Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Zuyin saw that the woman had finished washing his feet, so he stood up and started to take off his clothes. He almost cried, damn, this woman was only 27 or 28 years old, only a few years older than his son.    


I'm already f * cking fifty, sister.    


He immediately understood what was going on. Zhao Jianzhong and Zhao Shaolin must have deliberately found a woman to serve him.    


In a split-second, Chen Zuyin's head exploded as he kicked over the foot bucket, splashing it onto the woman's body, scaring her to the point of screaming.    


The door immediately opened and Zhao Shaolin stormed in with incomparable rage. He angrily shouted, "Uncle Chen, I was good to you and even asked my girlfriend to wash your feet. You're so old and yet you dare to …"    


Then, he saw the woman's entire body was now wet with water. Chen Zuyin was sitting on the sofa, glaring at him.    


Zhao Shaolin froze for a moment, then hastily turned his head towards the woman and angrily said, "F * ck, what the f * ck did you do? You actually dared to do this to my uncle.    


Chen Zuyin immediately snorted and stood up, saying to Zhao Shaolin, "No need, I'll be leaving first."    


Chen Zuyin immediately walked out of Zhao Shaolin's Bath City. He didn't look for Zhao Jianzhong and the others and instead took a taxi back to Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Upon returning to the Hall of Herbs, Chen Zuying had a cold expression on his face. What the hell was going on? He didn't dare to tell the Tan Lian-xiang about this, so after some thought, he went to Chen Sanqiu and told him everything.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned when he heard it from the beginning. He grinned and asked Chen Zuyin, "Dad, what does that woman look like?"    


Chen Zuyin was about to burst out laughing, "You little brat, now you dare to make fun of your father?"    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Chen Zuyin, "That means the old man is getting stronger and stronger. He is so young and handsome that even the young girls like him a lot."    


Chen Zuyin had just taken a sip of his tea. Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, he almost spurted out his mouthful of tea. He said angrily to Chen Sanqiu, "Get down to business."    


Chen Sanqiu let out a hollow laugh and hurriedly said, "This matter is obvious. Zhao Jianzhong and Zhao Shaolin want to harm you. Obviously, Zhao Jianzhong has been keeping an eye on the position of the village committee's secretary. When Zhao Qingfan was the village committee's secretary before, when did Zhao Jianzhong ever hear what Zhao Qingfan said?" The entire village committee will be decided by Zhao Jianzhong. Now that Zhao Jianzhong is down and you're up, Zhao Jianzhong naturally wants to catch on to your weakness so that you can listen to him in the future. "    


Chen Zuyin snorted coldly, "If Zhao Jianzhong wants to be beautiful, how can I be in cahoots with him?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and nodded, then said to Chen Zuyin, "Dad, you don't have to care about this. I have a way to make Zhao Jian not fart, and that Zhao Shaolin still dares to go against me. I'll take care of him."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Chen Zuyin nodded, frowned and said, "But don't break the law."    


Chen Sanqiu acknowledged and watched as Chen Zuyin walked out. He quickly said, "Dad, now that second child has let go, he can actually give me a little sister or brother."    


Chen Zuyin, who had just reached the door, shivered. He stood there for a while, then turned around and glared fiercely at Chen Sanqiu.    


When he saw Tan Lianxiang, who was playing on her phone on the bed, he felt a burst of heat in his heart. He didn't know whether it was due to the alcohol, or the fact that he was provoked by that woman at the foot shop, but when he thought about what Chen Sanqiu had said, he became excited and ran to the bed to hug Tan Lianxiang.    


Tan Liuxiang was stunned. Her husband and wife had never taken the initiative like this ever since she had Chen Sanqiu. "Damn it, I ate the wrong medicine."    


Chen Zuyin's aged face turned red, he held the Tan Lian Xiang, bit onto the Tan Lian Xiang's ear and whispered.    


Tan Lianxiang blushed and cried out as Chen Zuyin untied her clothes.    


Chen Sanqiu, who was squatting outside Chen Zu's shadow wall, heard the sound of Chen Zu Yin running to his bed. He chuckled and quickly ran away, then went to find Li Zhenghua, Black Dog and Mouse.    


He told Chen Zu Yin to Zhao Shaolin, who was almost tricked by Zhao Jianzhong.    


He then coldly said, "Don't blame me for being unjust. Let's go to that foot bath shop now. It's fine if they provoke me, but they actually dare to provoke my father. I won't forgive them."    


Upon hearing this, the leopard who had been recovering immediately got up and left with them.    


Li Zhenghua didn't say anything, neither did Black Dog and Mouse.    


From their point of view, it was just a penetrating wound. On the battlefield, they would bandage it up and continue doing it. After recuperating for such a long time, it should be enough.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately held down the leopard and saw that Li Zhenghua didn't have any intention of refusing the leopard, so he grinned.    


I don't understand what the f * cking King of Weapons Specialists is thinking.    


"Bao Zi, you stay at home and protect my dad and mother. We can't leave no one at home. I won't worry if you're at home." Chen Sanqiu said to the leopard.    


He quickly got up, took the kitchen knife, and said to Chen Sanqiu with a serious face, "Boss, don't worry. As long as I'm here, no one is allowed to hurt a single hair on the old man's body. Unless you step over my dead body."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He took a deep breath and patted the leopard's shoulder. "Call me Sanqiu from now on, or call me brother. Don't call me boss. It's hard to bear listening to it."    


"And you guys too, don't call me boss. Whatever Li Zhenghua calls me, just call me whatever. I treat you guys as brothers and you guys treat me as boss, that's not right." Chen Sanqiu said solemnly to Black Dog.    


Black Dog and Rodent's faces reddened. They smiled embarrassedly and quickly nodded their heads. Their hearts were filled with warmth.    


The Mercedes-Benz was still being used as an investigation evidence by Zhou Xiaoxiao at the police station. Chen Sanqiu had Li Zhenghua drive the van to deliver the goods, and the group majestically went to Dragon Lake Town.    


Li Zhenghua, Mouse, and Black Dog gritted his teeth.    


To think that they would dare to set up a trap for Chen Zuyin, who had always been nice to them, to f * cking kill all of you …    


After Chen Zuyin left, Zhao Jianzhong hurriedly ran to Chen Zuyin's room. He saw Zhao Shaolin sitting on the sofa in the room. The woman was squatting on the floor with her mouth open and muttering. Zhao Shaolin was squinting his eyes in comfort.    


Zhao Jianzhong angrily said, "What the hell is going on? Why did Chen Zuyin leave? "    


"Uncle, what's there to be afraid of? Chen Zuyin had already been in charge of health care and Xiao Li had indeed kicked him, when that happens, Xiao Li would insist that Chen Zuyin did something to Xiao Li. What else can Chen Zuyin say?" If you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to explain it. " Zhao Shaolin proudly said to Zhao Jianzhong.    


When Zhao Jianzhong heard what Zhao Shaolin said, he felt that it was true.    


Looking at Xiaoli's pretty appearance and her voluptuous body, she even gave Zhao Shaolin a coquettish look.    


He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    


"Uncle, together?" Zhao Shaolin said to Zhao Jianzhong with a smile.    


When Zhao Jianzhong heard this, he gawked and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


"Let's go together."    


Zhao Jianzhong, Zhao Shaolin, one old and one young, plus Little Li …    



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