Lonely Soldier King

C94 Insert a Foot

C94 Insert a Foot

0All the members knew that their former leader, uh, no, the current leader was going to form an elite group, and that was the sharpest existence in the entire Burning Heaven Mercenary Group. As a result, many members who had yet to reach the age of thirty all jumped in.    


Originally, Liu Yi's purpose of creating this elite group was to form the Iron Guard, so he could be considered a reserve team for the Secret Guards. But now, he did not know, but this action revealed many good seedlings.    


What was the most important thing in this world? People were the most important!    


And in the world of mercenaries, what was the most important thing was that both of them were talented people.    


In the end, helpless, Liu Yi could only divide the elite group into two groups, the elite group and the Iron Guard. In the end, helpless, Liu Yi could only divide the elite group and the Iron Guard.    


Yes, the elite group was still the reserve team of the secret guards, but the current nature of the security guards had changed. The elite group was still the reserve team of the secret guards, but the current nature of the security guards had changed.    


Those who were able to enter the secret guard were all loyal people. Although Liu Yi did not doubt that there were no disloyal people after cleaning up the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, but the secret guard was extremely important, so Liu Yi had to be careful.    


Thus, Liu Yi gave the order, the elite group began high-intensity training after it was formed, and from there they would draw out people to enter the investigation period. Once the inspection was passed, he would then join the secret guard, and at that time, the Iron Guard would be established.    


At the same time, Liu Yi also used his power to seek for personal gain. He sent Liu Hong, who had already adjusted his mentality, to the elite group to let him receive training.    


Liu Hong had suddenly become a close relative. However, in the elite group, no one could blame him because he was the leader's younger brother. They, who blindly worshipped the leader, would never rebel against their leader's will.    


More importantly, the members of the elite group secretly felt sorry for Liu Hong, thinking that their leader was too cruel. This was because the training intensity of the elite group was unimaginable.    


Just look at Liu Hong, after a short period of training, his strength is only at most the level of a normal commando. To participate in such a high-intensity training, he is simply suffering and being abused.    


It was a pity that Liu Hong did not have such an opportunity. When Liu Yi sent Liu Hong into the elite group, he personally greeted the main training officer. There was no need to worry about it.    


Realizing his own weakness, Liu Yi, after a night of adjustment, proposed to Liu Yi, his older brother, that he increase his strength. Liu Yi also agreed to his request and warned him that only by continuously surpassing his limits could he quickly increase his strength.    


Since Liu Hong had joined the elite group training, Liu Yi had no time to care about it. He believed that the leader of the elite group training would not give Liu Hong any face.    




This church was very strong, and they had many followers. However, most of their followers were just ordinary people, and were simply unable to fight against the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group. This was because the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was already hidden, and could not easily be exposed.    


It is impossible to disappear, but it is not a problem to hurt Islam.    


"In the end, the information regarding Islam came in piece by piece, and after some analysis, they finally came to a conclusion and set a target. It is time to make a move." Chief, there's a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saying it's from the royal family of Saudi Arabia. The assistant dialed the number in Liu Yi's office and reported. " "Bring him in." Liu Yi lightly said into the phone.    


To be honest, Liu Yi did not want to reclaim the position of the leader, but he had no other choice. The Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had just experienced some turmoil, and at this time, he was the only one who could hold his ground.    


Once he ascends to the throne of the leader, he naturally has to work in the office. Hi... My dear friend, it is very good to be able to speak to you. "    


The person on the other end of the phone seems to be very hot, but Liu Yi is not surprised. He is very familiar with the owner of the voice. I hope this incident will not affect our relationship. "    


Liu Yi was straightforward enough to put the whole thing on the table.    


"It's not that Liu Yi is a straightforward person, it's that he wants to probe and test the attitude of the Saudi royal family. There is no doubt that this kind of bluntness is the best way to probe." I'm sorry, because I was not strict with my discipline, I almost caused your little brother's death. " The King of Saudi Arabia apologizes. " That is a thing of the past. " Liu Yi was also very polite, and afterwards he even expressed his gratitude to the young King of Saudi Arabia. " Looking back, I would like to thank your royal brother and you. Otherwise, this time, the entire Burning Heaven Mercenary Company would fall into the hands of someone else. "    


It's impossible for the Burning Heaven Mercenaries to hide this matter from everyone. As long as we pay a little attention, it's not hard to find out what's going on inside. Thus, when Liu Yi spoke the truth, he didn't hide anything. "Hmph …"    


The king of Saudi Arabia snorted. "Yeah, he's not targeting Liu Yi. No, his next words are a clear indication of everything." Those ambitious people are destined to be unable to achieve their dreams. "    


This time, it was not only against the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, but also against Liu Yi. It was also against the royal family of Saudi Arabia, attempting to eradicate him, raise Soato to the throne, and then control the entire royal family of Saudi Arabia.    


What's even more infuriating is that such a big thing has actually happened quietly, and he, the king of Saudi Arabia, did not notice at all. If it wasn't for Liu Yi, they might have been able to succeed, and that would have been a disaster to the entire Saudi royal family. " "Since you've done it, you must pay a price for it." Liu Yi said bluntly once again.    


This was very consistent with Liu Yi's character. He would take revenge for revenge, and repay the debt of gratitude. Liu Yi has been like this for a long time. " Yes, they have to pay the price for what they do. " The king of Saudi Arabia was also very rude and went straight to the point. " My friend, this incident involved our royal family, so I also want to take revenge on Islam, hmm... I hope you will give us a chance. "    


"Not yet, after a pause, the King of Saudi Arabia added." "In order to not disrupt your layout, I will hand over all of my manpower to you to organize. Do you think this will work?" Liu Yi did not directly answer and chose to remain silent.    




