Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0"What are you guys doing?" A bodyguard stared angrily at Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi. He angrily shouted at Chen Sanqiu, "Do you know who the injured person is?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to the bodyguard, "I don't care who or what status this injured person has, I only know one thing, he is an injured person."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu stretched out his hand and put Yue Ling'er down, allowing her to stand at the side.    


Yue Ling'er blushed as she stood beside Chen Sanqiu. When Chen Sanqiu rushed over with her in his arms, her butt was still burning.    


So embarrassing.    


However, from Chen Sanqiu's appearance, it seems like he didn't notice at all that Chen Sanqiu hugged his butt just now.    


Sigh, should I tell Chen Sanqiu?    


However, if he took the initiative to tell Chen Sanqiu, wouldn't that be too embarrassing? I won't say it, but I think I should remind Chen Sanqiu that you grabbed my butt just now.    


So conflicted.    


Chen Sanqiu now opened his Penetrating Divine Eye, narrowed his eyes and looked at the 50-odd middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked very refined. He looked up and down, frowned, and said, "This uncle broke his ribs, and I think they have already pierced into his internal organs. If we don't treat him soon, it will be dangerous."    


The four bodyguards of the middle-aged man were also very anxious. They had been ordered to protect this important figure, but they did not expect that such a thing would happen after climbing the Great Wall once.    


He turned his head to look at the middle-aged man and saw that his face had already turned pale. It seemed that he had suffered internal injuries.    


However, looking at Chen Sanqiu …    


Damn it, looking at Chen Sanqiu's appearance, he doesn't seem like someone with high medical skills. If they really had to hand over this important person's life to Chen Sanqiu, even they wouldn't dare to.    


At this time, the middle-aged man in his fifties looked Chen Sanqiu up and down. He smiled and asked, "How confident are you?"    


When Hu Zi heard this, he was angered and said unhappily, "Damn, is there something wrong with your head? If it wasn't for my second brother being so kind-hearted and knowing that something was going on with you and asking me to come over and help, it would have started a large-scale stampede already. Pah! Do you know how awesome my second brother is? If my second brother is willing to treat you, that would be thinking highly of you. Tsk, you're not willing. "    


When the four bodyguards heard Hu Zi's words, they looked at him with their mouths agape.    


F * ck, do you know who this great figure is? You're just saying that like that, damn it, that's too awesome.    


The man who was about fifty years old was not angry when he heard Hu Zi's words. He smiled and asked, "May I ask, what is little brother doing?"    


"My second brother is a vegetable farmer." Hu Zi said proudly to the middle-aged man in his fifties.    




The four bodyguards that were protecting the middle-aged man nearly vomited blood in anger when they heard Hu Zi's words.    


He almost jumped up and sent Hu Zi flying. 'F * ck off! You f * cker!'    


You're just a vegetable farmer, what do you think is the point of being so awesome? F * ck, this is a doctor saving a life. Your head, I'm not asking you to come here and act pretentious.    


He said to the middle-aged man, "I have a lot of confidence that I can help you straighten your bones first. Because this place is not suitable for surgery, I can only help you straighten your bones first to prevent a large area of your broken ribs from hurting your internal organs."    


The four bodyguards were immediately angered. Damn, you little vegetable farmer, can you not be so arrogant?    


He immediately stood up and stood in front of the middle-aged man, blocking Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi's path to the middle-aged man.    


"We've already made a phone call. A helicopter will be coming soon to save them. Don't disturb us." A bodyguard said angrily at Chen Sanqiu and Hu Zi, "Otherwise, don't blame us for taking action."    


"It's too late." Chen Sanqiu frowned and said, "If we don't get the bone straight as soon as possible, the broken ribs will probably pierce into the heart. By then, it will be too late."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu say that, the four bodyguards were so angry that they wanted to attack.    


At this time, the middle-aged man smiled and waved at Chen Sanqiu, "I believe in you, come and save me."    


The four bodyguards were immediately stunned as they hastily turned their heads. "Leader, this …"    


The middle-aged man waved his hand and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Go ahead."    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly nodded and ran to the middle-aged man's side as fast as he could. He used his Penetrating Divine Eye and rubbed the middle-aged man's chest lightly.    


The four bodyguards saw this and felt that Chen Sanqiu was really unreliable. Seeing that Chen Sanqiu's hands were gently rubbing the middle-aged man's chest without any other movements, they felt that Chen Sanqiu was becoming more and more unreliable.    


2-3 minutes later, Chen Sanqiu suddenly exerted force in his hands and the sound of bones breaking was heard. The four bodyguards trembled in fright.    


Suddenly, two silver needles appeared in Chen Sanqiu's hands and pierced into the middle-aged man's chest.    


The four bodyguards were so scared that their faces turned green. Damn, to them, Chen Sanqiu wasn't saving others right now, he was killing people.    


At this moment, Chen Sanqiu clapped his hands, stood up, and said to the middle-aged man, "The broken ribs have pierced the internal organs. I helped seal your acupoints and stopped the bleeding, but you must have surgery within an hour."    


The middle-aged man was in so much pain that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He nodded slightly and felt that Chen Sanqiu's words were too mysterious. He regretted agreeing to help Chen Sanqiu just now.    


However, things had gotten to this point, so he could only bear with it.    


Five minutes later, a helicopter flew over and swiftly moved the middle-aged man away. Chen Sanqiu then brought Hu Zi and Yue Ling'er down the Great Wall with him.    


In a mysterious hospital in Beijing.    


A forty-something year old doctor who had sharp eyes finished the operation on the middle-aged man. After the surgery, the forty-plus year old doctor turned to the middle-aged man and asked, "Department Head Fang, it's fortunate that someone did the orthopedic surgery on you in advance, and even used silver needles to seal the bleeding area. This is definitely a method from an old Chinese medical doctor. I'd like to pay a visit. "    


Fang Wenyu froze for a moment, then said to the doctor, "That doctor also looked to be in his twenties. Moreover, he said he was a vegetable farmer."    


"Ah …?"    


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