Lonely Soldier King

C114 I'm Here to Gamble

C114 I'm Here to Gamble

0If so, Kirk? However, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he had checked into his own hotel, and if he didn't show up, people would say that he had no manners.    


In normal times, being impolite and lacking manners didn't seem like much of a big deal, but in the social traps, it was different. Perhaps this kind of impolite and impolite behavior could be used as a good excuse to attack you.    


Just in case, Kirk? Cochran decided that it would be better to show his face. Even if he was a little scared, he still had to face it. He could only grit his teeth and force himself to push himself up, and if possible, inquire about Burning Heaven's intentions.    


It seemed that Las Vegas was very calm, but behind that calm was a surging undercurrent. Those who appeared to be extremely respectful to him, perhaps tomorrow, they would turn into an enemy that would attack you.    


A small detail that could determine life and death was absolutely correct. So, Kirk? Cochran had to be careful.    


As the night deepened, it was quiet in the presidential suite on the top floor of the MGM Hotel. There were 10 presidential suites here, and although there were usually guests living there, tonight was different. There were only 7 guests.    


To be honest, the general manager of the MGM Hotel was sweating cold sweat all the time. Despite trying his best to remain calm, his body was trembling uncontrollably. There was no other reason but that the people living in the presidential suite were too notorious.    


The general manager of the MGM hotel even smelled a pungent smell from the other six people. He knew that they had been in this city for a long time, and when he thought about the news he had received a few days ago, he understood.    


If he could, he would definitely flee far away. But there was no other way, his boss, Kirk? Cochrane told him to keep watch and serve as well as he could, so he had to brace himself.    


Fortunately, the general manager of the MGM Hotel did not suffer for too long. He was fully relaxed.    


The boss had arrived, his biggest backstage had come. Although he knew that the boss was not going to take care of anything when he came, he still managed to find someone with a higher status than him. It was said that there would be a tall man supporting the boss when the sky collapsed, and now that the boss was here, if anything happened, the boss would be the one to handle it, it was none of his business.    


"Are there any movements?" Kirk? Cochran asked when he saw the general manager of the MGM Hotel.    


"No, boss." The general manager of the MGM Hotel gave a solemn grunt of assent. "Cochran chided him, adding in a broken sentence." Boss... I've emptied this floor, and only the seven of them are staying here, leaving three suites open. "    


The MGM Hotel was a top-notch hotel. The daily expenses were calculated in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, especially the presidential suite. If the guests had eaten more, the daily expenses would have exceeded several hundred thousand.    


Now, however, he had emptied the room and left seven rooms for the guests. That would be worth over a million now. If he was a stingy boss, maybe he would beat him up to his heart's content, and then scold him again: Wasteland.    


But obviously, Kirk? "Cochran isn't a stingy boss. Not only did he not blame the general manager, he even kindly patted his shoulder and said." Well done! "    


"…" The general manager of the MGM Hotel breathed a sigh of relief and said nothing. Behind Cochran.    


Money to Kirk? For Cochran, it was just a number. Although he needed money to invest, he could slowly earn it. If he pissed that guy off, that would be his life.    


Compared to his life, money was much more important.    


From the general manager of the MGM Hotel knocking on the door to the inside of the room, there was a response. Only then did Cochran open the door and enter the room. He had a humble expression on his face as he glanced at the door, and then lowered his head to show his respect.    


"King of bets Kirk? "Corklian?" Liu Yi's voice did not change at all, it was still as calm as before.    


In Kirk? Just as Cochrane arrived on this floor, Liu Yi happened and recognized him.    


"I dare not …" "I don't dare …" Kirk? "Cochran shook his head." The esteemed Lord Fen Tian only needs to call out my name, and the King of Gamble only needs to cause a ruckus outside to reach my head. "    


The title of Gambling King could be considered a noble title. Cochran's performance had a fixed name, but when faced with Liu Yi, this title really didn't count for much. Now that he said it, it really did seem a bit ostentatious.    


