Lonely Soldier King

C118 Crazy Morning

C118 Crazy Morning

0In less than an hour, the chips piled up in front of Liu Yi. After careful calculation, it was exactly the same as before, 1 billion chips. Of course, this was also the reason why Liu Yi gave some of his chips to the waiter, otherwise, how could it be an integer.    


After walking around the three gambling tables, the chips in his hands amounted to three billion eight hundred and eighty thousand. Hmm, including the million yuan, it was only a million yuan, but in comparison, it was nothing more than a drop in the ocean. It was negligible, and he didn't need to care about it.    


However, when Liu Yi looked at the table where Liu Hong was, he could not help but have a headache. It was clear that Liu Hong had met with the same situation as him and was surrounded. Adding to that, Liu Yi had only given him the task of a gambling table, so Liu Hong had been sitting at that table the entire time.    


Liu Hong's bet was on the Russian roulette, which was extremely exaggerated. The odds of winning were rather low, but the odds of winning were frightening.    


To paraphrase Liu Yi: "What I want is for him to give a scary payout!"    


With Liu Hong's ability, although he wasn't very powerful, he could handle a Russian wheel easily. He could control the speed of the wheel and the position of the ball as he wished. He could win with anything he wished.    


Seeing the surrounding gamblers watching them, it was almost impossible to get in. Helpless, Liu Yi could only use a voice transmission to call Liu Hong. Then, the two of them arrived at the exit and swapped their chips for a cheque before leaving.    


While counting the chips, Liu Yi discovered that Liu Hong's record wasn't weak, winning more than 1 billion in the morning. Although Liu Hong couldn't compare to him, he played Russian roulette games with high odds, which meant that his bet was low, winning 1 billion was already a very high score.    


The two brothers had crazily stolen nearly five billion yuan from the casino that morning. It was quite scary to hear about it, and it even made people wonder if the casino at the MGM hotel could write a cheque of nearly five billion yuan.    


The answer was: Yes!    


Was it because the backstage owner of the MGM hotel was Kirk? Cochrane's reason, after knowing that Liu Yi and his brother had gone into the casino and won so much money, coupled with the reminder from Cessex, he already knew what was going to happen next.    


So, Kirk? Cochran was in a hurry to raise large amounts of money, in case he was unable to redeem himself when the time came to redeem the money.    


Well, if he was prepared, wouldn't this move make Kirk feel better? The two brothers crazily took five billion in one morning.    


But this against Kirk? Cochran has no influence. On the contrary, Kirk? Corklian would also benefit, and it would be two.    


One, Liu Yi and Liu Hong both won money at a private gambling table. They belonged to several families of the Boston Consortium. To put it bluntly, Liu Yi won more money than Ke Ke? Corkoran's, but the families of the Porth Consortium. Cork? Cochrane could also draw a few commissions from it. With five billion, he would probably earn tens of millions.    


Secondly, there was reputation. If he were to ask about it, he would be able to pass the news to someone who wanted to do it. He could easily exchange the money for free. It was a good price to pay for giving a free promotion to the MGM hotel.    


Liu Yi flicked the cheque with his finger and a smile appeared on his face that was covered by the mask. However, it was only a smile, and did not reach the state of excitement. The next moment, Liu Yi passed the cheque to Liu Hong without thinking anything of it, allowing him to keep it.    


Liu Hong didn't say anything about his brother's actions. Without even looking at it, he kept the cheque in his pocket and followed behind Liu Yi as they walked towards the exit.    


It wasn't that Liu Hong didn't want to look at the cheque, but it was actually Liu Hong's first time seeing such a large sum of money. Thus, it was normal for him to look at it out of curiosity.    


Excessive use of true energy and spiritual consciousness, coupled with Liu Hong's strength being only at the late-stage Profound Rank, was still very limited. It couldn't be compared to Liu Yi, a monster at the late-stage Heaven Stage.    


"Brother, I want to go back and rest." Liu Hong said softly.    


"Go on, I'll get someone to prepare some food and send it up later." Liu Yi also knew of Liu Hong's situation and nodded his head.    


"Yes." Liu Hong responded and then stopped talking.    


