Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu's forehead was full of cold sweat. Although Chen Sanqiu had already decided to go to the gates of hell and do some things for the dead Human Clan Warriors and Undead so that they could enter the cycle of reincarnation and no longer have the Far North to do this ghost.    


However, hadn't he already done so?    


These ghosts will not accept your kindness.    


Most importantly, these ghosts were very hungry. From the way they looked at him, he could tell how hungry they were. They wanted to tear him into pieces.    


In a state of hunger, who knows what kind of logic these ghosts would have.    


He directly swallowed himself up.    


On the other side, the little ghost that suddenly appeared.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


F * ck, I don't feel any sense of rationality from this little brat.    


It was all an aura of madness.    


To reason with a madman?    


A dilemma.    


There were imps in the Ghost Sect Hall, ghosts that covered the sky and the earth in the ice plains outside.    


This was very awkward.    


"Three Autumn's, what should we do? "How about I spit fire and burn this little ghost to death?" Qing Luan said to Chen Sanqiu with a trembling voice.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, rolled his eyes and said to Qing Luan: "We don't know if your flame can burn the little brat to death, I just feel that this little brat's movement speed may not be slow, your flame might not be able to catch it, maybe the flame you spit out will burn this Ghost Sect Hall."    


"If it's burned, then so be it. If we burn this Ghost Sect Hall, then this little brat will have no place to rest in in the future. Sooner or later, he will just die." Qing Luan gritted her teeth as she spoke.    


Yellow Sand Old Man nearly peed his pants when he heard Qing Luan's words.    


She quickly pulled Qing Luan back and said to Qing Luan: "First Miss, don't burn this Ghost Sect Hall. Once you do, the ghosts outside will be able to come and capture us."    


Qing Luan was so anxious that she was about to cry. You all have all seen it in the Far North Security Guide. You all would rather commit suicide than be killed by this little demon, it would definitely be a pain worse than death, I don't want to feel what it means to live rather than die, wuu.     


Qing Luan's voice was choked with sobs as she finished her sentence, tears streaming down her face.    


He was scared out of his wits.    


Even Yu Feifei, who had always been incredibly proud, was now deathly pale.    


This time, Yu Feifei was truly frightened.    


Although he was a Golden Giant Dragon, his body was naturally strong and had enough defensive power. Not only could he defend against physical attacks, he could also defend against attacks from formations.    


However, the attacks of these ghosts were not much different from other races.    


"Everyone, stand behind me. No matter what happens, do not step out of this Ghost Sect Hall. In this place, there is a chance for you to survive. If you leave this place, once you go outside, you will definitely die." Chen Sanqiu said seriously to the crowd.    


When everyone heard Chen Sanqiu say that, they hurriedly ran behind Chen Sanqiu one by one.    


He looked at the leisurely, slowly floating little ghost in fear.    


The little ghost looked at Chen Sanqiu in disdain. The corner of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a bloody mouth and dense white teeth, expressing his disdain towards Chen Sanqiu.    


"Tsk tsk, a Human Clan cultivator. Tsk tsk, a Universe level S rank cultivator. What are you going to use to fight against me?" The little ghost sneered and said disdainfully to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't get angry and just smiled.    


Actually, Chen Sanqiu was also very worried in his heart.    


Who said that only women would feel fear when facing these kinds of brats?    


The lords were scared too.    


Didn't you see that Yellow Sand Old Man was so scared that he nearly wet his pants?    


However, there was nothing he could do. Even if he was afraid, he had to stand at the front.    


Who the hell let him be Heavenly Demon Cult Leader? Who the hell let him be a man? So what if he wasn't standing in front?    


He looked at the little ghost in front of him. Ahem, he felt like this cliff was an old ghost.    


Calling a kid doesn't seem right.    


However, the problem was obvious. This kid must have lived long enough.    


After all, the Ghost sect had already been exterminated for ten thousand years. No matter how this kid managed to escape the net, he was definitely more dangerous than someone who had survived until now.    


However, Chen Sanqiu could not reveal his cowardice in front of the little ghost. If he did, the little ghost would definitely become even crazier and might even rush over directly.    


That would be troublesome.    


Pretending? Chen Sanqiu was good at it.    


Ke ke, back then when the Ghost sect was destroyed, I don't know how you survived. However, if I think about it carefully, I can guess that you were probably just an extremely weak kid back then. Chen Sanqiu sneered and said to the little ghost.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu say that, the people behind him couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


He felt panic in his heart.    


Facing this kind of brat, he never expected Chen Sanqiu to dare to retort. This was too awesome.    


However, this was too scary.    


He was afraid just thinking about it. If he angered this little brat, everyone would stop living.    



The little demon evidently did not expect Chen Sanqiu to actually mock him, and the temperature of the entire Ghost Sect Hall instantly dropped by a few degrees.    


Yellow Sand Old Man, Qing Luan, Chen Yu‘er, and Yu Feifei felt like they were in an icehouse, shivering with cold.    


It was the same feeling he got when the cold wind blew over the icy plains.    


Only now did everyone understand.    


Actually, the cold wind was not the real cold wind, but the Yin Qi.    


The cold was not his body, but his soul.    


"Brat, you dare to speak to me like that. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you in anger?" The little ghost grinned and asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said to the little ghost with a smile, "Can you kill me in a fit of anger?"    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu let out a cold snort and immediately released his primordial spirit.    


The primordial spirit stood behind Chen Sanqiu with unparalleled might, like a golden war god, coldly staring at the little ghost in front of him.    


The little ghost could not help but be shocked when he saw the primordial spirit behind Chen Sanqiu.    


Zhang Xuan hurriedly retreated a few meters back.    


Ye Zichen looked at Chen Sanqiu in shock, while his eyes were filled with disbelief.    


The little demon sensed danger from the primordial spirit behind Chen Sanqiu.    


"Could it be that you're a descendant of the Ghost sect?" The little ghost asked Chen Sanqiu in shock.    


Although countless years had passed, the little child could still remember in his dreams the pain and suffering of being refined into a little child.    


When he was being refined into a brat, the person who refined it was like Chen Sanqiu. There was a powerful consciousness that appeared.    


However, that consciousness was different from Chen Sanqiu's primordial spirit.    


Chen Sanqiu's primordial spirit felt that it was much stronger than the consciousness of the person who refined it.    


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