Lonely Soldier King

C130 Dispatching

C130 Dispatching

0There was not much time left, so Liu Yi had to make the necessary arrangements as soon as possible. Luckily, Shadowhead was already waiting at the entrance. The moment Liu Yi walked out of the tunnel, he immediately came to welcome him.    


"Let's not talk about other things for now, let's go to the combat conference room for now." Liu Yi waved his hand and said.    


"I've already notified them. They should be waiting for us in the combat conference room." The screen head said lightly.    


If Liu Yi did not appear now, he might have been crushed. After all, he was not the leader of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company, and he had never experienced such a great pressure. And now that his base had been attacked, the pressure suddenly increased, which naturally made him feel a little overwhelmed.    


Fortunately, Liu Yi could feel that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had found their backbone in time. Although they weren't 100% confident about their victory in the upcoming battle, there was no suspense at all.    


This might be the confidence the movie head had in Liu Yi!    


It wasn't just the film leader who had confidence in Liu Yi. All of the higher-ups of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had confidence in Liu Yi. They all knew that Liu Yi had gone to the M Country a while ago, but suddenly the encampment had been attacked and was bitterly enduring, waiting for the arrival of their leader.    


Now that their leader had arrived, the pressure was greatly reduced. However, their hearts were still extremely heavy, and at the same time, they were extremely angry. Normally, a middle ranked mercenary group that could be crushed with one hand would actually come together at this time.    


"Once this crisis is over, we will definitely exterminate them one by one." A senior executive thought to himself.    


It wasn't just one person who thought this, but all of the higher ranking members. They all hated the combined ten or so mid-sized mercenary groups to the bone, and wished they could drink their blood and pull out their tendons.    


However, Liu Yi didn't care about what they were thinking. The most important thing right now was to welcome an attack that lasted half an hour. If they couldn't withstand this wave of attacks, then the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group might really be destroyed.    


"Order all elites to bring their excellent weapons and 10 short-range missiles out of the tunnel. Make a hole for me in the middle of the tunnel, go behind the enemy and wait for their signal." Liu Yi said seriously.    


That tunnel was a secret existence, but this time the matter really became big. Liu Yi was not considering whether it was confidential, but how to defeat the enemy.    


Furthermore, to be able to enter the elite group that was just formed, their skills were not a problem, and their background was even more so. Although they had been through a short period of brainwashing education, Liu Yi was confident that they could be trusted.    


As for the members of the upper echelons in the conference room, there was no doubt about their credibility. If they had evil intentions, they might have joined Shen Lang and the rest in the rebellion last time.    


In addition, during the time of Shen Lang's betrayal, the Head of the Shadows had also investigated the members of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, including the upper echelons. All of them had carefully investigated, and the result was that they were all loyal to the Burning Heaven Mercenaries.    


Therefore, if the passageway was exposed at this time, it would be fine.    




All of the higher-ups couldn't help but frown. They really didn't know what was going on as they all looked at Liu Yi, waiting for their leader to give them an explanation.    


However, time was of the essence. It was impossible for Liu Yi to give them an explanation right now. After all, time was of the essence.    


"In addition, send out secret guards to take over the external defense. Have them seal every passage for me and use short range missiles to guard them. The moment they discover an enemy, do not hesitate to launch missile attacks." Liu Yi gave another order. However, this was not the end. After pausing for a moment, he continued. All of you, lead your teams into the belly of the mountain and wait for the signal. The moment you receive it, open a path and kill everyone around us. "    


However, at this time, Liu Yi could no longer care about hiding anything. Furthermore, the secret guard had already been dispatched the last time Shen Lang rebelled. Those few higher-ups had also seen it.    


Everyone clenched their fists. They knew what these orders from their leader meant. They wanted to destroy the enemy in one go. If they could, they wouldn't mind destroying all of their enemies.    


This was a very hot-blooded matter. Ever since the Burning Heaven Mercenaries had become strong, large-scale battles like this had become very rare. And the higher-ups, they weren't people who had escaped from the battlefield.    


It had been a long time since they last experienced the hot-bloodedness on the battlefield. They thought that it would be impossible before they retired, but the heavens had given them a chance.    