However, very quickly, the two of them stepped out of the door. Liu Hong, who was exhausted, had no choice but to keep his guard up.    


There was no helping it, there was someone guarding the door. From his body, Liu Hong sensed danger and instinctively reacted with caution.    


"Don't be nervous, we know each other." Liu Yi patted Liu Hong's shoulder and said.    


Since his brother had already spoken, Liu Hong relaxed. He glanced at the man, then left by himself. He got into the elevator and went back to his room to rest.    


"When Liu Hong left, Liu Yi asked after glancing at the person who came over." "Is that old man Cessex here?    


"Yes sir, the boss arrived in Las Vegas in the early hours of the morning." "That was a very cold reply, and it was followed by that stiff reply." The boss wants me to invite you over! "    


"Lead the way." Liu Yi did not refuse and lightly said.    


The person who came was none other than the bodyguard at the side of Cessex, the closest and most trusted one of the kind. Liu Yi had no reason to suspect anything.    


Following the lead of the Cessex bodyguard, they finally arrived at the restaurant's luxurious private dining room. When they arrived, there were already two people waiting inside. Cochrane and Cessex.    


Kirk? Cochran wasn't familiar with them, but he was familiar with them. As for Cessex, he was very familiar with them. They had been together for quite some time, and although they didn't know each other completely, they were still not far from each other.    


"I really doubt if your bones are broken from all that you've done." Liu Yi had a little joke with Cessex.    


Cesss was not young at all. He was almost a hundred years old, but he was still full of energy. This was probably the reason he was able to maintain his composure. Otherwise, how could he fly around in the sky?    


However, this was what Kirk had said. The sound of thunder rang out in Corklian's ears, because from what he remembered, Fen Tian had always been cold. He didn't expect to joke around with someone right now. It was beyond his imagination.    


Just Kirk? "What Corcoran didn't expect was that even the normally dignified Cessex would joke." I heard that you have been hunted down by people all over the world recently, so I came here to save you a second time. "    


"Fuck!" Liu Yi did not hesitate to give the Cessex a middle finger, making an international gesture.    


"Sit, I heard you and your brother crazily took nearly 5 billion in the entire morning, so you have to treat." Cessex acted like I was poor.    


"…" Liu Yi was speechless. Knowing that it was on purpose, he could only change the topic. " Say it, you can't possibly come here to see me for no reason at all. "    


The main topic had finally arrived.    




Liu Yi knew Cessex too well. If he didn't have something important to do, he wouldn't have come all the way to Las Vegas to meet them. Now that he was here, it meant that he had something important to do.    


"There is indeed something I need your help with." "Cessex did not hesitate to speak out." You should know the origins of our Mafia. Yes, a long time ago, the Mafia in M was split from the Mafia in Y, and we started over the years, just like the Mafia today. "    


"There was a pause, and then Cessex went straight to the point." "Right now, the headquarter of the Mafia in Y Nation seems to have the intention of reaching out to America, while our Mafia in M Nation is currently in America. Their first target is us, wanting to capture us as their base, and then slowly infiltrate us again."    


On the surface, this world seemed very calm, but behind that calm was a surging undercurrent. For example, the dark forces, they were playing a good game of battle every single moment, competing with each other for their territory, fighting with each other, hoping to destroy each other.    


Just like the Mafia of the Y-Nation, they had been dominating Europe for a long time, and they were an established force. Although there were hostile forces in Europe, none of them could threaten them.    


After so many years of development, the Mafia, led by the Mafia HQ of the Y-Nation, no longer had much scruples about extending its reach elsewhere, and the Republic of M, which was located in the Americas, was a country rich in benefits. Thus, the Mafia HQ of the Y-Nation was tempted.    


"And you do not agree to be put in a cage?" Liu Yi asked.    


Liu Yi naturally knew about the background of the Mafia of M Nation. At the same time, he also knew something deeper, such as the power behind the Mafia.    


The Mafia is a good name, but if we have to talk about it, we should call it the Dark Council, because the Mafia is a branch of the Dark Council, a stronghold that allows them to live in a sunny world.    



The Mafia in M Nation was founded by a family of vampires under the Dark Council, including all Mafia headquarters or branches in Europe, and was controlled by a family of vampires.    


