Lonely Soldier King

C24 Integration into Life

C24 Integration into Life

0In the afternoon, Ge Shaodong and Liu Yi sat facing each other in a clubhouse. The table was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes, but neither of them had any intention of eating.    


"Brother Yi, you left for seven years. Many things have changed for many people." Ge Shaodong sighed with a blank look in his eyes. He felt as if he had returned to seven years ago, filled with nostalgia and nostalgia. For example, the two scumbags from the Lin Family, five years ago, his family stood on the wrong side of the line and finally lost their power. Now, it is his turn to become a second-rate family. "    


"Yes, many things have changed." Liu Yi also agreed, but he did not forget about the Lin Family's matter, so he could not help but ask. What was going on with the Lin Clan? What about those two brats? "    


Although Liu Yi didn't want to interact too much with the previous hedonistic sons, their relationship was still the same. Now that there was a change in their family, it was only natural for them to ask about it.    


The Lin Clan used to be a similar clan as the Liu Clan. There was an elder in the Lin Clan who had established a family with great achievements. While the old master was still alive, their authority was not inferior to the Liu Clan, and they had good relations with the Liu Clan.    


Lin Li and Lin Cheng were both outstanding figures among the third generation of the Lin Clan. As they were of the same age as Liu Yi and also from the same courtyard, they were naturally closer to him.    


"Without the support of their family, they can only pick their tails and be a human. However, it seems that even if they pick their tails to be a human, there will still be some freshmen from their family who will bully their own family." "Ge Shaodong was still somewhat emotional." "I still remember the last time I went back to the capital, and saw them outside. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to do anything to them."    


Hearing this, Liu Yi could not help but sigh. The Lin Clan brothers' miserable state was beyond his imagination. After all, compared to their former glory, it was like heaven and earth.    


"After all, we were once brothers. If necessary, we'll just pull them." Liu Yi said faintly.    


After seven years of hard work, Liu Yi had put aside his feelings, but after returning to his hometown, many things had happened in just a few days, allowing him to assimilate into his current life. The feelings he hadn't felt in a long time seemed to have been recalled, so he let Ge Shaodong pull him.    


"Sigh …"    


However, Ge Shaodong sighed and said. The two brothers' bad tempers have not changed. They're both bad and hard, and they don't want me to help them. "    


"Sigh …" Liu Yi also let out a heavy sigh and gave up. He did not want to continue anymore, so he changed the topic and asked. The reason why you called me out today isn't just to chat and continue the old story. Just say it, if you have anything to say, just directly say it.    


"Haha …"    


Ge Shaodong smiled in embarrassment and scratched his head awkwardly. Liu Yi seemed to have seen through his intentions and he felt a little embarrassed. However, he quickly regained his composure and said. "My father told me to tell you, the matter of the Yang family has already been settled, we will handle it strictly, treason against the country."    


"There's nothing. After pausing for a moment, Ge Shaodong continued." However, Old Man Yang was still a senior executive after all, even if it's treason against the country, he couldn't die, he could only stay under house arrest, while the next generation would come out to take the blame for the old man, the other direct descendants would leave their positions, some of them would go through the normal procedures for dereliction of duty or breaking the law. "    


With that, Ge Shaodong looked at Liu Yi with a complex expression. No one knew what he was thinking, but there was one thing that could not be denied. Ge Shaodong was afraid that Liu Yi would be dissatisfied and was waiting for Liu Yi's reaction.    


However, Liu Yi didn't say anything. He shook his head and said. Originally, I didn't want to do anything to the Yang family, but unfortunately, they did it for a pair of damn father and son, so don't blame me for it.    


Ge Dong let out a sigh of relief. He knew that Liu Yi had accepted it. He smiled and changed the topic. Alright, since we brothers have gathered together today, let's not think about such deep matters. Drinking, eating and enjoying life are the way to go. "    


These words were exactly what Liu Yi wanted. He raised his glass and clinked it against one of them.    




With the Yang Family's matter having come to an end, Liu Yi didn't think too much about it. He prepared to rest for a few days at home to avoid the limelight and go to class again.    


However, after resting for a few days, Liu Yi's homeroom teacher, Li Mei, came looking for him. She called him a home visit, but her goal was to find out why Liu Yi didn't go to class for a few days without asking for leave.    


