Lonely Soldier King

C44 Squared Vibration

C44 Squared Vibration

0The two mysterious people wanted to avenge the Li and Yi families and launched an investigation, but Liu Yi didn't know. Even if he did know, he probably wouldn't say anything.    


The extermination of the Li and Yi Families was caused by Liu Yi's own hands. It was true that the four great Heaven Rankers had attacked him, but it was also true that Liu Yi wanted to know the truth behind the Li Family's involvement in that year.    


Liu Yi clearly knew in his heart that when he returned home, he was tired of the slaughter and bloody life outside. However, what happened five years ago, he firmly remembered it in his heart and did not dare to forget it.    


Right now, the Li family was extinct, but the killer wasn't only the Li family. Although it was just his guess, Liu Yi knew very well that a single Li family wasn't enough to participate in all of the matters back then.    


Since the Li family was only one of the killers, then why didn't Liu Yi destroy the Li family and leave a living person to interrogate them? Wouldn't it be easier to find out the whole truth?    


The situation was much more complicated than he had imagined. Liu Yi was very clear on this point. Wanting to find out the truth from the Li family members was extremely difficult, almost impossible. Even so, Liu Yi didn't need to waste his breath.    


He might as well kill them all and investigate the truth himself.    


In that case, when Liu Yi returned to the villa, he did not stop for a moment and immediately contacted the Shadow Head, telling him to contact the members of the Shadow Information System hiding in China as soon as possible.    


After exterminating the Li Family and Yi Family, Liu Yi ordered the Shadow Intelligence to collect the two families' wealth. But who knew that Liu Yi's goal wasn't just this!    


Perhaps the Yi family was listed by Liu Yi as the target for their wealth, but the Li family was different. At the same time, Liu Yi wanted to collect the wealth and cultivation resources of his family.    


"Perhaps we can find clues about the past in some information letters!"    


Liu Yi secretly thought.    


To dig out something secret from a trail. Wasn't that what the police used to do? And the shadow intelligence system wasn't bad either. Oh, no, it was more accurate to say that the members of the shadow intelligence system were more knowledgeable than the police.    


However, if he wanted to learn something from it, it was not something that could be accomplished overnight. Liu Yi had to wait patiently.    


As the night gradually deepened, Liu Yi didn't think too much about it. He slaughtered more than a hundred people in one night. His body and mind were both exhausted. He crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep.    


But what Liu Yi didn't know was that while he was sleeping, the entire Yan Jing city, even China, was engulfed in a strange atmosphere.    


"The Yi Family, Li Family is exterminated!"    


This news quickly spread to every corner of the city. At the same time, there were many people who said this.    


The destruction of the two families was a big matter and perhaps no one noticed it at first, but it happened in Beijing. The destruction of the two families was a big matter and perhaps no one noticed it at first, but after all, it happened in Beijing.    


The Cheng Clan, Gong Clan, Yan Clan, and Shang Clan!    


The heads of the four top ancient martial arts families all came out of their beds in the middle of the night after receiving the report from their servants. They pondered for a long time before quickly notifying their family members to come for a discussion. They even entered the back mountain to report to their elders.    


If one cultivated ancient martial arts to its highest level, it could extend one's lifespan. Without a doubt, as a top family, their resources were far greater than the average person's. Hence, there were some old freaks within their family that were not enough.    


The Yi family and the Li family, two first-rate families, were already annihilated. In the eyes of the top families, they were nothing, but when the four Heaven Stage experts went out, they still couldn't help but link Liu Yi with them.    


Liu Yi did it!    


In this world, there was never a lack of talented people, who would put together a little bit of information to make a story.    


Right now, almost all the Patriarchs of the ancient martial arts and ancient families thought that Liu Yi was the one responsible for destroying the Li and Yi Family's families. In that case, the matter was extremely serious.    


The four Heaven Stage powerhouses did not kill Liu Yi! The Li and Yi Clans were exterminated!    


What did this mean?    


The answer was obvious. This meant that Liu Yi's strength was far stronger than they imagined. He wasn't an Earth Stage, he was at least a Heaven Stage, and he might even be an Emperor Stage!    


This kind of enemy, was something their ancient martial arts bloodline couldn't afford to provoke. Oh, no, it wasn't that they couldn't afford to provoke such an enemy, but rather that they didn't need to be enemies with such an enemy. Maintaining friendliness was the right path.    


As for the reason why the Patriarchs of the top four families were heading towards their back mountain? Without a doubt, it was to tell their ancestors about this matter and ask their ancestor to come up with an idea. More importantly, it was also to tell them that Liu Yi might be an expert, so their ancestor would have some information regarding this matter.    


