Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0"Far North? Your own are going to the Far North? "    


Inside the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng, who had a swollen face, sat opposite to Chen Sanqiu and asked him excitedly.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at Zhuo Geng, who was beaten black and blue with a bull-like head, and could not help but twitch his mouth.    


If not for the fact that he had just entered the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, this Ox-head Emperor, Zhuo Geng, would probably have been beaten half to death.    


Because he saved Zhuo Geng from the hands of those former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, now, Ox-head Emperor Zhuo Geng called himself a grateful man.    


He regarded himself as the best person in the world.    


Damn it! I don't want to get beaten up by those skeletons anymore!    


Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng had thought that with their abilities, they could be considered the top existences in Emperor Star. Even if they were not the top, they were still among the top.    


In this world, there was no one who could truly instantly kill him.    


With his strong body and vigorous Qi and blood, even when Sword God was alive back then, Zhuo Geng still believed that he had the ability to contend against Sword God for a period of time.    


However, when Chen Sanqiu brought him to the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land and met these skeletons, he fought with every single one of them.    


Zhuo Geng collapsed and found out that he was completely no match for these skeletons.    


Every skeleton had the ability to instantly kill themselves.    


Zhuo Geng was depressed. His own strength had made him unable to withstand a single blow from these skeletons …    


If Chen Sanqiu hadn't suddenly appeared and pulled him out of the skeleton crowd, he would have been beaten to death by the group of skeletons.    


"Mn, I am indeed going to the Far North. There are some things that leaves me no choice but to go." Chen Sanqiu narrowed his eyes, and said somewhat embarrassedly to Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng: "Zhuo Geng, the reason why I brought you here was to let you experience the depths of our Heavenly Demon Cult, to let you know what true power is, to raise your strength. It's just that I didn't expect you to be beaten to such a state."    


"Sigh, it's my fault. If you didn't explain it clearly to us, former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, then tell them to be a bit gentler when they beat you up." Chen Sanqiu said to Zhuo Geng with a face full of self-blame.    


Zhuo Geng was so touched that he almost cried when he heard Chen Sanqiu say this.    


Look, what is a good person?    


This is what a good person should be like. They saw that I was full of myself, so they dragged me to their ancestral land. This is a mysterious place.    


What a good person.    


Needless to say, Chen Sanqiu even apologized to him.    


Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng quietly wiped the tears at the corner of their eyes. Then they laughed out loud and said to Chen Sanqiu, "After this experience, I feel much better. Haha, I finally realize my inadequacies. Good brother, I must thank you."    


Chen Sanqiu hastily waved his hand and said to Ox-head Emperor with a smile, "As long as you don't blame me."    


Speaking to this, Chen Sanqiu stood up and said to Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng, "Then I'll go out first and get taken away by Ox-head Warrior to the palace. Since I still haven't returned, my friends will worry about me."    


Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng were overjoyed upon hearing Chen Sanqiu's words. They hurriedly stood up and followed behind Chen Sanqiu.    


He was finally going out.    


Woo woo, don't come to this damn place again for the rest of your life, woo woo.    


Although the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land looked beautiful, there was a group of terrifying skeletons inside. Uuu, in especially scenic places, they would also become eerie.    


"Big brother Zhuo Geng, what are you doing?" Chen Sanqiu stopped and looked back at Ox-head Emperor, who was following behind him, with a surprised expression on his face.    


Ox-head Emperor, Zhuo Geng …    


"Gu Dong!"    


"Brother Chen Sanqiu, aren't we leaving this place now?" Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng now in the heart of Wu steel rising a sense of fear that even Zhuo Geng is not clear.    


The moment he saw Chen Sanqiu, he thought of the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, and the moment he thought of the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, he thought of a group of powerful and hot-tempered skeletons.    


The pain was deep inside his bones.    


"Yeah, I'm leaving." Chen Sanqiu nodded and said with a smile.    


Ox-head Emperor, Zhuo Geng's face also immediately lit up, excited straight to the point of tears.    


"However, big brother Zhuo Geng, you have to stay here for three days before you can leave. It's only the first day." Chen Sanqiu said to the Emperor with a serious expression.    


"This is the rules of the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land. If I bring you out, it would be breaking the rules of our Ancestral Land. If I anger a former sect master and you leave the Ancestral Land in a fit of rage, running over to find you, then …" Chen Sanqiu had a worried look on his face as he said in a low voice.    


Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng trembled upon hearing Chen Sanqiu's words.    


Cold sweat beaded his forehead.    


I'll drop a day.    


Now these former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader people didn't even get angry and beat themselves into such a ghastly state.    


If these former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and his men were truly angered, then it would be just as Chen Sanqiu had said, they would run out of the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land to find him.    


Then he …    


Thinking about that tragic scene, Ox-head Emperor's eyes reddened. He looked at Chen Sanqiu pitifully, "Brother, remember to come visit me every day."    


"Don't worry, big brother. You are my good big brother. How can I not come to see you? In these three days, I have come to see you everyday. Don't worry." Chen Sanqiu said confidently to Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng.    


Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng watched with reluctance as Chen Sanqiu disappeared within the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land.    


Then, he turned around and saw a group of former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader's skeletons in the sky looking at him with fiendish smiles.    


After Chen Sanqiu left, he immediately let out a mad laugh and rushed towards himself.    


"Ah …"    



Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng felt that they were missing Chen Sanqiu more and more!    


For the next three days, Chen Sanqiu would come here once a day.    


And with every passing day, Ox-head Emperor and Zhuo Geng felt their longing for Chen Sanqiu grow stronger and deeper.    


Only when Chen Sanqiu arrived would he be able to avoid being violently beaten by those skeletons.    


Only then would he be able to feel a sliver of comfort from his heart.    


On the last day, Chen Sanqiu stepped on the light of the setting sun and entered the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land.    


He stretched out his hand to pull Ox-head Emperor, who was dizzy from the beating, up from the ground. His warm smile was filled with a divine radiance.    


This must be God, this must be the Angel sent by God to save him.    


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