Liu Yi chose to remain silent. It wasn't that he disagreed with the king of Saudi Arabia's royal family, but that there were a lot of benefits involved and Liu Yi couldn't agree without thinking. At least before he figured out the plan, Liu Yi wouldn't agree so easily.    


But then again, this could be a simple revenge from the royal family of Saudi Arabia. After all, Islam is too excessive this time. If we don't show it to them, I'm afraid it will be even worse next time. " My friend, our royal family simply wants revenge. " The King of Saudi Arabia seems to know what Liu Yi was thinking and told him their intentions. However, he did not forget what they were thinking. " Of course, there are two small oil fields that are in the hands of Islam, and I hope to take this opportunity to get them back. "    


With so much effort and waste of manpower, who would believe it if there wasn't even the slightest bit of profit to take it? And taking back the ownership of the two small oil fields was a benefit, even if the ownership of the two fields originally belonged to the royal family of Saudi Arabia, taking back the things that belonged to them would still fit the style of the royal family.    


The Saudi royal family controlled most of the oil fields. They had a lot of power in the world, but they were, after all, the royal family of a small country. They might be able to control the entire world from top to bottom.    


Thus, along with power and wealth, there was trouble, the trouble of endless rest. The trouble was that Saudi Arabia's royal family had to be careful in everything they did. Even if it was just a revenge, they had to be careful.    


If they were able to reap too much benefits in the course of their revenge, they would be viewed with hostility, and if they had an excuse, trouble would follow. Then there would be Islam, and this sect had a great influence in the Middle East, so if they shared some of the benefits, it would be tantamount to attracting fire.    


It had to be known that the Burning Heaven Mercenaries were very powerful in Africa. Even if they hurt Islam, they could only hate it and not do anything to it. However, the royal family of Saudi Arabia was different.    


However, without sharing the benefits, it would be different. It would be a simple revenge. The other side would be reasonable. With the strength of their Saudi royal family, Islam could not do much.    


In this world, if it is not necessary, all forces will do their best to maintain their restraint. If it is not a human enemy, they will not engage in bloody battles and fight to the death. " "Alright, you just need to be ready. I'll let you know when the time comes." Liu Yi finally agreed.    


After making everything clear, Liu Yi had no reason to refuse. Because with your great help, you can guarantee the success rate and even inflict more heavy injuries.    


Liu Yi did not think about being lenient against Islam. If they want to fight, then we should hurt them. Now that we have the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Liu Yi has no reason to refuse. " "Then we have a deal."    




If he made an agreement with the royal family of Saudi Arabia, the following matter would be much simpler. He only needed to let the movie head assess the strength of the target and send out enough strength to annihilate the enemy.    


In that case, Liu Yi had called the movie head over to listen to the movie head's opinion. It would be fine if he just sent the team over after it was done.    


But before Liu Yi could summon the Head of the Shadow, the Head of the Shadow arrived first. It's just that he didn't come to deal with Islam. He came on some other matter." "Leader, we've discovered two suspicious figures in Luo City." "The Head of the Guards looked as if he had just passed the 100-meter sprint." "A suspicious person?" Liu Yi couldn't help but frown. " Yes, and very powerful. " The Head of the Shadows also became a lot more serious and continued speaking. " "From the look of their skin, they are Asians, and, uh, they are wearing strange, retro gowns." A gown? " Liu Yi frowned again and asked. "Yes." "Yes." Shadowhead nodded. Can you detect their strength? " Liu Yi asked again.    


"At this moment, Liu Yi is almost certain that the people coming are Chinese, because the gown is the best way to explain it, not to mention the word 'retro'. It's even more certain that the people coming are Chinese." "Very strong." The Shadow Head's answer is very simple. " "Alright, I understand." Liu Yi nodded and said. "Prepare the helicopter right away, I'll be there.    


Luocheng was a city, and although its location was not far from where the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was stationed, it was not the closest. It was likely that the two 'suspicious' people had appeared in Luocheng to conceal their identities.    


As everyone knew, in this region, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company was the sky, and it was something that was rarely hidden, especially from the city closest to the encampment, the city of Kuwait, which was controlled by the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group.    


If they were to appear in the city, then the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group would know in less than two seconds. Then, they would be discovered by Liu Yi. On the other hand, it was different in Luocheng; the encampment of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries was not the closest one.    


However, they were wrong, moreover ridiculously wrong. While the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group was in a state of turmoil, the surveillance outside hadn't relaxed for even a moment, and the area it covered had expanded countless times. Thus, when a stranger arrived, they would immediately know.    



The Chinese were wearing long robes that made them look like they had returned to the ancient times. They didn't need to think too much to know who they were.    


Ancient Martial Alliance!    


That's right, even though there was no evidence that the two of them were from the ancient martial arts alliance, Liu Yi was 99% sure that they were from the ancient martial arts alliance.    


If an Ancient Martial Alliance member dared to come to Africa, then the person who came must be very strong. It was possible that they were two mid-stage Emperor Stage old fellows.    


It doesn't mean that Liu Yi will be afraid. Don't forget, this is the world of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company, the dragon has come to trap me. The tiger has come to lie down for me, there is nothing to discuss. " "In addition, send me an additional team, all fully armed." Liu Yi revealed an evil smile. " "Also, don't forget to bring the rocket launchers."    


An ancient martial artist at the middle stage of the Emperor Stage was extremely powerful. Ordinary disciples had no effect on them, and only those high destructive weapons were effective. Bi Ru said that there were rocket launchers and even assault rifles.    


Every team had a sniper, and as for the rocket launchers, they would have to be equipped with other weapons. Now, Liu Yi had his men bring them along. Obviously, they were planning on using their hot weapons against the ancient martial arts cultivators.    


An ancient martial arts cultivator's VS weapon!    


Who won in the end?    




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