Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Baixing Jiasang was stunned when she saw Chen Sanqiu take out a bottle of red blood.    


However, very quickly, a strong life force could be felt radiating from the bottle containing the red blood. Even through the jade bottle, one could clearly feel the boundless life force.    




Baixing Jiasang could not help but take a deep breath. What kind of creature's blood was this blood that contained such boundless life force?    


He didn't even dare to think about it.    


Baixing Jiasang couldn't help but look at Chen Sanqiu with admiration.    


No matter what happened to Chen Sanqiu, he shouldn't be surprised.    


Chen Sanqiu could always find a chance to do something that others would not even dare to think about.    


When the scientists saw the small bottle that Chen Sanqiu took out, they were all extremely excited.    


He immediately stood up from his chair.    


Trembling, he looked at the bottle of Golden Giant Dragon blood in Chen Sanqiu's hand.    


"Sect Leader, the blood in this bottle, could it be Divine Beasts blood?"    


"Just what kind of Divine Beasts's blood is this, to be able to give birth to such a huge life force."    


"With this blood, even a dead person can be made into flesh and blood."    


"Perhaps, with this blood, we will have the chance to completely cure Chen Jiaojiao's genetic defect."    


Many of the Cloud Empire scientists were excited. As a Cloud Empire cultivator, this was a rare technological empire in the Emperor Star Continent. It was a rare sight to see God's Blood.    


Moreover, the location of Cloud Empire was considered to be in a relatively safer location. The Abyss Basin next to it also had towering cliffs and precipices that obstructed it, to the point that no demon beasts could invade the Cloud Empire.    


This was also the reason why Cloud Empire could develop into a technological empire.    


"This is the blood of the Golden Giant Dragon, it indeed has the ability to revive the dead, but that is just a matter of flesh and blood." Chen Sanqiu said while smiling at the many scientists of Cloud Empire.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, all of the Cloud Empire scientists sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Although these people had long since looked down on everything, they had dedicated themselves to the science that they were researching.    


However, when they heard that the blood in the jade bottle in front of them was actually the blood of a Golden Giant Dragon, they were still filled with shock.    


The Golden Giant Dragon was the most extraordinary existence in this world. It could be said that the Golden Giant Dragon was the god of this world, the living god.    


"I never thought that there would actually be a living Golden Giant Dragon in this world." A Cloud Empire scientist exclaimed.    


"Yeah, I had originally thought that Golden Giant Dragon was only a legendary existence, but who would have thought that they actually existed, moreover, they were living Golden Giant Dragon." Another Cloud Empire scientist praised.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and said: "Of course there are Golden Giant Dragon in this world, and, there are also quite a few of them. They are just staying at the Dragon Island and not coming out, but a dragon has left the Dragon Island, maybe the Wu Steel Continent will suffer."    


Chen Sanqiu sighed.    


Starving Dragon Yu Huang were too powerful. After exchanging blows with Starving Dragon Yu Huang, Chen Sanqiu knew that if not for the numerous Golden Giant Dragon from Dragon Island, it would be extremely difficult to tame them in this world.    


And the Starving Dragon Yu Huang was released by him.    


Chen Sanqiu could not help but laugh bitterly. Luckily, there were still no rumors of Starving Dragon Yu Huang attacking humans.    


Yes, he had to think of a way to kill the Starving Dragon Yu Huang.    


Narrowing his eyes, Chen Sanqiu passed the Starving Dragon Yu Huang's blood to Baixing Jiasang and said to her, "See if there's any way to cure Chen Jiaojiao completely."    


Baixing Jiasang could not help but feel excited as she did not expect Chen Sanqiu to hand over such precious blood to her.    


"I'll definitely think of a way to completely cure Chen Jiaojiao." Baixing Jiasang said firmly to Chen Sanqiu through gritted teeth.    


If such precious blood was given to him, it could be seen how much trust Chen Sanqiu had in himself.    


He must also not let Chen Sanqiu fail to live up to his expectations.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded, turned around and left.    


Baixing Jiasang did not leave, but instead gathered these top tier scientists from the Cloud Empire and began to study the blood of the Starving Dragon Yu Huang that Chen Sanqiu brought, in hopes of finding a way to completely cure Chen Jiaojiao.    


When Chen Sanqiu arrived at his own courtyard, he saw Heavenly Demon Cult, Left Protector, and Fatty, Jin Miao, waiting at his own courtyard entrance.    


"High Priestess, this journey must be very difficult." The fat Jin Miao saw Chen Sanqiu walking over and immediately asked him with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and rolled his eyes.    


He glared fiercely at the fatty Jin Miao. Damn it, if it wasn't for this fatty Jin Miao tricking him, how could he have become the Sect Leader of Heavenly Demon Cult?    


If he hadn't become the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult, why would he be destined to fight with the God Stage?    


Damn, even if I want to reconcile with God Stage now, the gods of God Stage definitely won't let me off.    


One step wrong, one step wrong.    






The fat Jin Miao saw Chen Sanqiu glaring at him, his face was full of confusion. He didn't seem to have offended Chen Sanqiu, right?    


After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out how he offended Chen Sanqiu.    


Sect Master, right now, Cloud Empire is developing very quickly, and has already recovered to the level of its economy before the war. Furthermore, because people are no longer being guarded all the time, there has been a huge increase in their creativity, and in terms of technology, there has been a huge increase as well, so people can be considered to be living in peace and happiness. In the entire Cloud Empire, there are already over ninety percent of people who have joined the Heavenly Sage Cult. Left Protector, Jin Miao, licked his face and said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu also didn't have any real anger towards Jin Miao.    



After all, it wasn't Jin Miao's fault that he became Heavenly Demon Cult Leader.    


The main reason was that he had successfully reached the top level of Temple Of Desolation and cultivated the Godly Demon Art belonging to Emperor Chi You.    


Even if he did not become Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, the gods and gods of God Stage would never let him off just because he had the Demonic Qi Method of Chi You Emperor.    


It looks like the development of the Heavenly Sage Cult is pretty good, but, we can't just focus on the Cloud Empire. After all, the emperor of the Cloud Empire is my woman, if she can't develop her Heavenly Sage Cult here, then that would be too trashy. Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to Jin Miao with a smile.    


Liu Tie smiled, and then his expression darkened. He said to Chen Sanqiu, "Hierarchy, I've got some bad news. One of the Three Great Holy Lands, Sword God Sect, sent a top-notch expert to kill you."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


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