"Haha …"    


Liu Yi chuckled. He knows Kirk? "What's the meaning of this?" Cochran asked, not wanting to continue. Is that old Cessex all right? "    


As for the name Cessex, there was no one in the upper echelons of M Country who didn't recognize it. He was the leader of M Nation's Mafia, and although he was in a semi-retired state, he was still a godfather.    


"Oh …"    


Kirk? Cochran was not able to react. But soon he was relieved as he smiled and said. The Party leader is doing fine. "    


Knowing the leader of their Mafia meant that they were on the same side, so what about Kirk? At least right now, the vicious god wouldn't suddenly attack and kill him.    


Of course, there was also the possibility that there was a grudge between the culprit and the leader of the Mafia. However, that possibility was very low because, given the culprit's character, he had already made a move and was too lazy to mention it.    


"Go back and bring me back, just say that I want to greet him." Liu Yi's tone was much gentler as he lightly said.    


Speaking of the Cessex, we have to talk about what happened a few years ago. A few years ago, Liu Yi came to the M country to carry out a mission. He met with a troublesome enemy and after a tough battle, he was able to kill him.    


Escaping all the way, finally being saved by the Cessex, all the way until his injuries healed, Liu Yi twisted his knife to counterattack, exterminating everyone chasing him, then returning to Africa.    


Speaking of which, Liu Yi owed a huge favor to Cessex. Although it wasn't necessarily a favor to save a life, it wasn't too far off, but Cessex hadn't mentioned it in all these years, let alone getting Liu Yi to repay the favor. Since the two of them were of the same generation, they could be considered a good pair of friends.    


"Definitely!" Kirk? "Yes!" Cochran replied immediately.    


Liu Yi waved his hand, as if to Kirk. "Cochran was very unsatisfied with his constrained look, but he didn't say anything and changed the subject again." I suppose you came to ask me what I was doing in Las Vegas... You don't need to ask, I'm here for none of your business … "Un, let's put it simply. I came here to gamble."    


"Gambling?" Kirk? Cochran was puzzled.    




Kirk? Cochran's brain rumbled. What? How ridiculous it was to come to Las Vegas to gamble, but thinking about it, Las Vegas seemed to be a world-famous gambling city. What was the point of coming here if not to gamble?    


However, was he really here to gamble?    


Kirk? Cochran was sure that Fen Tian would not come here for such a simple reason. Even if he came here to gamble, he probably had other motives. But Kirk? Cochran did not ask. He dared not ask.    


"Have a good life!" Kirk? "I really don't know what to say anymore, so I can only say something that doesn't make sense. But after a moment, I realized something was wrong, so I quickly added." I'll leave the manager of the hotel on the top floor. If you need anything, you can tell him to do it. "    


"There's no need, just withdraw them. If I need them, I'll call the service desk." Liu Yi firmly refused.    


Even Kirk? If Cochran didn't bring it up, Liu Yi would also let him take the hotel's general manager away, because there was no need for a general manager to guard this place, not to mention that Liu Yi liked peace and quiet, so it was best to not leave anyone behind on the top floor.    


Kirk? "Cochran moved his lips as if he wanted to say something, but the words went back into his mouth and he nodded in agreement." "Then, if you can rest, I'll take my leave."    






Kirk? When he left the top floor, he did not hesitate to make a phone call to Cessex, first to convey Liu Yi's greetings, then to tell him about the Las Vegas bet, and then to ask Cessex to help him analyze it.    


"Kirk?" "Cochran, don't worry about it. Since Burning Heaven has said he wants to gamble, then he's here to gamble. It has nothing to do with you anyways." The status of the Cessex was better than Kirk's? "Cochran was tall, and it was perfectly normal to call him by his first name, but there was good anger in his words." Just do your own things. "    


In fact, there was one thing that hadn't been said by the Cessex, and that was that the matter of the Burning Heaven was something you could ask about. Just Kirk? After all, Cochrane's position in Las Vegas was not low. Most of the business here was done by him, which indirectly increased his position in the Mafia.    



Facing such a person, even as the leader of the mafia, he would not say tough words when it was not necessary.    