Liu Yi had a bitter face as he helplessly asked. Teacher, there are hundreds of girls gathered around. This is the first day after the military training. If I were to go to school again, it might increase to close to a thousand people.    


"" Li Mei said solemnly with a straight face. We have to go to class. "    


However, after saying this for a long time, Li Mei instead smiled and said with a bit of mischief. However, since you are so popular with girls, you should contact our school's female students. "    


Crap, I've been teased!    


"Hey, teacher, you were born a female student at Yan Jing University too, isn't that the same as you?" Liu Yi didn't want to admit defeat, so he shamelessly took advantage of her.    


"…" Li Mei was at a loss for words. Her face turned as red as an apple. After coughing twice to cover it up, she said seriously. "Being watched by a female classmate is not an excuse. You are currently a freshman of Yanzhou University, and you are also a student of mine. I, as the form teacher of my class, order you to attend school tomorrow.    


"…" This time, it was Liu Yi's turn to be speechless. He bitterly smiled and shook his head. However, he seemed to have recalled something and spoke weakly. "Teacher, tomorrow seems to be Sunday."    


Awkward. Li Mei was extremely embarrassed. After a long while, she could not utter a complete sentence. Finally, she seemed to have recovered a bit. Anyway... It's Monday anyway, so you have to go to class. "    


Seeing that Li Mei had already stood up, as the owner of the mansion, no matter what, Liu Yi had to give her a gift. Thus, seeing Li Mei out of the door, Liu Yi muttered this sentence to himself. This teacher is really interesting. "    


Without a doubt, Li Mei was indeed interesting, but Liu Yi himself did not realize that he had changed a lot. In the past, when facing a stranger, he would not talk so much, but today, not only did Liu Yi say a lot of things, he even teased the female teacher.    


To be integrated into life!    


Liu Yi had just set foot in his homeland from Africa and had always been thinking about how to integrate into his life. However, ever since he had entered the world, he had always been thinking about how to integrate into his life.    


But all in all, it's going in a good direction, isn't it?    




Liu Yi felt touched as he watched Li Mei's back as she walked away, but he quickly withdrew his emotions. He turned around and returned to the villa, then entered his room to cultivate.    


Last time, Liu Yi had a vague feeling that he was on the verge of breaking through, and after fighting with a few Ninjas, he had gained even more insight. He did not give up, but it was a pity that he never succeeded, but he believed that as long as he maintained it, breaking through would happen sooner or later.    


A day's time quietly went by, and the outside world was in turmoil. The Yang family had completely collapsed, leaving many empty spots. All the forces were paying attention, hoping to capture a few people, but all the forces were very clear that the current situation was all because of Liu Yi.    


The matter of the Yang family cooperating with an organization in the Island Country was classified as top secret, and very few people knew about it. This also caused the outside world to say that Liu Yi was taking revenge on the Yang family on his own.    


However, regardless of whether it was Liu Yi or the Liu Family, they did not express their opinions. They maintained a aloof and aloof attitude, making everyone in the outside world unable to understand what was going on.    


But it didn't matter. The most important thing was to warn the younger generation not to provoke Liu Yi!    


This was already the second warning, it turned out that there was still a group of clan juniors who were interested in Liu Yi and realized that their elders were not joking, instead they stopped looking down on him. However, some of them felt that their elders were too pretentious, and wanted to meet with Liu Yi, to see if he was wrong or something.    


Unfortunately, Liu Yi didn't pay attention to the rumors outside. He spent his days in the villa and came out for lunch. Afterwards, he sat in the living room and chatted with the cute girl, Chang Xiaomin, before returning to his room.    


It was only until dinner time that Liu Yi finally appeared in the living room. After he finished his meal, he sat in the living room with Liang Jing and her daughter and quietly watched television.    


"Sister Liang, Little Min can go to school now. Go help her find a school." Liu Yi's tone was very calm, he didn't use a master's voice to command Liang Jing.    


"This …" Liang Jing was in a bit of a dilemma. Even after half a day of creaking, she still couldn't say a complete sentence.    


"Money?" Liu Yi asked.    


This was the capital city, not like other provinces and cities. In this place, even a kindergarten would require tens of thousands of dollars to spend on one semester. With Liang Jing's current salary, she only needed to work for a few days.    


"Yes." Liang Jing's voice was very light and somewhat awkward, but in the end, she mustered her courage and said, Money is one thing, but the most important thing is that the school has already started, so it's not easy to take over the shift. "    



People were connected, and this was what Liang Jing was worried about.    


