Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu climbed up the mountain, feeling troubled over how the wounds on his body healed for no reason.    


Chen Sanqiu did not believe that his body had achieved such a strong healing ability. More importantly, he did not feel any loss in his blood energy at all.    


This confused Chen Sanqiu.    


Even if his wounds were healed, it would be ridiculous if the blood energy in his body didn't feel like he was losing blood.    


After Chen Sanqiu got up, he saw a corpse that looked like a dried up wolf beside him. He was confused as he felt that this wolf's death had something to do with him.    


Could it be that after jumping off the cliff, he had fallen into the hands of this miserable wolf, and then he had drunk the wolf's blood while he was unconscious?    


What the hell, this is too evil.    


Chen Sanqiu climbed up the mountain faster and faster. When he saw the figure appear at the bottom of the mountain, Chen Sanqiu immediately hid behind a tree in the mountain. He squinted his eyes and looked at the disciples of the Carefree Sect searching the mountain.    


"This is really strange. We've been searching at the bottom of the mountain for a long time, but why haven't we found the body of that bastard Chen Sanqiu?"    


"Logically speaking, jumping off from such a high mountain, even if Chen Sanqiu isn't seriously injured, at such a high distance, falling down would mean his death."    


"Yeah, and Chen Sanqiu is heavily injured right now. Jumping down from such a high altitude, he's definitely going to fall to his death. Why haven't we seen any bone dregs yet?"    


"He couldn't have run away, right?"    


"Damn, you dare to say that?" If we tell the Sect Leader that Chen Sanqiu has run away, the Sect Leader will destroy us all. "    


"Cough cough, that's what I said, but it's really strange. When the old head was still alive, so many people were chasing after Chen Sanqiu, but none of them managed to kill him. When it came to the new head, he personally took action.    


"Also, is what Chen Sanqiu said during the enthronement ceremony true? Could it be that the new Sect Leader is really the illegitimate son of Crazy Doctor Crazy?"    


"Pei pei pei, don't spout such nonsense."    


It's not that I'm spouting nonsense, it's just that the people from the big sects are spreading rumors about this matter, furthermore, that Chen Sanqiu is not an idiot. If it really was Chen Sanqiu who assassinated the old head, then why did he come here to seek death during the enthronement ceremony? Does he not want to live? "    


"You can just tell me this. If the other disciples find out, be careful of your little life."    


I know, since the new Sect Leader is going to marry Miss Wang Linlin next month, the Sect Leader's position is even more stable, I would never speak carelessly about it. I really didn't expect that Miss Wang Lin would wear a mask on her face on a daily basis to make a fool of herself, tsk tsk, after removing the mask, I didn't expect that the Eldest Miss would be so beautiful.    


"Of course, if it wasn't for Zhen Xiaoyao and Eldest Brother, cough cough, if it wasn't for that, why would the new Sect Leader be so obsessed with Miss Wang Lin."    


The two disciples of Xiao Yao Sect walked around the dried up wolf's corpse but still could not find Chen Sanqiu's corpse. Thus, they turned around and left as well.    


There was no doubt about the shriveled corpse of the wolf.    


Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes    


Behind the small tree on the mountain wall, he heard the two Carefree Sect disciples' conversation. He narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.    


It seemed like he had run over to the Carefree Sect's enthronement ceremony and caused such a ruckus. Although no one dared to say that Zhen Xiaoyao was the son of a crazy doctor in front of his face, everyone suspected him from behind the scenes.    


This meant that the ruckus he had caused at the Footloose Sect's enthronement ceremony was quite true.    


However …    


Chen Sanqiu didn't expect that after Zhen Xiaoyao became the Xiao Yao Sect's Sect Leader, he would actually be so anxious to have Wang Linlin marry him.    


It seemed like Zhen Xiaoyao still did not have much confidence in Wang Lin.    


"Looks like I have to go and cause another ruckus." Chen Sanqiu snorted and quickly climbed up the mountain. He wanted to climb into the cave that Wang Linlin had discovered at that time.    


After climbing up to two-thirds of the way, Chen Sanqiu suddenly heard a weak scream from the top of the cliff.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but be stunned. He grinned and frowned. Why would there be a weak scream in this wilderness?    


There must be a secret in it.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately crawled towards the source of the scream.    


A cave entrance that was more than one meter wide appeared in front of Chen Sanqiu's eyes. The entrance was covered by a layer of iron chain network. Judging from the traces left at the entrance, it was very smooth.    


Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and pulled out a dagger from his wrist.    


It was the sharp dagger that was used to kill the Taotie together with the Mad Doctor previously. In a matter of seconds, it had cut open a tunnel the width of a person into the seemingly sturdy iron chain net.    


After entering the metal net, Chen Sanqiu carefully walked inside with a dagger in his hand.    


At the beginning, the tunnel was one meter square. There were still many torches on the walls of the surrounding tunnel, and the screams were getting clearer and clearer.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart shook and his eyes couldn't help but light up. Think about it, who would be locked in this mysterious tunnel?    


If he hadn't known that there was a cave on this cliff, he would never have discovered it.    


Moreover, if a person did not have a certain level of strength, even if they knew this place, they would still not be able to climb out.    


Chen Sanqiu did not hesitate and quickly walked into the cave.    


The passageway became wider and wider, until it became a ten-meter square space. Waves of hot and wet heat waves were coming from it.    


"Who is it?" Suddenly, an angry shout came from the depths of the passage.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and quickly stuck his body to the wall of the passage. He frowned as he looked into the depths of the passage.    


He saw two disciples of Xiao Yao Sect charge towards him with torches in their hands.    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and sighed.    


He originally wanted to quietly enter and inspect it before quietly leaving, but he didn't expect that he would still have to make a move.    


Taking a deep breath, Chen Sanqiu did not hide anymore. Cough cough, the main reason is because this mountain cliff is so bare, why the f * ck are you hiding.    


I can't hide no matter what.    



When the disciples of Carefree Sect saw Chen Sanqiu, they couldn't help but be stunned: "Didn't you die?"    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and immediately rushed forward. One of them gave his chest a punch and immediately flew away.    


"You're the one who's going to die."    




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