Even though it was dangerous ahead, they didn't hesitate at all. This was a mercenary, a qualified to listen.    


However, the higher-ups all knew that the leader might not have made his arrangements yet, so they all shut their mouths and didn't say anything.    


Sure enough, Liu Yi's order didn't come to an end. Stopping for a moment, he looked at the screen head. This old man without any fighting strength wasn't suitable for him on the battlefield, but for him to settle in the rear, with his prestige, there shouldn't be any problems.    


"Shadow Head, stand at the back and give me all the power you can get from the intelligence system. I want to investigate all the enemies that are attacking us." Liu Yi said indifferently.    


It had been a long time since the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group started a massacre, its might seemed to have been forgotten. It was time to unsheathe this treasured blade and restore its might.    








Now, everyone knew that their leader had finished his arrangements and could finally go down.    


Everyone left to arrange everything as planned. With Shadow Head here, Liu Yi didn't need to personally come out and hand everything over to him. He only needed to quietly wait.    


Honestly speaking, from Liu Yi's arrangement, it could be seen that he was determined to win, otherwise he would never dare to copy to the enemy and launch a two-sided pincer attack.    


In reality, Liu Yi was determined to win. Otherwise, he would never dare to make such arrangements.    


Leaving the conference room, Liu Yi came to the platform on the mountain outside. The lights were on and everyone was busy. The atmosphere of the war was thick. He couldn't help but sigh.    


Ever since the establishment of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, it was not that no one had attacked the encampment, on the contrary, it was that there were several times when the place had just risen to prominence. In the later stages of the game, the position of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was extraordinary, and no one had ever dared to attack the encampment again.    


Now, someone was finally attacking the base with his eyes closed. That was simply courting death!    


However, in this kind of situation, one mistake was bad, and it was possible that the entire Burning Heaven Mercenary Group would be massacred. In this kind of situation, the members of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group would probably be nervous, but Liu Yi didn't feel nervous at all.    


Yes, excited, they were excited, letting Liu Yi see the true nature of mercenaries.    




Those who were able to join the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group were no ordinary people. After all, the initial examination was very strict, and they had to pass the physical examination. After that, after a long period of devil training, they would become strong no matter how weak they were.    


Don't doubt that once you join the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, your treatment will be very good. At the same time, he doesn't have the authority to say anything else, and after entering, he can only obey orders.    


Of course, once you have passed through the initial training period, then no one will care about you anymore. Only then, your life will not be guaranteed, you will receive the task, if you are still at the initial level, if you are lucky, you will be fine, if you are unlucky, then you are dead.    


Therefore, for their own lives, almost everyone was desperately training. They wanted to increase their own strength in order to deal with the cruel battlefield.    


And when a person stayed on the battlefield for a long time, their mentality would change as time passed. They would fall in love with war, yes, they would fall in love with it, without any hate because they were mercenaries. Other than war, they had no other choice.    


However, if a mercenary wanted to earn the money they needed for the rest of his life, then he would have to like war. Only by showing off his abilities and completing his mission and surviving, would he be able to get rich.    


It could be said that war was wealth. If you hated war, then you would not have wealth. You would not have anything for the rest of your life.    


Today, the Burning Heaven Mercenaries had encountered a crisis. Almost all of the members knew that once the Burning Heaven Mercenaries were destroyed, they would either die or escape.    



If they escaped, then there would be no guarantees for the rest of their lives. Of course, they could also join other mercenary groups, but were the other mercenary groups as good as the Burning Heaven Mercenaries?    


The answer was yes, there was nothing more comfortable in this world than staying in the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group.    


Combining all sorts of factors, almost all of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's members were thinking of fighting strong enemies. It would be best if they could kill all the enemies, and then take their mercenary group. When the time came, they would definitely have a lot of wealth.    


With their leader's generosity, if they won, they would definitely receive a generous reward from the mercenary groups that had been annihilated. The wealth they received would definitely be rich.    


Not all mercenary groups were like the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. After all, Liu Yi had spent too much money to cultivate his secret guards. If he saved that amount of money, then the Burning Heaven Mercenaries would most likely still be rich.    