However, Liu Yi didn't take this to be a big deal in his eyes. He waved his hand and said. I'll call my mother. She'll arrange it. "    


Liu's mother was a proper and proper person in the capital. She was of illustrious birth, and her marriage to the Liu Clan was even more illustrious. How could she not have connections in the capital? Isn't it just arranging for a child to study? A single phone call was enough to move the higher-ups. It was an easy task.    


"This... I'm afraid that's not good. " Liang Jing was a bit embarrassed. At the same time, she was hoping to see Chang Xiaoming enter the academy. As a result, her voice got softer and softer, and she seemed to want to reject Chang Xiaomin, but not at the same time.    


Liu Yi ignored Liang Jing and directly picked up the phone to call his mother. He told her what he thought until his mother said there was no problem. He waited until she called back before hanging up.    


Mrs Liu was very efficient, and in a few minutes she called back. After that, Liu Yi gave the phone to Liang Jing to tell her that it was a success.    


The night gradually turned darker!    


The villa was shrouded in darkness and was extremely quiet. However, the sound of breaking air disturbed the silence. Outside the courtyard, a black figure flashed several times before finally standing firmly on the grass.    


In the room, Liu Yi fell asleep peacefully. However, after the black shadow made a few consecutive leaps, Liu Yi woke up and quickly stabilized his mind. His consciousness spread out and he sat up abruptly without even wearing his clothes, sprinting out of the window.    


Liu Yi's perception was extremely strong. Even if he were to sleep, he wouldn't fall into a deep sleep. Although the sound was soft, it still alarmed him and he came out.    


It was dark outside, but Liu Yi's line of sight was like an infrared scanner. He could still see a person standing not too far away from him. This person was an old man with a head full of white hair, staring at Liu Yi with his hands behind his back.    


"Who are you?" Liu Yi asked coldly.    


The old man didn't answer and said with a smile. "Kid, your perception is not bad."    


"Haha …"    


Liu Yi sneered and said. If I don't even have this bit of perception, I would have long been buried in a foreign land and wouldn't have been able to live till now. "    


"That's true. Your life is my lifetime." The old man was just like an old man who had gone to see an old man. He followed Liu Yi's words and continued. However, he quickly changed the topic and said. You have a lot of experience in life, but you have to try your hand at it. "    


"…" Liu Yi did not make a sound, but all the pores on his body opened wide in vigilance.    


Sure enough, as expected, the old man moved. His speed was extremely fast, and with his hand clenched into a fist, he attacked Liu Yi.    


Liu Yi did not move, but both of his hands were clenched into fists. His eyes were focused on one point as he stared at the old man's figure.    


From the moment he came out, Liu Yi had already probed the old man's strength, but it was completely empty. The old man's strength was impossible to detect, just like a normal person, and without a doubt, the sound of the jump was created by him, how could he not have a bit of strength?    


There was only one possibility, and that was that the old man's strength was extremely high. He had at least surpassed two great realms. Otherwise, it was impossible for such an undetectable situation to occur.    


A strength that was two realms higher would not even have the slightest resistance towards a normal martial artist, but Liu Yi was different. His strength combined with his rich combat experience and the special characteristics of the 'Tyrant Yang Energy' was enough to allow him to kill people beyond his cultivation realm.    


A martial artist had to have the courage to fight those above their rank. Otherwise, demons would be born in their heart, and they would never be able to break through, nor would they be able to step into a higher realm.    


With a strong will of a warrior, Liu Yi dared to challenge someone with a higher cultivation level. Even if he knew that he was no match, he would not allow himself to retreat.    


Closer …    


The old man had already closed in!    


He quickly dodged and took two steps to the side. He gathered all his strength in his right hand and then rushed to the side. At the same time, his body half jumped up as his right leg kicked out.    


As Liu Yi dodged to the side, the old man already sensed it, so he also shifted his body a little, his goal was to make Liu Yi unable to dodge, forcing him to fight head on, but the old man never thought that Liu Yi's speed was not slow, in the blink of an eye he moved two steps to the side, causing him to be unable to dodge.    


At the same time, Liu Yi also realized where he was attacking from and counterattacked, catching him off guard.    


"Humph!" "Such an attack wants to injure this old man!" The old man said coldly.    


However, the next moment, the old man's expression changed. He became serious, and there was also a hint of pain.    




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