Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0The dream butterfly disdainfully looked at Fang Menglong and said, "At first, I thought Chen Sanqiu was born to be a nobody, but now, I know that Chen Sanqiu Ye is just an arrogant man."    


The dream butterfly gritted her teeth. When she spoke, she felt that her butt was going to burst into a burning numbness. Damn bastard, he was always hitting her butt. Damn it!    


Even more despicable was that the dream butterfly was not a match for Chen Sanqiu.    


She had clearly seen Chen Sanqiu raise his arm and was about to pull his butt off. However, the dream butterfly couldn't avoid Chen Sanqiu even if she wanted to. This was what made the dream butterfly most depressed.    


Fang Menglong was in disbelief, his mouth agape and his mouth agape as he stared at her. According to his understanding of his sister, she was the same sister he had grown up with.    


Damn, before this, from the words of the dream butterfly, I could clearly feel that my elder sister really liked Chen Sanqiu and valued him a lot. This is the first man that the dream butterfly had taken a fancy to since she was young.    


What the hell was going on? Old sister actually said that to Chen Sanqiu, that shouldn't be the case.    


Glancing at the dream butterfly, Fang Menglong asked in a low voice: "Sis, what happened between you and Chen Sanqiu? It can't be that you got angry because I went to dig on the ground, so you went to find trouble with Chen Sanqiu, and then got spanked on the butt by Chen Sanqiu, right? "    


The dream butterfly's body trembled. She glared at Fang Menglong and angrily retorted, "Bullsh * t, don't you know how strong your sister is? Chen Sanqiu is nothing in the eyes of your sister, he dares to hit my butt? "Pfft, I won't kill him."    


Fang Menglong stuck out his tongue, feeling that women were truly dangerous creatures. It was hard to imagine.    


The day before, it had been the same, but now it was the same.    


Fang Menglong hurried back to his room, went to wash up, changed his clothes, and went to the dining room for dinner. Not daring to respond to the dream butterfly, he hurriedly went to his room to sleep.    


The next morning, Fang Menglong sneaked off to dig the ground.    


Chen Sanqiu also went to Wang Manjing Street's shop early in the morning. Seeing the workers come early to carry out the final renovation, Chen Sanqiu was very satisfied.    


Two hundred dollars each was a reward.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't see the dream butterfly come after him even at night, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.    


Lowering his head to look at his hands, Chen Sanqiu grinned and mumbled to himself, "Actually, the little butt of a dream butterfly is still very nice to pull out."    


Sighing, Chen Sanqiu walked into his store after the decorating workers finished all the follow-up work and cleaned up. The decorating style was similar to that of the Three Autumn Vegetables Supermarket in Hedong City.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but think of Li Xiaolin in his mind. His heart quivered as he wondered how Li Xiaolin was getting used to living abroad for the past few days.    


With a wry smile, he wanted to call Li Xiaohong and ask her to give him the number of Li Xiaolin's mobile phone overseas, then give her a call.    


However, thinking of the reason Li Xiaolin left without saying goodbye, Chen Sanqiu finally suppressed his thoughts.    


After cleaning up the shop, Chen Sanqiu returned to the hotel. When he arrived at the hotel room, he saw Yue Ling'er practicing her throat and Hu Zi watching television boringly.    


When Hu Zi saw Chen Sanqiu return, he immediately jumped up from the sofa excitedly and asked Chen Sanqiu, "Second brother, how is the business situation? Is everything ready? "    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, nodded, and said proudly, "It's done. I'm waiting for the mouse to bring the vegetables tomorrow. It's time for the grand opening."    


Hu Zi nodded excitedly. He rubbed his hands and said, "Then should we go out and celebrate tonight?"    


Seeing the look of anticipation on Hu Zi's face, Chen Sanqiu laughed heartily and said to him, "You must be really bored to death here."    


Hu Zi revealed a bitter smile and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Second brother, although Ling'er sings like a skylark, I can't bear listening to you sing like this for the rest of the day. I've been watching TV for the entire day and my body is going to rust."    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said, "Sure, let's go out and play tonight."    


At this moment, Yue Ling'er walked over with a blush on her face. She said to Hu Zi, "Brother Hu Zi, you actually don't have to always be here to protect me."    


Hu Zi hurriedly shook his head, "That won't do. You can't have any mishaps. If anything happens to you, second brother will definitely kill me."    


Yue Ling'er's face reddened as she looked shyly at Chen Sanqiu and asked, "Brother Sanqiu, has your shop been renovated? Will it be open for business tomorrow? "    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and nodded excitedly. He said to Yue Ling'er, "Yes, it will open for business tomorrow."    


"Oh, that's great. But, have you found the waiter yet?" Yue Ling'er asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Damn!" Chen Sanqiu looked at Yue Ling'er and smacked his forehead. He knew more and more about Li Xiaolin's story now.    


Before Li Xiaolin left, Chen Sanqiu didn't need to care about these things. Li Xiaolin had already taken care of these things. Now that Li Xiaolin was gone, Chen Sanqiu had to do everything by himself.    


Cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he realized that other than the shop that was already renovated, he hadn't even bought a good cash register.    


He told the matter to Hu Zi and Yue Ling'er.    


Hu Zi grinned and Yue Ling'er rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu.    


The three of them had no way of going out to play in the evening. First, they bought all the items at the cashier's desk, then asked their grandma to ask them to go over and help them debug things, and then they bought some things like a grand opening. They worked until midnight to finish everything that they could think of.    


However, he still could not settle the problem of the waiter. After all, he could not go to the street at night and directly arrest someone.    


Helpless, Hu Zi, Yue Ling'er, and Chen Sanqiu all donned the uniform of a waiter.    


He didn't return to the hotel at night and instead went to sleep in the shop. Early the next morning, at 4 am, Lao Shu drove to the outside of the shop, unloaded his car, checked his watch, and worked until 8 am.    


After letting Lao Shu go back to the hotel to sleep, Chen Sanqiu clenched his teeth and put on the waiter's clothes. He hung the sign with the price of vegetables outside and looked at the bustling King's Manor street.    


He swallowed his saliva and said, "Selling vegetables, cheap vegetables, 25 RMB per catty."    






"F * ck."    


"It's so damn cheap?"    


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