Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0"Super Heart Medicine Recipe. A special medicine for heart disease created according to the formula. The side effects are very small. Other than the fact that you don't want to eat and have a bad appetite, there are no other side effects."    


"Moreover, the medicine is powerful enough to treat a heart disease if it's taken for a long time."    


"Price, 500 achievement points."    


"If you want the strongest super cardio-specific medicine, the price will be 5000 points without any side effects, and the effect will be more powerful and durable."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and his hands trembled as he immediately chose the super cardio prescription that had 500 points of success points. It was hilarious, of course he could spend 5000 points to buy the strongest super cardio prescription if he needed it.    


But now, Chen Sanqiu had other uses for this recipe.    


After buying the super heart medicine formula, Chen Sanqiu digested and absorbed it in his head. Then, he walked out of the bathroom, pulled the excited fatty, Qian Yiye, to the side of the bed and sat down, and said to the fatty solemnly, "Do you want to continue being your fatty here, and be your dog shit spy, or do you want to overthrow the Shen Nong Group and become the hero of the Ancient Martial Alliance?"    


The fatty was a thousand times more …    




"This, this is a good choice. I, of course, want to be a hero." Fatty Qian Yiping glanced at Chen Sanqiu bashfully: "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it."    




Chen Sanqiu trembled when he saw the fatty, Yiye, suddenly become bashful.    


F * ck, I don't like the lords.    


Chen Sanqiu pursed his lips and said to the fatty, "You should know about the power of the Ancient Martial Alliance in the mortal world, right? Are there any more powerful medical companies?"    


Fatty Qian Yiye was startled when he heard Chen Sanqiu. He quickly nodded and said, "Xiao Yao Sect has such a medical company in the mortal world. It's not a big one, but it's not that big."    


"I have a prescription for a super cardio-specific medicine. Give it to the drug manufacturer and tell them that I can give it to them for free, but, one thing is, I only sell these kinds of super cardio-specific drugs for 100 yuan per box. If they agree, then give them the prescription and let them produce it. And, I don't want any dividends, but if it exceeds 100 yuan, don't blame me for being impolite." Chen Sanqiu snorted. He took out a piece of toilet paper with the prescription written on it and handed it to Fatty.    


Fatty was trembling as he received the toilet paper with the prescription written by Chen Sanqiu.    


"Is, is that reliable?" Fatty Qian Yi Ye asked Chen Sanqiu, "Where did you get that from?"    


"Don't ask me where I got this from. I'm asking you, is it possible for you to fulfill my request?" Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to the fatty, "You have to know, there are still a lot of good things waiting for you in the future. Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to the fatty," You have to know, there are still a lot of good things waiting for you in the future.    


"As long as we get rid of the Mythical Dragon Conglomerate, then …    


"We have cut off one of Mad Doctor's legs, causing Mad Doctor to suffer heavy losses. Hehe, then you have made a great contribution to the ancient martial arts alliance, haven't you?" Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to the fatty, Qian Yifan.    


Fatty's blood was boiling at Chen Sanqiu's words. Even his hands were trembling as he held the toilet paper with the prescription written in it.    




Fatty Qian Yiye swallowed his saliva, gritted his teeth and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Big Brother, you have been my good big brother for the rest of your life. Fatty Qian Yi swallowed his saliva, clenched his teeth and said to Chen Sanqiu," Big Brother, you have been my good big brother for your entire life.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and patted the fatty's shoulder. He picked up a picture that was on the bedside of the fatty, turned around, and walked outside.    


"Hey, what are you doing with my fiancée's picture?" The fatty asked with a grin.    


"I'm useful. Do what you should." Chen Sanqiu waved his hand and walked outside. "Don't forget, you are going to be a hero."    


Fatty, One-Pun, took a deep breath. His mind was filled with the words Chen Sanqiu had said to him, "Get rid of the Divine Dragon Company and become the hero of Carefree Sect."    




Fatty Qian Yi Ye nodded his head hastily and clenched his fists. "I must become a hero."    


Chen Sanqiu left the dorm with the picture of Fatty and his fiancee in his pocket and came to Jiao Jiao's side.    


Jiao Jiao frowned at Chen Sanqiu and said, "You are so determined to get something from the dorm, let me see what you got."    


Chen Sanqiu did not resist and took out the photo and showed it to Jiao Jiao.    


"Is this you?" Jiao Jiao asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu sighed and said with a pained face, "This is my sister who is very sick and needs someone to serve her even if it's sh * t and urine."    


"Huh?" The corner of Jiao Jiao's mouth twitched and her body trembled. "You, your sister-in-law? You, you're holding your sister-in-law's photo, you and her? "    


Chen Sanqiu's face turned red and he lowered his head: "My brother was a fatty. He died early, it was me."    


Jiao Jiao rolled her eyes, looked at Chen Sanqiu and said, "You look so honest, I didn't expect you to have so many playthings."    


"Master, I am very loyal to you." Chen Sanqiu hurriedly said to Jiao Jiao.    


Jiao Jiao snorted, "I know. If you were not loyal to me, I would have killed you a long time ago."    


Chen Sanqiu quickly lowered his head and put the photo back into his chest pocket. He then followed Jiao Jiao and walked out of the building.    


The fatty was a thousand times more …    


F * ck, that's my fiancee. F * ck, he's doing fine.    


Also, I'm not f * cking dead yet. Damn …    


Chen Sanqiu followed Jiao Jiao out of the building and into the underground parking lot. They walked to a Rolls Royce and asked Chen Sanqiu, "You know how to drive?"    


"Yes." Chen Sanqiu nodded.    


Jiao Jiao casually handed the keys to Chen Sanqiu. She sat in the back and let Chen Sanqiu drive.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched as he looked at Jiao Jiao, who sat in the back row and was happily drinking red wine, gnashing her teeth in anger.    


He thought to himself, once I figure out what's going on, I must put Jiao Jiao on the ground.    


Damn, Master?    


I want you to know what a real master is.    



It makes you want to stop, quack quack quack.    




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