Almost all of the ancestors of the clans were their last resort. Their strength was the strongest, so if Liu Yi were to attack, they would have to rely on their ancestors to block it.    


"It's impossible for that kid from the Liu family to be an Emperor Stage powerhouse!" From the initial silence to the last sound, the Cheng family's old ancestor paused for nearly ten minutes.    


The ancestor of the Cheng family could not be different. The current patriarch was the one who brought him the most shocking news, and he then rejected it because breaking through to the Emperor Stage was extremely difficult. You don't understand how difficult it is to break through to the Emperor Stage. With the current age of the Liu family's kid, no matter how talented he is, it would be impossible for him to break through to the Emperor Stage in such a short period of time. So, you can rest assured that he is at most a powerhouse at the peak of the Heaven Stage. "    


Hearing this, the Cheng family's patriarch heaved a sigh of relief and muttered to himself. It's good that he's not an Emperor Stage powerhouse, it's good that he isn't. "    


"Hmph …"    


"The ancestor of the Cheng family expressed his dissatisfaction with the low mutter of the head of the family." There are so many Emperor Stage powerhouses in this world, but the Emperor Stage isn't the mainstream, and the mainstream is the Earth Stage. And the Heaven Stage powerhouses are practically the backbone of ancient martial arts.    


Speaking of strength, the Cheng Family's Patriarch had expressed his dissatisfaction with what the Cheng Family's Patriarch had said, but wasn't he also expressing his dissatisfaction with the young generation of the family? Looking at the young generation of the family, the highest one was only at the peak of Earth Stage.    


Not to mention the difference in strength, the most important thing was that Liu Yi came from an ordinary family, but he had the strength of a Heaven Stage, and they were from the top families of the ancient martial arts, but the younger generation was actually so weak.    


And the reason for all this... At this moment, the ancestor of the Cheng family had automatically attributed his lack of effort to the head of the family.    


Sensing the old ancestor's displeasure, the leader of the Cheng family did not dare to make a sound. He kept his head down, feeling ashamed.    




To be honest, with the development of the times, it was no longer the chaotic era of the past. All of the ancient martial arts families had entered society, and the consequence of entering society was that the young members of the family became addicted to bad habits, which was why it had changed.    


Among the aristocratic families, almost everyone believed that they were superior, and that they could display the ways of a popinjay to their heart's content. Not many people were obsessed with martial arts and focused on cultivation.    


As a result, many clan ancestors were dissatisfied with the younger generation. Some of them even forced the younger generation into confinement to focus on their cultivation. The only reason they were unable to change was because their nature was hard to change.    


However, none of that was important. The important thing was that the extermination of the Yi and Li Families caused a huge sensation. The Cheng Family's Patriarch believed that the extermination of the two Families was caused by Liu Yi, while the other families believed the extermination of the two Families was also due to Liu Yi.    


What should he do?    


Unable to find a solution, all the families pointed their fingers at the Yi family. If it were not for the Yi family being exterminated, the families would probably go to the Yi family for an explanation.    


Don't doubt that provoking a powerful enemy like Liu Yi was something that the ancient martial arts bloodline didn't want to see. But now that they had provoked him, it would be a crime to the Yi family, because it was originally the Yi family's elder who had attacked Liu Yi.    


However, after all, the Yi family had been wiped out, so how were they going to deal with them?    


"Old Ancestor, are you still going to attack an ordinary bloodline family?" The Yan Clan Lord asked in a deep voice.    



The extermination of the Yi and Li Families by Liu Yi had greatly shocked the Yan Clan Master. However, the matter of him attacking an ordinary clan for the sake of his clan was still deeply engraved in his heart.    


Controlling the authority of the country meant that they could grasp more resources and power. Maybe power wasn't very useful, but power and resources were complementary, and power ranked first in terms of power. Only by gaining a huge amount of power could they get more resources.    


There was no helping it, ordinary aristocratic families had power. Although most of them did not cultivate, they knew the importance of cultivation resources to ancient martial arts. In order to restrict their development, ordinary aristocratic families chose to cut off their resources.    


This was also one of the important reasons why the two factions were so hostile. Therefore, the ancient martial arts faction always thought about taking power.    


The so-called dream was beautiful, but reality was cruel. Right now, Liu Yi's appearance had disturbed the plans of the ancient martial arts faction, causing all the other aristocratic clans to have some scruples. This was the only way to get the Yan Clan's clan head, Chi Ning.    


