Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Li Zhenghua held Zhu's hand, and promised Ah Zhu with tears flowing from his reddened eyes. With a smile on his face, Ah Zhu fell into a deep sleep.    


Li Zhenghua covered Zhu and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Zhu is passing out more and more frequently."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded. He walked to Ah Zhu's side and grabbed her arm. He looked at the needle marks on her arm and frowned. "This is injecting drugs."    


Li Zhenghua let out a sigh and said, "When I went back to see Ah Zhu, I found out that the boss was killed by me, so Ah Zhu was locked up by the boss's henchman and helped to make the drug deal. When Ah Zhu gave birth to Nannan, I was afraid that Ah Zhu might run away and injected her with drugs, making it so that she would not be able to run away."    


Hearing Li Zhenghua say so, Chen Sanqiu nodded his head and used his Penetrating Divine Eye to look at Ah Zhu's internal organs. Now that Ah Zhu's internal organs were all damaged, Chen Sanqiu thought that Ah Zhu's kidney, liver, and heart were all severely damaged.    


Especially since there were quite a lot of blocked blood vessels on Ah Zhu's body, and some of his flesh had started to rot. This was the most dangerous situation for him.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned and said to Li Zhenghua, "We should have surgery now, but I'm afraid that with Ah Zhu's current condition, she won't be able to hold on."    


Li Zhenghua gritted his teeth and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Do it."    


With that, Li Zhenghua's eyes turned red again as he said to Chen Sanqiu, "Ah Zhu, the situation now is worse than death."    


Chen Sanqiu sighed, after checking Zhu's blood type, he asked Li Zhenghua to get the blood type blood type he needed from Zhu. After Li Zhenghua left, Li Xiaoyu walked in with Li Xiaoling and Nannan left Nannan in Li Xiaohong's care.    


"She won't die, right?" Li Xiaoyu's eyes were full of concern as she looked at Ah Zhu who was lying on the bed. Her mouth, however, was as cold as before.    


Li Xiaolin, who was at the side, patted Li Xiaoyu on the arm. "Stop trying to be brave. You're worried about your sister-in-law, so why do you keep your mouth shut?"    


Li Xiaoyu's face turned red as she glared at Li Xiaolin. "I'm not worried about her. Who is she? Why did she suddenly come out and say that she gave birth to my brother's child? Who knows if it's real or not? She hasn't tested her DNA."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled at Li Xiaoyu: "Whether you are a relative or not, you can tell at first glance. Don't think that I do not know, you already knew that Nannan was your niece, but you were angry and did not say it out loud. Moreover, with me here, how could I recognize you?" "Nannan is Zhenghua's daughter."    


Li Xiaoyu mumbled to herself as she stomped her feet in anger: "Okay, Nannan is my niece, that should be fine right? I'm asking you, can Ah Zhu treat her or not?"    


He pointed at Ah Zhu's body and said to Li Xiaoyu, "You also saw the situation, the disease is too serious, I can only say that you have to work hard, you should have a 50% chance of saving her, but your sister-in-law's body is too weak, and the poison is too deep, not even drinking tonic for her, you can only take it slowly."    


When Li Xiaoyu heard Chen Sanqiu say that he had a fifty percent chance of winning, she didn't take the rest of the sentence into consideration. She heaved a sigh of relief and said to Li Xiaolin, "Xiaolin, aren't you worried that Chen Sanqiu, that bastard, has suffered in the police station? Why did you not ask him when he's back? "    


Li Xiaolin's face suddenly turned red. She was still in a cold war with Chen Sanqiu when Li Xiaoyu said it in front of Chen Sanqiu. Li Xiaolin suddenly blushed and stomped her feet as she angrily glared at Li Xiaoyu.    


However, his gaze landed on Chen Sanqiu's wrist. When he saw the scars on the wrist, his heart shuddered.    


With reddened eyes, she immediately turned around and ran out.    


Li Xiaoyu and Chen Sanqiu were stunned for a moment. Li Xiaoyu hurriedly ran out and turned around to Chen Sanqiu, "I'll go and see what's going on. Don't go."    


Chen Sanqiu could only nod, feeling rather depressed in his heart.    


After chasing her, Li Xiaoyu found Li Xiaolin, who was crying in a corner of the Three Autumn Vegetable Market. She walked up to Li Xiaolin in a bad mood and said, "There's something wrong with your head. Why didn't you tell him that you have a crush on Chen Sanqiu?"    


"I am the bane, the bane of men. Chen Sanqiu was originally well because I entered the police station twice. It was both my fault, my fault." Li Xiaolin said while crying.    


When Li Xiaoyu heard Li Xiaolin's words, she angrily said, "What did you say? Why is it your business that he was taken away?" If you blame everything on yourself because of something wrong with your brain, you wouldn't be able to continue living. "    


"If you like it then go ahead. Sooner or later, you will be snatched away by others." Li Xiaoyu muttered.    


"You like Chen Sanqiu too, why didn't you tell him?" Li Xiaolin suddenly retorted to Li Xiaoyu.    


Li Xiaoyu …    


She pointed at Li Xiaolin for a while and said, "Pfft, do you think I would like that bastard Chen Sanqiu? "Pfft, I'd rather die."    


Then, the two of them looked at each other and stopped talking for a moment.    


Li Zhenghua got the plasma from the black market as fast as he could, returned to the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket, and entered the office. Li Zhenghua got the plasma from the black market as fast as he could, returned to the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket, entered the office, and gave the plasma to Chen Sanqiu.    


He placed Ah Zhu on the operating table. Seeing that Li Zhenghua still wasn't going out, he grinned and said to Li Zhenghua, "You should get out. I'm afraid you won't be able to take the next few things."    


Li Zhenghua's eyes were red as he nodded and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I'll be counting on you."    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Li Zhenghua, "I'm here for everything. I can't fight, but I can do surgery."    


Li Zhenghua nodded and left the office, closing the door behind him. He stood at the door like a doorman, not allowing anyone to enter.    


Chen Sanqiu was in his office, looking at the unconscious Ah Zhu. He sighed, used his consciousness to control the super operating table, and gently cut off the dead skin for Ah Zhu. Then he used the smallest scalpel to probe into the blood vessels of Ah Zhu, opening up those that were blocked by the injection.    


The operation lasted for more than three hours, and Li Zhenghua, who was waiting outside the door, was feeling anxious.    


The burly Chen Xionghu walked in from outside and shouted, "Where's Chen Sanqiu? Where is it? My big brother invites him to dinner. "    


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