Really, being taught a lesson by a leader like Cessex, Kirk? Cochran was much more sober than he had been before, and if you think about it, that seemed to be the case. He had no right to ask about the Burning Sky.    


"I'm sorry, Party Leader! I was wrong! " Kirk? Cochran voluntarily admitted his mistakes.    


"Yes." To Kirk? "Cochran took the initiative to admit his fault. Cessex was still very satisfied, so his tone was much gentler." I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow. "    


Kirk? Cochran froze on the spot, his mind in a daze once again. He had no idea what was going on today, and why everyone was acting so strangely. After a long time, Kirk? Cochran scratched his head, suppressed his confusion, and left the elevator for his office.    


Kirk? When Cochran returned to his office, he made a few phone calls, and then all the bosses in Las Vegas knew that Fen Tian had come here to gamble, and they were all relieved.    


However, they only let out a sigh of relief. They didn't dare to completely relax. Who knew if Fen Tian had other motives other than gambling. For example, killing someone …    




Liu Yi did not care about what was happening outside. He was sitting in the presidential suite, relaxed. When he had nothing else to do, he switched on his computer and went online to check the news.    


But very soon, when it was close to midnight, Liu Yi put down what he was doing and opened up the chat room to get to know the situation in Africa. Afterwards, he even picked up a document from Shadow Hair.    


There was no need to look at the documents to know that it was related to the details of several families in the Boston consortium. In particular, their distribution in Las Vegas was also listed in detail.    


Knowing what was going on inside, Liu Yi didn't need to rush to see. On the contrary, it was the movie head who gave him a piece of information that made Liu Yi's heart sink.    


"Leader, there have been several newly formed mercenary groups in Africa. Their strength is unknown, but one thing is certain, they are not weak." "The head of the film started speaking in a very serious tone." There were also dozens of experts in Africa. They were all ancient martial arts cultivators … "After observation, the appearance of these people is related to the newly established mercenary groups."    


Mercenary company? Ancient martial arts cultivators?    


Liu Yi caught sight of two key words, and the fact that there was a relationship between them at the end made Liu Yi's brows furrow as he muttered in his heart. Is the war starting to move to Africa? "    


Whether it was Asia, Europe or America, every single place had powerful existences. This place could not become a battlefield, because according to the agreement, the other powers were not allowed to set foot here.    


Africa was different. There were many powers here, but none were decent. In addition to the vast terrain, it seemed like the best battlefield for all the forces.    


"Let's see if those mercenary groups are really related to the ancient martial artists." Even though Liu Yi's mind was filled with countless thoughts, he still calmly instructed.    


Confirmation of this information was very important. If there really was a relationship between the two, then Liu Yi was sure that the war had truly shifted to Africa. At the same time, he was also sure that they were coming for him.    


Presumably, the people of the Ancient Martial Alliance had already realized that hot weapons were not trash. When facing high-level warriors, all they needed to do was maintain a continuous stream of attacks and they could still kill high-level warriors. On the other hand, the number of mercenaries in the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group amounted to more than ten thousand people. This group of mercenaries was absolutely tyrannical, and it would not be easy for them to kill Liu Yi.    


Therefore, they had also formed a mercenary group to fight against each other. That way, they would be able to easily kill Liu Yi with the help of their many high-level martial artists.    


Furthermore, after a few collisions, the Ancient Martial Alliance should have realized the importance of combat experience. Setting up a mercenary group in Africa and bringing the younger generations of the families here would allow them to undergo a baptism of blood and slaughter. While increasing their strength, it would also increase their combat strength.    


In other words, if the Ancient Martial Alliance came to Africa to set up a mercenary group, it would be extremely profitable.    


Of course, there was also the possibility that the arrogant Ancient Martial Alliance didn't want to do such a thing. They didn't have any connections with the newly established mercenary groups, and the reason why the people from the Ancient Martial Alliance were here in Africa was just to kill Liu Yi.    


But was that possible? In order to kill Liu Yi, would he really do so much?    




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