The Vampires were most famous for their thirteen families, which were divided into four factions, one of which was the Hidden Alliance (Camarilla, the "Camarilla"): the Brujah, the Gangrel-Gangrel-Morkavian, the Nosferatu, the Toreador, the Tremere, the Venturen!    


It was not difficult to tell from their alliance that this was an alliance that they liked to hide. Among the seven families, they all chose to hide their identities from the world.    


The other was called the Sabbat, the Magic Party, or "Sabbat": Lasombra, Tzimisce.    


There were only two clans in this alliance, and it wasn't hard to tell from the name of their alliance that both clans possessed demonic natures. They loved to kill, and they were bloodthirsty and cruel. At the same time, the bloodthirsty killing that these two families had always thought of also indirectly affected the vampire's impression of the common people, thinking that vampire was the representation of blood.    


The third faction was simpler, a neutral faction, made up of four families: Assamite, Setites, Giovanni, Ravnos!    


The so-called neutral faction was very simple. They travelled between two powers and their style was similar to that of the two powers. They did not reject killing nor did they reject peace. In any case, they were a very strange alliance.    


At the end of the day, there was a fourth faction. This faction was very unique and was known as the Apocalypse Clan. The clan only had one: the Cappadocians!    


Speaking of the Cappadocians, it was impossible not to mention the events of a thousand years ago. In the history of the Strigoi, the Cappadocians had always been known as the 'race of the dead'. They were the most respected of the Strigoi. Their members were noble and cruel, arrogant. In fact, other Strigoi often avoided contact with them because of Carpathia's dark interests. Despite the fearsome nature of the Cappadocia family, it also earned them a lot of respect. In vampire society, the Carpathians act as advisors or princes. Because most of them are pure-blooded or aristocratic. They think they are the ultimate member of the Strigoi. Their insight and wisdom are widely admired, and their lack of interest in mundane power makes them trusted. Recently, the Cappadocia family had taken in a group of necromancers for research purposes. Although they were known as the Annihilation Family, this was only a title because they would bring about the doom of destruction to other life forms. As a result, the Cappadocia did not perish.    


Four factions, thirteen clans!    


This was the basic situation of the vampire family, but they had been in the family for many years, so they couldn't stay the same for a long time. After countless years, some families had already changed, and this change affected the entire vampire family.    


A few decades ago, the vampire family started an internal conflict, and it was extremely intense. In the end, they were on the verge of losing control, and a few families were almost wiped out.    


Ravnos was one of them. During the turmoil, their family was almost exterminated, and when the peace and quiet was over, the family's elders could no longer bear it and moved their family to M Country, where they took root.    


Unlike ordinary humans, they couldn't appear in public in front of the world. Thus, they followed the same pattern as before in Europe and founded the Mafia. With the Mafia as their base, they could not only conceal their identity, but also provide help to those who lived in the bright world.    


As the clan that was tired of fighting many years ago, at this moment, their headquarters actually thought of them and wanted to recruit them. Thus, how could they be willing to give up?    


The Lefonos were very powerful, and behind them was a prince. This was a symbol of the highest power of the vampires. If they wanted to surpass the prince, they would probably only be able to reach the legendary emperors.    


However, in the history of the vampires, only their ancestor, Cain, had reached the Emperor level. The other vampires could only break through to the Prince at most.    


A prince was very historical, and even Liu Yi could only lose against him in terms of strength. However, a prince was still a prince, he was not omnipotent. When he faced the combined attack of more than ten princes, he would only end up dying.    


If it wasn't absolutely necessary, no one would want to take action. In addition, right now, only forces on the surface were involved. Hmm, it could be considered as a fight between the Mafia, which meant that the power of the vampires couldn't get involved.    


How could a small Mafia from M Nation be a match for the European Mafia? It was an alliance of headquarters with several Mafia in their hands. If they were to put in a bit of effort, the Mafia from M Nation would probably disappear into the river of history.    


Therefore, they went to find Liu Yi, namely Fen Tian, this mysterious and powerful guy.    


However, what kind of person was Liu Yi? Since they were fighting, would he participate?    




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