"…" The Yan Clan's Ancestor did not speak for a long time. After a long time, he let out a sigh and said tiredly. If they want to fight, then we'll fight. If they choose not to fight, then we won't fight, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. "    


"Yes sir!"    


It was the same for the other two great clans. The patriarch of each family would meet with the Old Ancestor and ask him to make the decision, but in the end, he did not receive any definite answer. In the end, the four patriarchs could only inform each other, intending to gather everyone for a discussion.    




Just like the ancient martial arts bloodline, tonight was also a sleepless night for the families of the ordinary families. The hall lights of the top four families lit up, and all the family elders sank into deep thought.    


"Little Pang, is there any news from the tyrant side?" Old Man Liu asked.    


Old Master Liu had originally gone to bed early, but was called out in the middle of the night by Pang Zhuang. He found out from Pang Zhuang that the Yi and Li families had been annihilated, and then ordered the tyrant army to investigate and find out who had done it.    


"…" Pang Zhuang didn't respond to Old Master Liu's question, but he quickly walked outside and began to talk with the people outside. After a long while, he returned to the hall. He had a cold expression on his face, but now he smiled, seemingly quite happy. Chief, news came from the tyrant side that the Li and Yi families have been destroyed, and it is possible that it was Xiao Yi who did it! "    


Liu Yi was someone who Pang Zhuang watched as he grew up. Although Liu Yi had left home for seven years, Liu Yi was the direct grandson of the Liu Family. With his current achievements, he could be considered a member of the Liu Family.    


Therefore, when Pang Zhuang learned that the destruction of the Li and Yi Families was related to Liu Yi, he revealed a happy expression!    


"Oh …" What? It's Xiao Yi? " Old Man Liu clearly didn't know how to react.    


"Pang Zhuang," Pang Zhuang let out a proud smile. However, he didn't express it in his heart, and instead said in his heart. This is the first time in so many years that the old chief has lost his composure like this. "    


However, even though he was thinking that in his heart, he did not show it on his face. His expression was solemn and somewhat ferocious, and he appeared to be extremely angry. "According to the information sent by the tyrant, Xiao Yi's villa was attacked last night and the people who went there were four Heaven Stage powerhouses. However, they were all taken care of by Xiao Yi and then the members of the tyrant organization went there to settle things."    


Hearing this, a cold light appeared in Old Man Liu's eyes as he stared at Pang Zhuang and asked this. "Why didn't you tell me during the day?"    


Pang Zhuang was intimidated by Old Master Liu's imposing manner. He secretly complained in his heart as he helplessly sighed before speaking. "Old Chief, I just found out. Hmm, I heard that Old Master Wei covered up the news and purposely did not let you know."    


"Hmm?" Old Man Liu couldn't help but frown, then let go and shook his head with a bitter smile, feeling a little helpless. "This Old Man Wei will not die, aiya …"    


Old Master Liu clearly knew why Wei Jin hid it from him; it was simply to relieve the pressure on him. After all, when he found out that the ancient martial arts bloodline was going to attack an ordinary family, he had already put all his energy into this. If he knew that Liu Yi had been attacked, with his personality, how could he not be furious?    


"Sigh …"    


Old Man Liu sighed lightly and returned to the main topic at hand. "Are you sure?"    


"It should be possible. According to the tyrant, many people from the Li and Yi families died from a dagger. The wound is very special. It is undoubtedly the diamond dagger in Xiao Yi's hand." "Pang Zhuang said affirmatively." Furthermore, when the members of the Tyrant Soldier Organization went over, they could feel the remnant Qi in the air. According to Old Master Wei's personal confirmation, it should be Xiaoyi's Zhen Qi. "    


"…" Old Master Liu fell silent and did not say another word. His entire person seemed to be deep in thought, and the expression on his face also changed along with it. Sometimes his brow creased, sometimes he used it, and it gave others a gloomy and uncertain feeling. "It seems like I've made some sort of decision after a long while." I think the old guys from the other families won't be able to sleep either. You should just call the elders from each family and have them come over to my place. Un, just say that I want to discuss this with them. "    


Old Master Liu was sure that the people from the Ancient Martial Arts Faction also guessed that Liu Yi was the culprit. If he continued to investigate, he would be able to confirm that it was Liu Yi who annihilated the Li Family and Yi Family.    


Since they were going to meet and discuss, then the ordinary faction would need to gather and discuss some countermeasures. Although it was late, Old Master Liu still decided to call for everyone, afraid that there might be a change in the situation.    


"Yes." Pang Zhuang accepted the order and left.    




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