Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0The woman looked at Chen Sanqiu in surprise. She didn't expect that this man, who had been pretending to be good ever since they met, would have such a serious side to him.    


What was even more shocking was that Chen Sanqiu wanted to change the teachings of the Heart Eclipse Sect.    


How was this possible?    


If the Sect Leader of the Heart Eating Sect didn't eat the heart, was he still the Sect Leader? Was the Heart Eating Sect still the Heart Eating Sect?    


Ye Zichen squinted his eyes, and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Do you know what you just said?"    


Chen Sanqiu's serious face immediately turned into an act. He clutched his waist and said proudly to the flowers, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. I want to get rid of the Heart Eclipse Sect."    


When Flowers saw Chen Sanqiu acting pretentious, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.    


He thought, "This bastard is a bastard. I can't be moved by this bastard's sudden seriousness. This is just an illusion."    


Magnificent Flower glanced at Chen Sanqiu in disgust and muttered, "A dog is a dog, he will never be able to show up in front of others."    


"You're saying that dog meat will never be served." Chen Sanqiu grinned and asked Chen Sanqiu, "Did you not graduate from primary school?"    


Chen Sanqiu's words made Liuhua speechless. Liuhua rolled his eyes and stomped his feet in anger.    


He angrily turned around and walked out of the cage.    


Seeing that Flowers were about to leave, Chen Sanqiu immediately put away his super defensive ant robot and jumped beside Flowers. He reached out his hands to stop her, squinted his eyes and said, "You want to leave now?"    


"If I want to leave, can you stop me? "You madman." "You pretentious guy, do you really think you can contend against the Carnivore Sect?"    


"If we don't try, how will we know if it'll work?" Chen Sanqiu snorted and said to the flowers, "So, you can't leave now."    


"You think you can stop me?" The expression on Hua Hua's face became more and more furious. That bastard Chen Sanqiu was getting more and more hateful.    


Did he really think of this beauty as a weak ordinary disciple? Do you really think that this great beauty won't be able to beat you, Chen Sanqiu, if she doesn't use her poison needles?    


This beauty doesn't even need to use poison needles to beat you, okay?    


Chen Sanqiu acknowledged and nodded his head. He said to Chen Sanqiu, "Your attack speed is indeed very fast and your movements are very beautiful. However, you have a weakness."    


"What weakness?" Magnificent Flower frowned and asked.    


"You are a woman." Chen Sanqiu shouted and rushed towards the flowers.    


His fist was like the wind as it violently punched towards the stomach of Hua Hua; it was powerful and heavy.    


When Hua Hua saw this, her expression turned cold. She shouted, "You're courting death!" With a hint of disdain, she leaped backwards and easily dodged Chen Sanqiu's powerful attack.    


He jumped four or five meters back and dodged Chen Sanqiu's attack. Standing on the ground, he looked at Chen Sanqiu from afar and said with disdain: "How can you defeat me?"    


Chen Sanqiu was neither angry nor annoyed, so he shrugged    


He shrugged his shoulders and continued to rush towards the flowers.    


If Chen Sanqiu only had this kind of attack speed, would he want to defeat her? It was simply a dream.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu rush over once again, Flowers stealthily dodged to the side. The disdain in their eyes became even stronger.    


At that moment, Chen Sanqiu, who was five to six meters away from him, suddenly flashed.    


He disappeared from the sight of the flowers.    


Liu Hua's heart suddenly skipped a beat as all the muscles in her body tightened. She mustered all the strength in her body and looked around warily.    


Suddenly, a laugh could be heard from behind him, "Sorry, great beauty."    


The flower shook and immediately felt a strong wind coming from behind her. She wanted to dodge it but she felt like her whole body was locked down.    


No matter how hard he tried to dodge it, he felt like he couldn't.    


He wanted to turn back, but he couldn't.    


Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his back, and a huge force rushed towards him like an avalanche, blasting his entire body away. Feeling as if his body was about to be smashed into pieces, he crashed heavily into the iron bars of the beast cage and then fell heavily onto the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.    


"How is that possible? You are your true strength? " Magnificent Flower reached out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth. Then, she looked up at Chen Sanqiu with great effort and asked Chen Sanqiu with a shocked expression.    


"My true strength? I'm afraid you'll never see it again. " Chen Sanqiu looked coldly at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Although you haven't eaten people's hearts like the Sect Leader, you're still Holy Maiden from the Heart Eating Sect. I will cripple your skills and make you an ordinary person."    


As he said that, Chen Sanqiu reached out his hand to pat Chen Sanqiu's back again.    


Liu Hua's expression instantly turned into one of extreme fear. For such a great beauty like her, even if she wanted to kill the other man and escape, he wouldn't cripple her. Instead, he would let her off the hook magnanimously.    


He didn't expect Chen Sanqiu, this bastard, to cripple his own cultivation.    


This was something he had worked hard for since he was young. If he was crippled by Chen Sanqiu, then his life would have been a waste.    


"No." For the first time, Flowers felt fear, a fear that came from the depths of her heart. An extreme fear appeared in her eyes for the first time.    


If he could not deal with them with force, he could use his appearance and temperament to defeat them.    


Even if he couldn't defeat them, he would be able to escape unscathed.    


However, this Chen Sanqiu was different from everyone else.    


What the flowers didn't know was that Chen Sanqiu classified the flowers as evil people in his heart from the very beginning.    


In Chen Sanqiu's eyes, an evil person who was as beautiful as a flower was no different from an ugly monster.    


If there was a difference, it would be that Chen Sanqiu, an ugly evil person, would be killed with a slap from him.    


As for such a great beauty like Liuhua …    


Alright, Chen Sanqiu treated him differently.    



Regardless of how many flowers they begged for mercy, Chen Sanqiu still kept the flowers. This was a huge drag on him from annihilating forces like the Carnivore Sect.    


After all, Hua Hua was not weak, and Holy Maiden was from Carnivore.    


If they were to fight, Flowerless Cliff would not help him. Instead, he would help the Sect Leader of the Eating Heart Sect.    


Just as Chen Sanqiu's slap was about to hit the heart of the flower, a sharp sound of wind instantly rushed towards Chen Sanqiu's head.    


Chen Sanqiu's body trembled as he hurriedly retracted his hand and dodged.    


Raising his head to take a look, he was dumbfounded.    




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