It was clear that the other mercenary groups weren't like the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. They didn't train a secret group, and the money they earned was enough to maintain their expenses. They definitely had a lot of wealth.    


A windfall!    


It wasn't as if the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had never done this before!    


Liu Yi knew what the people below were thinking, but he didn't care. The atmosphere seemed very relaxed, but Liu Yi couldn't relax. Because he didn't know the details of the enemy's strength, he still didn't dare to be careless.    


The secret guards dispatched their copper, silver, and remaining ten golden guards. The three level secret guards took over a few tunnels, allowing the ordinary mercenary groups to set up short range missile emitters. Once they discovered an enemy, they would mercilessly kill them.    


As for the newly formed elite group, which was also the reserve force of the secret guard, they were arranged to go around the base by the shadow guard, through the tunnel to the back of the enemy, and were ready at all times.    


Other than Liu Yi, they were the strongest. Naturally, they stood together with Liu Yi and planned to fight him with troops.    


The order came quickly, and in less than half an hour, all the members were ready. Even the elite group had already entered the tunnel and were heading towards the rear of the enemy line.    


Liu Yi scanned the area with his Spiritual Sense and found that the setup had been completed. The next thing he needed to do was to wait for the enemy to arrive.    


"I hope you won't disappoint me." Liu Yi mumbled.    


After making so much preparations, Liu Yi did not wish for the Ancient Martial Alliance to come. If they did, all their preparations would have been in vain.    


However, how could the Ancient Martial Alliance let Liu Yi down? Just like they had guessed, half an hour after midnight, fourteen powerful auras approached the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's encampment. Needless to say, those were the members of the Ancient Martial Alliance.    


"Hmph …"    


"Humph!" Liu Yi snorted coldly. His entire face turned gloomy. "They actually sent out two late stage Emperor Stage martial artists, two middle stage Emperor Stage martial artists, three early stage Emperor Stage martial artists, and ten peak Heaven Stage martial artists!"    


This was the power that the Ancient Martial Alliance had sent. Judging from the arrangement, it was undoubtedly a very powerful lineup. There was no problem at all in destroying a large force.    


This was also the reason why the group of seventeen was so arrogant. Not concealing their strength, which resulted in Liu Yi easily finding out all of their strength.    


"Hmm?" Liu Yi frowned and muttered as a faint smile appeared on his face. "Not bad, he's very smart. He knows how to split the troops."    


Logically speaking, that place could be considered a passageway. However, if you didn't enter through the proper passage, then you should be prepared to become a hornet's nest. Uh, no, more accurately speaking, you should be blasted to the point where not even dregs would remain, even if you were a late Emperor Stage powerhouse.    


The encampment was built around a mountain, so it was not safe at all. However, how could Liu Yi be part of the mission? Since he knew it wasn't safe, how could he not put up any defenses?    


Therefore, other than a few proper tunnels, all the other places were equipped with heavy firepower, such as the Ground Thunder Formation, missile defenses, and even the crossbows and crossbows of cold weapons. However, the crossbows were not easy to deal with as they were highly toxic.    


With this kind of defense, there was no need for Liu Yi to defend against the others. He only needed to defend a few of the tunnels that were just as they were.    


"The enemy is coming. Prepare to attack."    


This time, Liu Yi did not use his mouth to speak. Instead, he used his zhenqi to condense a sound line, transmitting it into the secret guard's ears at the entrance of the passage.    


Actually, there was no need for Liu Yi to remind them. The secret guards guarding the entrance had already discovered this long ago. Who told the Ancient Martial Alliance members to be so arrogant as to not restrain their auras?    


Missile... Be ready for battle!    


Block Rifle... Three points and one line, aim at the enemy's forehead!    


Rocket Launcher... Aim, ready to fire at any time!    


Without any suspense, this was once again the scene of an ancient martial arts practitioner using VS firearms.    


After all, this time, the Ancient Martial Alliance had sent two late stage Emperor Stage cultivators. There was no suspense when they dodged the missile attack, and there was no suspense when they charged into the interior of the base.    


However, would Liu Yi let them enter the base?    




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