the outcome could not be changed. If Liu Yi wanted to take revenge on them, no one could stop him. Furthermore, this revenge would be very heavy.    


No one replied to Liu Yi's words, but their actions were sufficient to explain everything. Only then did everyone clench their teeth in hatred.    


Who was Liu Hong? When Liu Hong had just entered the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment, all of the higher-ups knew that he was the leader's younger brother. Everyone was paying attention to him, but he had been sent out on a mission before.    


However, what they didn't expect was that someone had set up a trap for Liu Hong to get into. That was how things turned out.    


Fortunately, that was all in the past. Now they had to go through a purge, followed by revenge. It was truly a joyous event.    




The situation had changed in an instant. Before, when he was still facing the threat of life, he had attacked all the enemies with a change of eyes, completely seizing the initiative. He was only one step away from victory, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, strength was really important.    


Liu Yi also realized this point, because the truth was right in front of him. If he didn't have a powerful strength, then it would be impossible for him to obtain the final victory.    


But that didn't matter anymore, because Liu Yi wasn't someone who liked to live in the past. The past was the past, and he had to keep his eyes forward.    


"There's no problem with the setup, right?" Liu Yi asked lightly.    


All the higher-ups of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group retreated and began to clear the list. There were only two people left in the battle room: Liu Yi and the head of the film crew.    


Speaking of the head of the film and the changes in the situation, they had to start from the very beginning. After confirming the plan, Liu Yi had asked the head of the film arrange everything, including for all the secret guards to move out, as well as sending five Golden Guards to hide near the combat conference room, all of which were arranged by Liu Yi.    


"Don't worry, leader. Even if those people have wings, they won't be able to escape from the camp today." The head of the movie was full of confidence.    


The encampment of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was extremely large. Honestly speaking, if it was a person who was familiar with the terrain, there were tens of thousands of paths they could take to leave.    


But then again, the encampment was still a encampment after all, so how could it not have some defenses? Apart from a few tunnels, the rest of the encampments had very strong defenses.    


That was a minefield. If you didn't know where the lightning was buried, then you would accidentally step on it. Then there would be a loud 'bang' and you wouldn't even be able to find the flesh.    


However, just in case something happened, Liu Yi still had to have the Copper and Silver Guards of the Shadow Squad stand guard outside the encampment to prevent anyone from escaping. Only then would the Golden Guards, along with the twenty Golden Guards, stand guard inside the encampment to suppress the disturbance.    


"Cleaning up in one go. It's an eventful time right now. There's no way we can split our energy to kill those who escaped." Liu Yi said solemnly.    


Earlier, the Burning Heaven Mercenaries had only been allowed to enter and not exit, which had also caused almost everyone to stay in the encampment. With such a great opportunity, cleaning up in one go, Liu Yi naturally did not want anyone to escape.    


"…" The Head Shadow didn't say anything, but he nodded his head, showing that he was very confident.    


Since things had gotten to this point, Liu Yi had nothing left to say. He took the initiative to change the topic. "Catch him and investigate him to the end. We have to dig everyone out and then we'll have everything settled."    


This time, Liu Yi was truly angry. Not only was he plotting against him, he even wanted to annex the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company.    


"…" "Shadowhead still did not say anything, but it's not that he didn't, it's just that he was hesitating about whether he should say it or not. In the end, he clenched his teeth, seemingly having made up his mind and said it." "Leader, as you said, it's an eventful time and our mercenary group has just been cleaned up. We will definitely be in a period of chaos, don't you think we should delay the matter of revenge for a while longer?"    


The shadow leader was worried that his strength wouldn't match his own heart!    


After all, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group would definitely lose their combat strength after going through a period of turmoil. At this time, the best method was to recuperate, not to take revenge.    


"No!" Liu Yi refused. However, he was not angry, and said with a smile instead. Revenge on Islam, they are just a mob, but the Yankees are a hard nut to crack. As you said, we've just had some trouble getting back at them, and I don't intend to take the mercenary group back to M, but have the secret forces move out. "    


There were two reasons why he had sent out the secret guards to take revenge. One of them was that the secret guards were very powerful in both combat strength and destructive power, and going to the country was to negotiate with others, to seek revenge, and to let a group of extremely destructive people go was undoubtedly the best choice.    


The second reason was even simpler. If they went to the M Country, they would definitely meet a strong opponent. This was a group of excellent opponents, so training their troops would definitely be effective.    


One of the goals of Liu Yi's trip to Africa was to increase the strength of the Secret Guards. Without a cruel battle, how could he possibly increase their strength so quickly? Therefore, Liu Yi treated M Country as a training ground.    




Liu Yi's will did not allow for resistance, not to mention that Liu Yi's decision was very reasonable. To let a secret guard go to M Country as a test, to raise their strength, and to indirectly strengthen the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group; this was in accordance with the law of the jungle.    


In the mercenary world, it was always the law of the jungle. Only if one was strong enough could one avoid being devoured by others. Thus, one's strength was definitely ranked first. Despite the fact that the Burning Heaven Mercenaries seemed to be very strong, he was very clear on the fact that the Shadow Head was the head of the intelligence network. There were countless of mercenary groups hiding their powers.    


In addition, leading the mercenary group's forces was not the strong point of the movie head. What he was good at was the intelligence network, which meant that he was not an insider, so naturally he did not have much power to speak. As a result, the movie head kept quiet and did not talk about it.    


