Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Under this earth-shaking roar, Chen Sanqiu felt as if his heart was beating non-stop.    


He felt his Qi and blood rush from his feet to his head, causing him to almost fall to the ground.    




Chen Sanqiu quickly controlled his emotions and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Then, he quietly looked towards the source of the loud roar.    


In the lush gaps between the trees, Chen Sanqiu saw a four meter long ferocious tiger running towards him in fear.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned. Before Chen Sanqiu could come back to his senses, a black shadow suddenly rushed over from behind the four-meter-long tiger.    


In the blink of an eye, the black shadow that was twice as big as the tiger instantly covered the four meter long tiger like a black cloud.    


Chen Sanqiu saw the black shadow push the four-meter long tiger to the ground, opening its mouth and biting the head of the tiger. Chen Sanqiu's heart suddenly contracted and his entire body froze.    


The Taotie's entire black, streamlined body, under the shine of the sunlight, emitted a metallic luster, and was filled with an extreme sense of power. A huge head occupied one-third of the Taotie's body, and with a short and powerful neck, a huge abdominal cavity, and a powerful tail, it looked just like a demon.    






The Taotie had only opened its mouth twice before completely devouring the tiger that was more than four meters long. There was not even a trace of its bones left, and it completely disappeared without a trace.    


"Gu Dong!"    


Seeing this, Chen Sanqiu said he was not afraid, that was fake, it was definitely a scam. Seeing such a huge monster with a devilish Taotie's appearance, Chen Sanqiu was not thinking of how to kill this Taotie's cub, but rather thinking of how to do it.    


Damn it, how could he escape from the claws of this Taotie?    


It was too frightening.    




Chen Sanqiu suddenly felt a cold gaze that contained killing intent, coming from the direction of the Taotie. His entire body stiffened, he hurriedly held his breath, turned around and was about to run away.    


Suddenly, the super system Bai Xiaobai's voice sounded in Chen Sanqiu's mind: "Don't move. Although the Taotie is powerful, it has one fatal weakness: it can't see the stationary object. The more you move, the more it can see you."    


Chen Sanqiu heard the super system's Bai Xiao's words and did not dare to move anymore. He stood behind the tree without moving, looking at the Taotie's huge head moving back and forth, a pair of eyes filled with killing intent, staring at Chen Sanqiu's location for a long time.    


When Chen Sanqiu thought that the Taotie had already found his tracks.    


The Taotie suddenly looked up to the sky and opened its huge mouth, releasing a furious roar that resonated throughout the world.    


He turned around, wagged his tail, and walked into the deep mountains.    


Watching the Taotie slowly disappear into the dense forest, Chen Sanqiu quickly took a few deep breaths.    


With a plop, he plopped down on the ground.    


What the hell.    


It was better to be famous than to meet.    


I've been listening to you, Dr. Crazy.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't take it to heart when he described how strong the monsters he saw in the sky ditch were.    


Even if the super system gave him the Epic Hero quest, Chen Sanqiu still harbored some fantasies. With the Mad Doctor and his alliance, no matter how strong they are, they are just a young Taotie.    


How strong could he be?    


When Chen Sanqiu really faced Chen Sanqiu face to face and saw the eight-meter-tall Taotie, the shock in his heart almost made Chen Sanqiu half dead.    




Chen Sanqiu said in a trembling voice, "Super system, Bai Xiaobai, you tricked me before, I will admit it. But, you f * cking tricked me by giving me this Epic Hero mission. I thought the Taotie I was going to kill was the one described in the Mountain and Sea Scripture."    


"It looks like a lamb's face with its eyes beneath its armpits, tiger teeth and human claws like a baby. It's a man-eater, but look at that Taotie just now, where did it find anything like the one described in the Mountain Sea Scripture?"    


"That's a dragon, okay? It's simply an ancient Tyrant Wyrm, okay?" Chen Sanqiu said speechlessly.    


The Super System quickly typed out a line of green words in front of Chen Sanqiu: "Epic Hero mission, once it appears, it cannot be rejected or defied. Host has no reason not to complete it."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said speechlessly: "Then you're too unreliable. This Taotie came to Earth because of you. Logically speaking, shouldn't you also be responsible for its arrival?"    


The super system, Bai Xiaobai, did not reply to Chen Sanqiu for a long time.    


Chen Sanqiu snorted: "Then you can't blame all of your mistakes on me, right?"    


"Just what request do you have? Just say it, don't be a f * cking b * stard here." The super system typed a line of words in front of Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately blushed and laughed dryly, then said in a low voice, "Super system White Little White, I'm not going to tell you anything else. I agree to let you kill this monster, but you have to give me some help. With my current strength, even if I work with Crazy Doctor Crazy, the chances of killing it are very slim."    


The Super System paused for a moment, and then typed out a line of words: "Although Taotie are powerful, but their sense of smell is very normal, and their vision is very strong, but they cannot see static objects. Even though their entire body is covered with extremely hard skin, their stomach, even with the most common weapons, can break it open."    


Chen Sanqiu saw the super system's notification and rolled his eyes: "Can't you give me a little weapon? What super laser cannon, what super anti-aircraft gun, even if it's not good, you can just give me a super laser gun. "    


"Buy it yourself."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"If I could buy it, would I need to say so much?" Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and said.    


"We can't give any weapons to the host during the mission." The super system typed out one last line, "I'll give you one last hint. The inner core of a Taotie is not in its brain, nor is it a turtle's shell.    


The inside of the monster's stomach is in the Taotie's tail. "    


Chen Sanqiu saw the last line of the super system's call. He called the super system for a long time, but still didn't see the super system's reply. He knew that the super system wouldn't help him anymore.    


He took a deep breath.    



Glancing deeply at the direction that the Taotie left in, he thought to himself, how can I cheat a crazy doctor?    




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