Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu looked at the crazy doctor with a serious expression. After hearing what the crazy doctor said, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva and looked at the crazy doctor in shock.    


Finally, he laughed and his voice resonated throughout the entire cave.    


Unexpectedly, Chen Sanqiu was surprised to find that his smile scared the doctor to the point that his face turned pale. He hurriedly reached out his hand to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing.    


Seeing that Mad Doctor was scared to the point that his face turned pale and his eyes looked outside in panic, Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and then immediately stopped laughing.    


Just a moment ago, he thought that the other party was just pretending to be crazy in order to scam him.    


After all, with the strength of a crazy doctor, there were very few people in this world who could do any harm to him.    


Just a moment ago, Chen Sanqiu thought that Crazy Doctor was up to something again. However, seeing that Crazy Doctor was so scared because of him laughing, he swallowed his saliva.    


With a grin, he signaled that the crazy doctor himself would not laugh out loud again.    


Only then did Mad Doctor retracted his hand from Chen Sanqiu's mouth.    


Chen Sanqiu looked solemnly at Mad Doctor. After a pause, he turned to Mad Doctor and said, "I said Mad Doctor."    


Mad Doctor …    


He glared fiercely at Chen Sanqiu. F * ck, who are you calling crazy?    


With such a high level of IQ, damn it, I have the highest number of IQs in the entire world. Damn it, who are you f * cking calling crazy?    


"So what if I call you a madman? If you have the guts to kill me, are you crazy or something? " When Chen Sanqiu saw that Mad Doctor was glaring at him, he immediately shouted at Mad Doctor in annoyance.    


Who would be afraid of who now? Damn it, seeing how the crazy doctor was scared to the point of being like a bear, and had even dragged him into the cave to save him, he knew without a doubt that the crazy doctor didn't have his own help and that the crazy doctor alone wouldn't be able to get out.    


In that case, Chen Sanqiu's guts would naturally increase a lot.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, the Mad Doctor's mouth twitched a little. He looked coldly at Chen Sanqiu and grunted, tacitly agreeing.    


"What exactly is outside? can scare you to this extent? " Chen Sanqiu asked the crazy doctor.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't imagine what it could be to scare the doctor like a bear. Think about it, a brother who could create all kinds of biological soldiers and species really didn't know what could scare the doctor like.    


Mad Doc took a deep breath and looked around the cave cautiously. Finally, he sighed and smiled wryly at Chen Sanqiu. "I don't know either."    




Chen Sanqiu's eyes widened as he looked at the crazy doctor in disbelief. He grinned, "Are you playing with me? You don't know what's outside?" "Then how could I scare you to this extent?"    


The crazy doctor had a wry smile on his face. Then, he solemnly asked Chen Sanqiu, "Do you believe that there are devils in this world?"    


"Devil?" Chen Sanqiu's stockholder swallowed his saliva. To be able to be called a demon by someone like Crazy Doctor, how brutal would that be …    




We fell off the cliff together, and I thought you were going to die, and that I was strong, and that I had injected all sorts of advanced medicines into myself, so I survived. At that time, when I woke up, I wanted to leave this place, but my body was severely injured, so I could only find some herbs to heal my wounds. Mad Doctor gazed out of the cave into the black night sky, deep in thought.    


"After I found the herbs, I fixed my injured arm, legs, and just when I was about to rest, a sound like a dragon's roar suddenly rang out. At that time, I didn't pay attention to it, thinking that it was just a tiger, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but after I rested for a while and went to look for food, I found a world of people with countless wild beasts' bones piled up like a mountain. A devil was lying on top of that mountain of bones, and although his back was facing me, I was too scared to move."    


Chen Sanqiu looked at the terrified expression on the Mad Doctor's face when he said that.    


He couldn't help but shiver in his heart.    


He didn't expect that just the mere memory of his memory would cause the crazy Doctor to be so terrified, so terrified.    


At that time, that devil-like monster was so scary. Just thinking about it made Chen Sanqiu scared.    


However, Chen Sanqiu's eyes suddenly lit up as he squinted his eyes and looked at Mad Doctor.    


The Mad Doctor felt Chen Sanqiu's gaze and frowned. He looked at Chen Sanqiu and said unhappily, "Why are you looking at me like that?"    


"What you said just now, you shouldn't be too far away from that monster." Chen Sanqiu narrowed his eyes and asked the Mad Doctor.    


The crazy doctor paused. "It's not far."    


"It didn't kill you." Chen Sanqiu sneered.    


The doctor shook his head. "If it had been chasing me, I would have died long ago, and so would you."    


"Since it didn't kill you, it means that you have a chance to escape. However, you didn't escape and instead came back to save me. Don't tell me you saved me because you wanted to escape with me."    


"I don't believe it." Chen Sanqiu said in disdain.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Mad Doctor smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu, "You are indeed much smarter than Zhen Xiao Yao."    


"Is he really your son?" Chen Sanqiu immediately asked.    


The crazy doctor did not answer, but continued, "I think that the monster is still young. If we allow it to grow, then you and I will not be its match. When it grows to its full form and breaks out of the sky ditch, the whole world will be in danger, so we need to get rid of it."    


Chen Sanqiu sneered in disdain and waved his hand: "I don't believe you. You just want to see how strong the other person is, so you want to get their DNA and create an even stronger biochemical soldier."    


At this moment.    


A green ray of light that could only be seen by Chen Sanqiu appeared in front of Chen Sanqiu's eyes.    


"Epic Hero mission."    


"Hunting super lifeform Taotie. Time, 7 days."    


"The super lifeform Taotie s are the super lifeforms of the universe. Wherever it goes, life will be annihilated and the planet will be destroyed …"    


Right now, the Taotie are still in their infancy, so we can kill them and obtain the core of the super lifeform Taotie. "    


"Reward achievement points, 200,000 points."    


"This mission is an Epic Hero mission, you can't refuse it. If you can't complete it, you will be deducted two million achievement points."    



Chen Sanqiu …    






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