Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0That night, within the second city wall of the Eclipse City, laughter and cheers rang out. Everyone was dancing and singing as they brought out the wine and food that they would never take out to eat.    


Everyone was happily singing and dancing together, celebrating the day when everyone had gotten rid of the control of the Carnivorous Church.    


Due to Chen Sanqiu being full, he didn't eat much at night and quietly followed Moon to her room. Seeing Moon busily fetching water for him and helping him tidy his bed, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but feel satisfied in his heart.    


Tsk tsk, this is the most wonderful time of my life.    


He looked at his beautiful wife, gave him a bath, and tidied up his bed. He looked at her graceful figure and the sweat that was gradually seeping out from her forehead.    


Especially when his beautiful wife came to his side and held his hand shyly, telling him to go take a bath.    


A big winner in life.    


Under the care of the bright moon, Chen Sanqiu took a bath, worked hard for the whole night before finally falling into a deep sleep.    


The next day, Chen Sanqiu walked out of his room with Moon, whose face was completely red. The people outside had already started their work, especially the women who made daily necessities.    


He had thought that everyone would get drunk last night, and the next day, everyone would take a nap.    


He didn't expect that he would be the last one to wake up.    


Chen Sanqiu and Moon both blushed with embarrassment.    


"Morning, Lord Moon."    


"Master Yue Yue, the fertilizer you gave us was used in the vegetable shed. It has a really good growth potential."    


"Master Moon, who is this man beside you? I've never seen him before."    


Moon's little face reddened. "It's that pig from last night."    




Everyone was shocked. Looking at the current Chen Sanqiu, they were shocked when they recalled the terrible sight of him, dressed in tattered clothes and appearing pitch-black last night.    


Look at Chen Sanqiu.    


He was dressed in casual attire and had a slender figure filled with power. His handsome face, black and white pupils, and the corners of his mouth that would occasionally raise, revealed an evil smile.    


Those white teeth, with rosy lips.    


He was simply a handsome young man.    


He was not the same person from last night.    


"Wow, so Chen Sanqiu looks like this."    


"He's really too handsome."    


"No wonder our Moon Goddess thinks so highly of him, he's really too handsome."    


"Not only is he handsome, he's also capable."    


"That's right. I heard from Master Moon that Chen Sanqiu is so powerful that he almost killed the Sect Leader of the Heart Eating Sect."    


Everyone exclaimed at Chen Sanqiu once again.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately smiled, gently raised his hand and waved to everyone.    


If he didn't pretend to compete now, when would he do so?    


"Everyone is flattering me. Although I am a bit handsome and a bit capable, I'm actually just like that. I'm really not as good as everyone says I am."    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled as he rushed over    


Everyone said.    


Everyone …    


After a brief moment of daze, everyone immediately burst into laughter.    


People who were a little bit reserved and afraid of Chen Sanqiu now felt that they were a lot closer to him.    


He thought that Chen Sanqiu must be a very serious person for him to have that kind of power. He never expected him to be such a funny person.    


For a moment, everyone's tense mood relaxed a lot.    


"Hurry up and go to work. Be careful not to lose your appetite." Moon waved to everyone to get back to work.    


After all, in this apocalyptic world, everything had to be obtained through hard work. No matter if it was food or clothes, they couldn't be bought.    


After telling everyone to leave, Chen Sanqiu smiled at Moon, gave her a thumbs up and said, "You're amazing, you actually brought these bitches and scared away those supervisors from the Carnivore Sect."    


When Moon heard Chen Sanqiu's words, she immediately giggled and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I also didn't expect those Heart Eating Sect Supervising Disciples to be so timid, that they actually ran away in fear. However, this is also because you beat them up."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and followed the bright moon around the woman's living area.    


The women's living area and the men's living area were clearly separated, but last night, the split wire netting was removed and many couples were living together.    


"The area of the Eclipse City is not small, and the defenses built there are very mature. This area has been classified as a farmland by me. With your super fertilizer, this area will become a fertile land for the people of the Eclipse City to eat in."    


"An industrial area will be built here, at that time, a super solar system factory will be built, and I will spread out the super laser gun factory according to the distribution in Dragon King City, so that even if one area is occupied, the other areas can still be self-sufficient, leaving behind the seeds for a counterattack."    


As Moon Moon walked, she excitedly told Chen Sanqiu about her plans for the Core Eating City.    


Chen Sanqiu was very happy as he looked at the happy and excited expression on the face of the Moon.    


It could be seen that the Moon was very happy because she was able to help everyone live a good life. As for her future plans, the Moon was even happier.    


Chen Sanqiu followed Moon to the construction site. When he saw the men working harder than before, he couldn't help but grin.    



The Carnivore Sect supervisors, who had been standing to one side, had now become women.    


The whip in the Eclipse Sect supervisor's hand had now turned into a bucket in the woman's hands.    


Especially those young men who were single, they cried out in excitement as they worked harder than anyone else.    


If a single woman glanced at him, those single young men would immediately do the work of three people.    


F * ck …    


Sure enough, men and women working together were not tired at all.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and Moon also laughed.    


"I took a look at the original Carnivore Sect's blueprint. I took a look at it and thought that it was a good plan. Thus, I decided to continue on." Moon said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu acknowledged: "Although the Carnivore Sect's Sect Leader is not good enough and their teachings are not good enough, the defensive work is still pretty good."    


"Then, I will have to trouble you for this period of time." Moon Moon smiled sweetly at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and held the moon in his arms.    


"I won't refuse to work for my wife no matter what." Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said, "But you have to reward me well tonight."    


Moon Moon immediately blushed. Thinking about how strong Chen Sanqiu was last night, her heart trembled.    




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