Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0They had seen shameless people before, but they had never seen such a shameless person.    


However, thinking about it, it made sense. This group of skeletons were Heavenly Demon Cult Leader when they were alive. They could be said to be the villains within the evildoers.    


He really wanted to tear these skeletons into pieces and skin them alive, but he didn't have the strength to do so.    


This was what was bothering him.    


The Starving Dragon Yu Huang finally roared.    


"Just you wait! I've been hungry for too long! When I'm back to my peak state, I'll definitely kill all of you! Roar!"    


The Starving Dragon Yu Huang roared angrily, spitting out a ball of dense flames at all the former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and the others, and angrily looked at Chen Sanqiu who was standing on the super battleship and watching the show.    


He gritted his teeth and cursed as he turned around and dashed out into the sea.    


Although the lot of former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader's group also wanted to get rid of the Starving Dragon Yu Huang, they couldn't use their true strength because of Chen Sanqiu's lack of strength, and they couldn't keep the Starving Dragon Yu Huang either.    


"Chen Sanqiu, you have to work harder. If you don't raise your strength, even we won't be able to save you in the future."    


"That's right, a little dragon, our group couldn't capture him. Luckily, this place isn't the Dragon Island, if it were there, we wouldn't be able to protect you."    


"Even if you can only summon one, we can still raise our strength to the pinnacle, but there are still only a few of us. Let alone meeting Dragon Island, even if we meet an existence like the Sacred Grounds, we won't be able to protect you anymore."    


"Don't linger around women everyday. If you get stronger in the future, you might not even have women."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


What the hell happened to him? When did he end up wandering around a group of girls every day?    


You guys are f * ckers! I didn't see you guys running to the Dragon Island when you were alive. With my current strength, I already dare to run to the Dragon Island.    


He wanted to retort, but he looked at Chen Yu‘er, Yu Feifei, Qing Luan, Su Li, Anna, and the unconscious Yu Feifei beside him.    


Chen Sanqiu was speechless.    


He had so many beautiful women by his side, he couldn't do anything about them.    


"I will work hard to increase my strength. Thank you for your help, seniors." Chen Sanqiu grinned, let out a hollow laugh, and cupped his fists.    


Then, as if talking to himself, he lowered his head and muttered: "If you can break the imprint that Evil Ancestor planted on my body, I would run all the way to the Dragon Island without a care in the world."    


Although they were all skeletons now, all of them had excellent hearing.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu complain like that, everyone's face turned red.    


When they were in the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, they had been constantly thinking about how to break the imprint that Evil Ancestor had planted on Chen Sanqiu's chest.    


However, it had never been broken.    


Now that Chen Sanqiu mentioned it again, everyone felt awkward.    


"What's the big deal with Evil Ancestor? Let's go meet Evil Ancestor and let him know how good we are."    


"That's right. Even if I was alive, I wouldn't be afraid of Evil Ancestor. At most, we would just have to fight for 300 rounds."    


"Heh heh, that's right. Evil Ancestor is indeed powerful, but we are not people who are easy to deal with."    


The numerous former Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and the others all returned to the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land while cursing. The dark clouds in the sky immediately stopped as well, revealing the blue sky.    




"Those former sectlords should have all left."    




"Why did I feel a familiar aura when they left?"    


Yu Feifei, who had been unconscious on the deck, suddenly opened her eyes and asked Chen Sanqiu with a serious expression.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and thought, "Not good."    


He did not expect Yu Feifei to wake up so quickly after being slapped by the Starving Dragon Yu Huang.    


Initially, Chen Sanqiu thought that even if Yu Feifei had the help of his super operating table, it would still take her some time to recover.    


After all, the Starving Dragon Yu Huang's claw was not a joke, but it had caused quite a big wound to Yu Feifei.    


"Maybe you lost too much blood and had an illusion." Chen Sanqiu said seriously to Yu Feifei, "You were beaten up by the Starving Dragon Yu Huang. If you don't recuperate properly, you might become crippled."    


Yu Feifei immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep after hearing Chen Sanqiu's words.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Although Yu Feifei was a bit unreasonable, she still cared a lot about her body.    


Sneering dryly, Chen Sanqiu said to Anna, "Let's go back to the land first, at that time this super battleship will be yours. Oh, right, the Divine Beasts Subduing and the Fog Sea Monster can't come with me to the land, so I'll leave everything in your care."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Anna felt a surge of joy in her heart.    


Along the way, he was trembling with fear, feeling that he could die at any moment. He did not expect Chen Sanqiu to be so generous, and actually give the super battleship to him.    


This wasn't even much. The most important thing was that the monster and the Divine Beasts were extremely helpful to him.    


Thinking about it, he had the help of the super battleship, the Misty Sea Monster, and the Divine Beasts.    


Hehehe, I'm getting closer to the position of the Thief. Hehehehehe.    


However, Anna soon realized a problem.    


That was, he would be far away from Chen Sanqiu in the future.    



He suddenly felt sad in his heart. However, when he thought about how he was scared to death by Chen Sanqiu and how he was given the title of Thief King, he was immediately overjoyed.    


He rushed back to the captain's room and urged the super battleship to move quickly towards the land.    


Lin Musen, Yellow Sand Old Man, and the others also returned to their own rooms to cultivate.    


Just when Chen Sanqiu was about to leave, Chen Yu‘er suddenly approached Chen Sanqiu. She gently pulled Chen Sanqiu's arm and looked at him with a serious expression.    


"What are you looking at me like that for? Could it be that you want to thank me for saving your Dragon Island? " Chen Sanqiu asked Chen Yu‘er with a smile.    


Chen Yu‘er snorted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Just now, it was not only big sister Yu Feifei who felt the aura of our clan in your Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land, I also felt it. Moreover, I am very familiar with that aura."    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched when he heard what Chen Yu‘er said. He shrugged his shoulders and said to Chen Yu‘er indifferently, "I just captured your cousin and brought him to the ancestral land."    


Chen Yu‘er was stunned for a moment. Then, a furious expression appeared on her face.    


He clenched his fist and was about to make his move.    


No matter what his cousin Lance had done to him, he was still his relative.    


Chen Sanqiu actually caught Lance just like that, he definitely wouldn't agree.    


Suddenly, Chen Sanqiu said to Chen Yu‘er with a passionate look: "Chen Yu‘er, I captured Lance for your sake. Seeing how Lance treated you back then, I was very angry, so I captured Lance on purpose to make him suffer in the Heavenly Demon Cult Ancestral Land. Don't worry, he is not in danger of death, I was just helping you teach him a lesson."    


Chen Yu‘er blushed when she heard Chen Sanqiu's words.    


She looked at Chen Sanqiu with a blush and said, "Is, is what you said true?"    


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