Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0The Fallen Phoenix Village was backed by the Fallen Phoenix Mountain, which stretched for a hundred miles and was an existence that had yet to be commercially developed.    


There were many mountain goods in the mountains, as well as mountain medicine and wild animals.    


Chen Sanqiu carried a small basket of herbs on his back and went to the mountain early in the morning. He wanted to see if there were any treasures like the red python that had the Spiritual Bead on its tail.    


Chen Sanqiu wandered around the hill behind Fallen Phoenix Village from morning until noon, but he didn't find any treasure like that.    


He ran to the cliff where the Bone Connecting Grass was found to check and found that the red python had disappeared without a trace.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but to swallow a mouthful of saliva. The hill behind the Fallen Phoenix Mountain was just a remnant of the Fallen Phoenix Mountain, and there was also a dense forest behind it. Ever since he was young, Chen Sanqiu had already been informed of the dangers of the Fallen Phoenix Mountain.    


The furthest he could go was around the outer perimeter of the dense forest. If he went any further, he would never go there.    


The deeper one went, the less developed they were, and the more dangerous it became. For example, the black blind man, the mountain wolf, the fox, and the wild boar were all numerous.    


Chen Sanqiu looked deeply at Luo Fengshan. Driven by the achievement points, Chen Sanqiu stomped his feet and clenched his teeth. He couldn't care less about it now.    


Just thinking about the Penetrating Divine Eye he got from the system and the incomparable Chinese herbal frying pan made Chen Sanqiu excited.    


Casting off the fear in his heart, Chen Sanqiu strode into the dense forest of Fallen Phoenix Mountain.    


Although it was still noon and the sun was the hottest, in the incredibly dense forest of the Falling Phoenix Mountain, the branches and leaves covered the hot sun. Although it was still noon and the sun was the hottest, in the extremely dense forest of the Falling Phoenix Mountain, the branches and leaves covered the hot sun.    


On the contrary, he became more and more fond of this place. There was no one around him, and it was very quiet. There was the sound of birds chirping, and it was very pleasant to the ears. From time to time, a hare would run out of the woods.    


Chen Sanqiu felt more and more happy when he saw this.    


Learning how to pick herbs from his father, Chen Zuyin, was not short. Furthermore, Chen Sanqiu had learned from the system that he was familiar with all kinds of herbs.    


Along the way, Chen Sanqiu picked a lot of herbs, like ganoderma, but what made Chen Sanqiu depressed was that the things he picked were just ordinary herbs. The value of the herbs wasn't high, and the selling price was also quite low.    


If a medicinal herb wanted to sell for a high price, it was one aspect of being wild. The quality of the medicinal herbs must be good as well. The medicinal properties of the medicinal herbs with good quality were also the best, so the selling price was also the highest.    


Looking at the messy herbs in his herb basket, Chen Sanqiu looked at the electronic watch on his wrist. It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon.    


If he didn't go back now, the sky would darken. If he still couldn't leave this forest, it would be very dangerous, not only because he didn't bring enough food, but also because the beasts in the jungle were enough for Chen Sanqiu to eat.    


Along the way, Chen Sanqiu had discovered a lot of paw prints from the Mountain Wolves, as well as from a blind man (Black Bear). Therefore, he had to leave this jungle as soon as possible before nightfall.    


After cleaning up the herbs in the herb basket, Chen Sanqiu started to walk back. Along the way, he would check if there were any other herbs. Just when Chen Sanqiu found a pretty good lingzhi and wanted to pick it, a woman's scream came from ten meters away.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment. He immediately recognized the familiar voice. It was the village flower, Zhao Lingling's voice. Chen Sanqiu immediately gave up on the lingzhi and rushed towards where Zhao Lingling was screaming.    


When he arrived at the place where Zhao Lingling screamed, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but shiver and break out in a cold sweat.    


In between, Zhao Lingling, who was wearing a sports attire, was carrying a small basket filled with mushrooms. She was leaning against a huge rock with a frightened face and holding a sickle to protect herself.    


In front of Zhao Lingling was Lone Wolf, who was gritting his teeth and growling as if he was going to attack. His eyes were staring at Zhao Lingling.    


The lone wolf's shoulder was 1.2m tall, and the gray hair on its body was very thick, thick, glossy, and shiny. The muscles on its entire body bulged, making it look like a lone wolf that didn't have to worry at all.    


This kind of lone wolf clearly showed how powerful it was. Only by being strong enough could it live such a good life by itself in the forest.    


Zhao Lingling and Lone Wolf heard the sound of footsteps and turned to look at Chen Sanqiu, who was running towards them.    


When Zhao Lingling saw Chen Sanqiu running over, she immediately cried. The breath she was holding on to was instantly deflated and her whole body went limp. The sickle in her hand almost fell out of her grasp.    


When Lone Wolf saw Chen Sanqiu running over, he immediately shouted at Chen Sanqiu in a threatening tone.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and hurriedly took out a shovel that was used to dig up herbs. How big do you think the shovel would be? It's smaller than the spade you use to cook vegetables at home.    


Chen Sanqiu swallowed his saliva. Damn, this shovel doesn't look as scary as Zhao Lingling's sickle.    


Pointing the shovel at Lone Wolf, she moved closer to Zhao Lingling step by step. When Zhao Lingling saw that she had someone she could rely on, she immediately went limp and collapsed into Chen Sanqiu's arms.    


He cried loudly in Chen Sanqiu's arms.    


Such a delicate and lively village flower lying in his arms, this was something Chen Sanqiu had always dreamed of. However, now, Chen Sanqiu was not happy at all.    


The powerful lone wolf in front of him was enough to make Chen Sanqiu tremble with fear.    


With his back leaning against the huge rock, Chen Sanqiu reached out and grabbed the sickle Zhao Lingling dropped on the ground. Then, he put the shovel back into the herb basket on his back.    


Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, while the powerful Lone Wolf hurriedly took two steps back.    


Obviously, when Chen Sanqiu held the sickle in his hand, compared to Zhao Lingling holding it, this Lone Wolf felt even more dangerous.    


Chen Sanqiu finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw Lone Wolf retreating.    


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