Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu was very angry at the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect disciple who came to report just now.    


He had been slapped in the face, and now an elder of a sect had come to the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect. He actually dared to let him, as the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect, welcome him.    


I'll be damned …    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and thought for a moment before taking out his phone …    


Wang Linlin and Leng Rushuang looked at Chen Sanqiu in annoyance.    


This place was in the ancient martial arts sects, and it had always resisted these technological products.    


Damn, one must know that in the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect, there were still torches and candles.    


The corner of Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched as he said to Wang Linlin and Leng Rushuang, "It's better. We still have to accept technological products that will be helpful to us, don't you think?"    


"However, we are from the ancient martial arts sects. Since we have chosen to practice the ancient arts and strengthen our bodies, we must abide by our own choices." Leng Rushuang pouted and said angrily.    


On the other side, Wang Linlin said, "Sanqiu, we didn't intentionally go against you, and something like this happened in Carefree Palace. At that time, my father briefly agreed to it for a period of time, but my father quickly discovered that after getting a phone and some electronics, everyone became very lazy, and they all slept very late at night. When they woke up in the morning, they all became listless, which affected their training, so all electronics were banned.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned. He wanted to say the benefits of having a phone, but the moment the words came out of his mouth, he swallowed it down.    


Ye Zichen put the phone in his pocket, stood up, then walked down.    


"Where are you going?" Leng Rushuang asked hurriedly.    


"If you don't want me to make a phone call, I can only run and find Li Zhenghua and have him guard the mountain gate. Our Sky Mountain Sword Sect is so weak that the bones of our disciples have all turned soft and their waists were stretched. I will have Li Zhenghua demonstrate to everyone what a straight back is." Chen Sanqiu turned around and said something to Leng Rushuang before he ran down the mountain.    


Icy cold as frost …    


He turned his head towards Wang Lin and said, "Could it be that Chen Sanqiu doesn't know that our ancient sects have a sound transmission tube? Don't you know that he's at Xiao Yao Sect? "    


"He's stupid. Ignore him." Wang Linlin laughed as he spoke.    


Cold as frost. "Oh."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


There was a sound transmission tube …    


Why didn't you say so earlier?    


Chen Sanqiu was embarrassed. He was sweating out of shame and anger. He wanted to go back and ask what a voice transmission tube was, but after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and ran down the mountain.    


He ran all the way down the mountain and found Li Zhenghua, who was directing the contestants to install the Gatling on the ground and adjust its angle.    


Li Zhenghua saw Chen Sanqiu run over, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What's wrong? You don't need to contact me through the voice transmission. "    


Chen Sanqiu …    


The corner of his mouth twitched as he smiled naturally. "I was just in time to train my body, so I didn't use a sound transmission."    


Chen Sanqiu really wanted to ask what a voice transmission tube was.    


But we are also people who care about face.    


"Cough cough. About that, go to the entrance and guard there for a while." Chen Sanqiu said to Li Zhenghua.    


Li Zhenghua was stunned and asked, "What's wrong? Could the disciples of the sect not defend the mountain? They attacked? "    


Chen Sanqiu immediately shook his head and told them about the Heavenly Mountain disciple who sent the message. Then he said with a displeased look on his face, "The Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect was too weak before, but now their waists have always been too high. Go and take a look at the sect and show them what a master is and what a guest is."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Li Zhenghua laughed and said, "I'm good at it, but aren't you afraid that something bad will happen?"    


"What can happen? The disciples and elders of the various sects had all run down to the bottom of the mountain gate. Each and every one of them was extremely hostile and wanted nothing more than to annihilate the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect. What was there to be afraid of? At most we can just fight. " Chen Sanqiu said with a grin.    


Li Zhenghua nodded and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Okay, I will pay attention to the distribution, at least I will not kill people first."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, nodded, and turned to leave.    


Li Zhenghua went straight to the sect gate.    


Chen Sanqiu went up to the top of the mountain and returned to the Sect Leader's courtyard. Inside, Leng Rushuang and Wang Linlin were happily chatting with each other. Chen Sanqiu listened to Chen Sanqiu at the door for a while and it seemed like the two girls were talking about some sort of sound transmission tube.    


Chen Sanqiu was instantly covered in cold sweat and walked in speechlessly.    


"Yo, you're back. Did you feel stronger after this trip?" Wang Linlin said with a charming smile.    


Leng Rushuang also said with a smile, "I'm the leader of the ancient martial arts alliance, what's there to be afraid of? "You're so tired that you can't die."    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes. In his heart, he was very happy that Leng Rushuang and Wang Linlin had formed an alliance. However, this' opening and closing 'conversation between these two women was a bit too lethal, so much so that Chen Sanqiu almost couldn't take it anymore.    


Chen Sanqiu pursed his lips, walked to Leng Rushuang and Wang Linlin, sat down beside them, and hugged them.    


He fiercely kissed Wang Lin and then turned his head to look at Leng Rushuang. Seeing her blushing red face, he immediately felt his heart thumping non-stop.    


He thought that he and Leng Rushuang had been married for a long time, but he had never touched Leng Rushuang. In his heart, a great anger rose.    


Gritting her teeth, she stomped her feet and grabbed onto Leng Rushuang. Then, she opened her mouth and ruthlessly imprinted it on her lips.    




Leng Rushuang instantly opened her eyes wide as a small fist fell on Chen Sanqiu's chest like a torrential storm.    


However, Leng Rushuang clearly did not intend to push Chen Sanqiu away, because she had only used her own strength and did not use her own Genuine Qi.    


How could he push Chen Sanqiu away?    


Even Chen Sanqiu didn't feel any pain.    


His big mouth was still pressed against the cold mouth, his tongue was moving back and forth between the cold lips. Two minutes later …    



The cold like little fist had become powerless. His eyes also became watery. His body became weak and he fell into Chen Sanqiu's arms.    


Ye Zichen looked at Chen Sanqiu and gasped for breath.    


On the other side, Wang Linlin's eyes flashed with a cold light. However, his face was full of smiles as he stood up and ran out.    


"You, don't go." Coldly panting like frost, he shouted at Wang Lin.    


Wang Linlin chuckled as he turned his head and said, "I can't waste your time here, hehe."    


Chen Sanqiu felt moved in his heart as he glanced at Wang Linlin. Then, he looked at Leng Rushuang, who had collapsed in his arms.    


"Little beauty, let's see where you can run to today."    




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