Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0When the mermaids clan saw how Anna treated Anna with the most respect, respectfully inviting Chen Sanqiu to leave the super battleship, they were all a little confused.    


Their faces were filled with excitement, unable to comprehend what had just happened.    


Logically speaking, the mermaids were either slaves by other races or playthings.    


Since when was he able to stand together with his master?    


If not, he would have become the master and used the mermaid's charm to confuse everyone.    


Looking at her now, many mermaids were confused. They never would have thought that Chen Sanqiu would treat Anna as a friend.    


Chen Sanqiu was also confused by Anna's sudden show of respect. However, he saw Anna winking at him before looking at the mermaids waiting by the shore.    


He could not help but laugh bitterly, and could only accept Anna's respectful attitude as she left the super battleship.    


Everyone headed down to the shore.    


The mermaids who were cheering for Anna's return were at a loss as to how to deal with Chen Sanqiu's group.    


Thinking about Anna's respectful attitude just now, she immediately bowed to Chen Sanqiu in the most respectful manner.    


"This is Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, everyone has seen him before, this is the Golden Giant Dragon Clan's Yu Feifei, you should get to know each other." Anna walked to the front of the group and spoke to the clansmen with a raised head.    


The clan members did not have much of a concept regarding Heavenly Demon Cult, even to the Sky-Cloud Mountain, they did not have much of a concept. However, to the Golden Giant Dragon Clan, that concept was too big.    


That was innate reverence. From the depths of his bones, from birth, he could vaguely feel the existence of the Dragon Island, and innate reverence in his heart.    


That was the king. Although they had never met, that was the king.    


How many years had it been since these mermaids last showed up?    


As for the reason, no one was interested in the fighting strength of the mermaids. Other than the mermaids being interested in the mermaids, the rest of the mermaids felt like the mermaids were just looking at food.    


Now that they saw that the Golden Giant Dragon Clan had actually sent someone over, all of them immediately knelt down.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Yu Feifei looked at the mermaids indifferently before looking at Anna. She narrowed her eyes and frowned.    


Chen Sanqiu blinked at Yu Feifei.    


Yu Feifei snorted coldly with a reluctant look on her face.    


Anna was a little nervous at the side. She had purposely revealed Yu Feifei's identity as a Golden Giant Dragon just now because she had her own selfish motives.    


As a mermaid, Anna knew her kind the best.    


His own clansmen had lived apart from each other for too long. They were like frogs at the bottom of a well, feeling inferior yet blindly arrogant.    


They didn't even take Chen Sanqiu seriously and dared to be confused about Chen Sanqiu's group.    


However, it was also incomparably inferior to them. Against the many Seafolk, it was as though he was facing them with the most inferior status.    


And now that Yu Feifei had revealed Yu Feifei's identity, it could be said that she dropped a nuclear bomb among her clansmen with incomparable power.    


As long as Yu Feifei said something, these clansmen would be willing to bow down and face her.    


"In the future, Anna will be the king of this region of the sea. With the aid of the Misty Sea Monster, it will be enough for all of you to dominate this region of the sea. However, you must also take on the task of taking care of the Divine Beasts and ensure that it has enough food." Yu Feifei's expression was cold as she spoke to the mermaids.    


When the mermaids heard Yu Feifei's words, they were wild with joy and tears fell from their eyes.    


Yu Feifei looked at the mermaids in disgust and said coldly to Chen Sanqiu, "Are you going to stand here forever?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed dryly. He said to Anna, "I'm pretty tired from coming all the way here. Why don't we all take a rest and have a feast tonight?"    


Anna immediately nodded her head. With Yu Feifei's approval, Anna's position among the mermaids was immediately raised to that of a king. Seeing Anna wave her hand, everyone quickly dispersed, leaving behind the best inn for the noble Lady Yu Feifei to stay in.    


Of course, a person like Chen Sanqiu was nothing more than basking in the glory of the respected Lord Yu Feifei.    


In the evening, the mermaids danced and sang. The entire small fishing village was bustling with noise and excitement. Every mermaid's face was filled with a happy smile.    


Chen Sanqiu went to look for the Divine Beasts to comfort it, and only after agreeing to it that it would come back a year later did he allow it to stop crying …    


By the time he got back to the fishing village, the mermaids were all drunk to the point of fainting. They lay on the ground asleep with happy smiles on their faces.    


Yu Feifei, Anna, Qing Luan, and Chen Yu‘er had all gone back to rest. Only Yellow Sand Old Man and Lin Musen were still drinking wine by themselves.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu's return, Lin Musen picked up his wine cup and waved at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled. He sat down beside Lin Musen and poured himself a glass of wine. He clinked it with Lin Musen and finished it in one gulp.    


"What do you want to do in the future? Return to the Sky-Cloud Mountain? " After drinking it, Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to Lin Musen with a smile.    


Lin Musen smiled bitterly and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Sky Cloud Mountain is my sect. No matter what, I have to go back."    


"Oh? "Why don't you go back now?" Chen Sanqiu asked with a smile.    


Lin Musen was stunned for a moment and finally sighed: "This trip out, I feel that this world is not what I imagined. There are many things that I need to see for myself."    


"Take a good look. Only by seeing can you understand the essence of this world, understand the essence of this world, and better cultivate." Chen Sanqiu poured a cup of wine for Lin Musen and poured himself a cup of wine as well. He smiled and said to Lin Musen: "If you are tired, then go to my Heavenly Demon Cult. Oh, right, if you were to find me again and ask any ordinary person, they would have to ask where my Heavenly Sage Cult is."    


"Heavenly Sage Cult?" Lin Musen grinned: "You really did it."    


"Thank you for letting me win." Chen Sanqiu and Lin Musen clinked their wine cups and said to Lin Musen, "I don't know when we will meet again after this farewell. However, I might have more chances to meet with the disciples of the Sky Cloud Mountain in the future."    


With that, Chen Sanqiu drank it all in one gulp, and laughed as he said to Lin Musen: "Look at the sky, think about the lofty God Stage, and then think about us, do you think that our place is like a cage? and we are just those pigs and sheep raised by God Stage and those false gods. "    


Lin Musen trembled after hearing Chen Sanqiu's words.    


He finished the wine in his cup in one gulp, stood up, turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the night.    



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