Time was like the waves of the ocean. In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.    


In these three days, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had not been at peace, and major events occurred one after another.    


The biggest event was that Liu Yi, who was known as the Burning Heaven Clan, had regained control of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group. He had achieved a great position, causing the entire mercenary group to be boiling with excitement, as if he was about to go all out.    


No one could blame them for that. They had been too sullen and frustrated recently. The internal strife within the mercenary group had thrown the entire group into chaos. They didn't have the spirit to get up, but instead showed signs of shrinking. Now, their leader had returned and was leading them to another peak.    


A tiger was not scary at all, but a group of tigers was scary. What's more, right now, there was a group of hungry and unusually united tigers. That group of tigers would be even more terrifying.    


However, an internal conflict still happened, and there was no way the internal conflict could be hidden from the eyes and ears of some people, and with the Burning Heaven Mercenaries standing in the mercenary world, how could there not be enemies, and this, while the Burning Heaven Mercenaries were in turmoil, those people were already in a formation. If there was a chance, they would pounce on them a few times, and even bite this huge monster, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, to death.    


There was a storm brewing outside of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment, all sorts of powers were gathered there, but no one dared to start a fight. The so-called spearhead was a camel that was bigger than a horse, if anyone dared to rush up first, that was undoubtedly seeking death.    


They were all watching to see if the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was in dire straits. If they were, then they would rush up to them.    


Of course, they could join hands. That way, swallowing the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group wouldn't be a problem.    



Unfortunately, they didn't join hands and didn't pounce on him decisively. Thus, after three days, they lost this chance forever.    


The Burning Heaven Mercenaries did not experience the turbulence they had imagined, and instead quickly calmed down, returning to their original demeanor of an expert.    


The Burning Heaven Mercenaries were a terrifying existence. Even if those powers were to join hands, they would still not be a match for the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. Thus, after three days, all of the powers had retreated.    


Seeing that all their momentum had quietly retreated, to be honest, Liu Yi was very disappointed. He actually hoped that these people would have the courage to charge at him, even if they had to join forces.    


With the secret guard's strength, Liu Yi was not afraid of any forces on the African side. Even if those people joined forces, Liu Yi still had the confidence to destroy them. Unfortunately, they were too cowardly.    


"Shadow Head, have all the powers started investigating?" Liu Yi asked.    


There were people who wanted to take advantage of your illness to take your life, so there was no need for Liu Yi to be polite. Revenge was inevitable, but now was not the time for revenge.    


"It's been investigated. They are all old rivals." The shadow said somewhat angrily.    


The Shadow Head was very clear that with the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company's strength, they could annihilate any faction. However, the premise of eliminating any faction was to expose the secret guards, and it was precisely because the secret guards could not be exposed, that made those factions carefree and carefree for so long.    


Now that they've fallen, you come looking for them. Although they haven't made a move yet, this undoubtedly means that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group is very easy to bully.    


"Let's let them roam around for a while longer first. We can deal with them when we have free hands." After saying that, Liu Yi was silent for nearly a minute. His tone was a bit heavy as he mumbled to himself. It's time to reshuffle. "    


The old faction fell, and the new faction was replaced!    


This phenomenon was happening all the time on the African continent, and behind the scenes, it was almost always promoted by the human force. This was because only with the help of the human force would there be a situation where the old power was destroyed and a new power rose to replace the old.    


"Yeah, it's about time to wash up!" "The shadow head sighed with emotion, and then said." If a tiger does not display its might, then they will be treated as sick cats. It is about time for them to experience the might of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. "    


For many years, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company had continued to advance, finally confirming their position. However, when they confirmed their position, they only knew how to accept missions. When they completed a mission, their reputation would spread outside, but they did not intimidate the inner members.    


Having not been intimidated for several years made people think that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was just a sick cat. This was intolerable, as was Liu Yi. He also could not tolerate this.    


It could be said that this was an excuse for him to come knocking!    




The matter of the elite group was officially on the agenda. However, Liu Yi did not intervene in the matter of the elite group. After selection, he confirmed that the two upper echelons were qualified to enter, and then they would form a group under their own name.    


The formation of the elite group was a major event for the entire mercenary group, as soon as the news was released, a lot of people wanted to join the elite group, but unfortunately, in addition to the age limit, Liu Yi also set a lot of restrictions. This also caused the conditions for entering the elite group to become harsh, causing a lot of people to come back disappointed.    


It was bustling outside, and the secret guard was not quiet either. After so many years had passed, the secret guard's cultivation technique was only at the Earth Stage.    


Especially for the 20 Golden Guards, they would not be able to enter without the help of a cultivation technique. Now, their leader had taken out a cultivation technique that was of a whole level, and the 20 Golden Guards had reason to believe that with it, they would be able to enter the Heaven Stage in a short period of time.    


Although Jin Wei was happy, the Silver Guard and the Copper Guard were excited. After all, they knew that one day, they would also reach the Earth Stage. Without a cultivation technique, they would be the same as Jin Wei.    


Therefore, having the follow-up cultivation technique was a joyous occasion for all the secret guards.    


Another joyous event was that the Diamond Protection's level had officially opened, and the levels below were further categorized. As long as they were promoted to Heaven Stage, they would automatically enter Diamond Protection's level, their actual level and realm would not change.    


Level represented strength and also status. People who entered the secret guard all the time had the intention of advancing, but now, with another level, they had a new purpose and motivation.    




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