Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Fang Meng Long and Fatty were stunned. Yan Hu was stunned. All of the top rich second generations were stunned.    


All of them stared dumbstruck at the Yangtze River anglefish rearing in the Guyun Lake. They felt like taking off their clothes and jumping down to play with the Yangtze River anglefish. After all, all of these were treasures.    


After staying in Fallen Phoenix Village for less than five hours, Fang Menglong and the others had been greatly expanded. This was truly a treasure mountain, precious water, and they were all filled with envy as they watched this scene unfold with the feeling of gold beneath their feet.    


All of them were determined to follow Chen Sanqiu, as they were all capable enough to raise Yangtze River fish. If they didn't follow him, who else would they want to follow?    


I have to follow Chen Sanqiu.    


That night, Fang Menglong and the others rested at the farmhouse next to the Cloud Cleaving Lake for the night. On the second day, they woke up early one by one and thought they would wake up early, but Chen Sanqiu, Chen Zuyin, and Li Zhenghua had already woken up and were already practicing Taiji Fist next to the Cloud Cleaving Lake. They grabbed a few crabs next to the Cloud Locking Lake and some large prawns before walking towards the farmhouse to make breakfast.    


Seeing Chen Zuyin, Chen Sanqiu, and Li Zhenghua in such a carefree state, Fang Menglong felt a surge of envy.    


After having breakfast with Chen Sanqiu and the others, he ate until his belly was round. Then, he followed Chen Sanqiu to the construction site of the new village, looked at the already built foundation, and then looked at the blueprint of the building.    


It seemed that Chen Sanqiu had already wanted to build a fertilizer factory in Fallen Phoenix Village long ago. Thinking of this, Fang Menglong was filled with admiration for Chen Sanqiu. He thought that Chen Sanqiu had drank too much at that time and suddenly thought of building a fertilizer factory.    


Fang Menglong pointed to the planner of the fertilizer factory, and after exchanging glances with Fatty, Yan Hu, and the other rich second generations, everyone nodded excitedly.    


Fang Meng Long coughed and looked for Chen Sanqiu. He licked his lips and said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile, "Big brother, I think our Fallen Phoenix Village already has a plan for the fertilizer factory."    


Chen Sanqiu saw Fang Meng Long licking his face and smiling, so he nodded and asked while acting dumb: "Yeah, what's wrong?"    


"Cough cough, big brother, look, you already had a plan in place before, and now that Fatty has registered the second generation agricultural product sales company, don't you think we should strike while the iron is hot? We should implement the matter of the fertilizer factory." Fang Meng Long smiled as he asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Now that Fang Meng Long asked, Chen Sanqiu smiled and nodded: "Since you guys are in such a hurry, then let's go to the fertilizer factory and take a look first. Chunzhong, you go call your dad, we'll go take a look together."    


"Alright, uncle." Zhou Chuanzong, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a height of 1.85 meters, and a strong build, nodded happily at Chen Sanqiu.    


Fang Meng Long, Fatty, and Yan Hu all looked at Chen Sanqiu with their mouths agape.    


Chen Sanqiu's face darkened and he grinned: "Call me brother."    


"Alright, uncle." Zhou Chuanzong said with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Seeing that Zhou Chuanzong had happily run out to call Zhou Qingfu, Chen Sanqiu grinned, pointed at his back and said, "Good child."    


Fang Menglong grinned, "He is indeed a good boy, but I seem to have called him brother just now."    


After saying that, Fang Meng Long bitterly looked Chen Sanqiu in the eye.    


"Damn, why do I feel like I've suffered a loss?" Fang Meng Long said to Chen Sanqiu with a speechless expression.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned: "Everyone has their own opinions, don't mind it."    


Fang Meng Long …    


After waiting for Zhou Qingfu to arrive, Chen Sanqiu took Zhou Qingfu and the excited Fang Menglong, Fatty, and Yan Hu to the previously planned fertilizer factory.    


This place was far away from the Guanyun Lake and the residential areas. Furthermore, it was well ventilated, and was a good place to build a fertilizer plant.    


"Three Autumn's Day, if this fertilizer plant is to be built according to your words and completely in accordance with the highest standards, the sewage tank and all that sort of stuff will be done well, and the construction price will be even more expensive than the construction of the new village." Zhou Chuanfu turned to Chen Sanqiu and said embarrassedly, "I've calculated it several times before. Even the cheapest way would cost 200 million."    


Zhou Chuanfu and Chen Sanqiu had been together for a long time, and he knew that even though Chen Sanqiu was very capable and would definitely be rich in the future, Chen Sanqiu was still young after all and needed too little time to earn money.    


Fang Meng Long and the others were standing off to the side, grinning. When Zhou Chuanfu said he wanted two hundred million, they didn't seem to care at all.    


After all, it wasn't his …    


"And according to the most expensive construction?" Chen Sanqiu nodded and asked Zhou Chuanfu, "I want the best, safest, and most environmentally friendly one."    


Zhou Chuanfu's mouth twitched, and after a long moment, he said, "Double it."    


"400 million?" Chen Sanqiu asked.    


Zhou Chuanfu nodded, then he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Four hundred million was not a small sum.    


"If you add in the imported equipment you want to import from abroad, this fertilizer plant will cost no less than 800 million." Zhou Chuanfu whispered to Chen Sanqiu, "Actually, according to the most basic environmental protection and safety calculation, we can invest all of the 200 million to build a fertilizer factory. Zhou Chuanfu whispered to Chen Sanqiu," In fact, according to the most basic environment protection and safety calculation, we can invest all of the 200 million to build a fertilizer factory.    


Chen Sanqiu shook his head boldly and waved his hand: "We will build it according to the best, safest, and most environmentally friendly plan. If I want it to be absolutely safe, we will build the fertilizer factory according to the 400 million."    


"Fatty, contact the factories abroad, we need the best equipment." Chen Sanqiu said to the fatty.    


Fatty nodded. He patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't worry. This matter can't go wrong."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded in satisfaction. He took a deep breath and looked at Fang Menglong, Fatty, Yan Hu, and the other rich kids. He felt that they were becoming more and more adorable.    


After all, it wasn't his money.    


Only now did Chen Sanqiu feel that spending someone else's money seemed to be more comfortable and enjoyable than spending his own money.    


Ga Ga.    


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