Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0If Li Zhenghua, Lee Goudan, or Zhao Shaolin heard Chen Sanqiu's angry roar, they would f * cking bully an honest man.    


He would definitely shiver all over. If Chen Sanqiu was an honest man, then wouldn't the world be full of honest people? Anyone caught anywhere was an honest man?    


Just as he was about to attack Yue Ling'er, he was slapped in the face by Yue Ling'er. Hearing Chen Sanqiu's angry roar, Fang Meng Long immediately turned around and saw Chen Sanqiu running towards him angrily.    


He was infuriated.    


F * ck, your father is one of the top characters among all kinds of second generations in the capital. Today, I was invited by a few friends to play here, and as soon as I entered, I saw Yue Ling'er sitting in a corner drinking fruit juice.    


He had only seen Yue Ling'er look at him for a moment, and saw her sitting quietly in the corner like a fairy, quietly drinking her juice.    


As for those well-dressed, heavily made-up women who really wished they could drink a bottle of beer, Fang Menglong had long been fed up with them. It could also be said that he was tired of them.    


All of a sudden, when he saw a girl like Yue Ling'er in this kind of place, he was immediately moved.    


In Fang Menglong's opinion, with his looks, identity, status, and even the women he came here to play with, no one could be more innocent. Who the hell would come here for such a pure woman?    


With all these factors added together, Fang Menglong felt that he had to succeed. The moment he reached out his hand, Yue Ling'er would immediately remove her disguise.    


Unexpectedly, not only did Yue Ling'er not follow him, she even slapped him.    


The surrounding rich second generations were immediately angered.    


"Damn, you woman. You actually dared to hit Young Master Long."    


"F * ck, are you f * cking blind?" "He dares to hit Young Master Long."    


"Brothers, take revenge for Young Master Long, chop off this woman's hand and vent his anger."    


When Hu Zi heard the words of this group of rich second generations, he was infuriated. He hurriedly stood in front of Yue Ling'er, glaring coldly at those arrogant second generations.    


Fang Meng Long did not care about all this and turned around to see Chen Sanqiu rushing over with an angry face. He knew Chen Sanqiu was the leader of the three and pointed at Chen Sanqiu arrogantly: "Fuck, I was bullying you, an honest man. What are you doing?"    


Chen Sanqiu was furious in his heart. F * ck, since I came here, I'll just hide in the corner and drink beer while admiring the girls and hoodlums on the dance floor, then you f * cking bully us.    


It was one thing to bully him, but he actually dared to bully Yue Ling'er. Chen Sanqiu was furious, this was his personal Chinese cabbage, fresh and refreshing, he had not even eaten a single mouthful, yet you actually dared to attack Yue Ling'er.    


He was courting death.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately went into a jumping stance, taking three steps and three steps at a time, as if he was a devil.    


Under the dumbstruck gaze of Fang Meng Long, Ye Wu Chen arrived in front of Fang Meng Long in a few steps.    


"Scram." Chen Sanqiu slapped Fang Meng Long's face and sent him flying.    


"Aiyo, what the hell."    


"Oh shit, Young Master Long, Young Master Long, are you alright?"    


"F * ck, who the hell dares to make a move on Young Master Long?" Are you tired of living? "    


"God damn, do you know who Young Master Long is?"    


When the rich second generations who had followed Fang Menglong saw him being beaten up one after another, they were annoyed. The most important reason was that Fang Menglong had been sent flying in front of them.    


If they didn't make a move and their old men found out, they would skin them alive.    


Many of the rich second generations looked at each other and immediately rushed towards Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi in anger, feeling extremely excited.    


Previously, when they followed Young Master Long, it was Young Master Long who bullied others. Now that they finally met Young Master Long being bullied, this was the perfect time to express their loyalty. No one dared to not use their full strength, so they each grinded their teeth and charged towards Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi.    


Yue Ling'er didn't think that she would receive such a huge slap. The girl's heart was filled with grief, and she was extremely afraid that Chen Sanqiu would be injured because of her.    


In the end, he couldn't help but cry out loud.    


This infuriated Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi. Even Yue Ling'er, who didn't care about anything, was scared to the point of crying when she was at home, working tirelessly, cleaning and doing household chores.    


Hu Zi immediately roared in anger, and like a meat shield, he blocked the incoming fuerdai.    


This meat shield wasn't the kind of meat shield that could only defend and not counter attack.    


This was equivalent to producing a Backstab Armor and an Endless Strength huge meat shield. He immediately carried it and beat up the group of rich second generations who were the first to charge in.    


Chen Sanqiu was like an assassin outside. From time to time, he would land on his feet, fast, ruthless and steady. Every time he kicked, he would make a rich second generation scream and fall to the ground.    


On top of that, Yue Ling'er seemed to be assisting them as she cried loudly behind them. All sorts of anger was sparked, causing the rich second generations following Young Master Long to be beaten black and blue, and they were all forced to the ground.    


Fang Meng Long …    


Staring dumbfoundedly at Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi, who looked like they were hanging up, beating up their subordinates so badly that they couldn't even get up from the ground, Chen Sanqiu turned around and was about to leave in fright.    


Hu Zi immediately let out an angry roar, leaped up, rushed to Fang Meng Long's back, and yelled: "Fuck, do you think we are easy to be bullied? So you want to bully us the moment you came? "    


Fang Meng Long …    


"All of you are f * cking honest, f * cking stupid." Fang Meng Long was speechless. What the hell, where in the world did he see such a strong and honest person? F * ck, I've really seen a ghost today.    


When Fang Meng Long saw Hu Zi raising his hand to hit him again, his heart skipped a beat. With a bitter face, he said, "Brother, just now you guys hit me twice. I was just teasing that beauty. There's no need to beat me up a third time, right?"    


Hu Zi sneered.    




Fang Menglong was on the verge of tears. Ever since he was born, no one had slapped him so many times. No one had ever slapped him.    


Now it was even more despicable. Along with the three of them, each of them had slapped themselves three times. Damn it.    


Fang Meng Long gritted his teeth as he looked at Hu Zi. At this moment, in the office of the bar.    


A security guard rushed into the office in panic. Seeing the boss happily exercising with a pretty girl on the sofa, he grinned and cried, "Boss, it's bad, Young Master Long got beaten up in our bar."    



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