Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu looked at Wang Chengming, who suddenly appeared behind him, with a gentle smile on his face, he almost wanted to slap him. What the hell, he wanted to merge all of them together into one village, all of them together into one village.    


When did you arrive?    


After Wang Sheng finished this sentence, the Town Secretary Liu Deshan's face immediately lit up, while his father Chen Zuyin's face turned listless and he almost cried.    


Three villages that were as poor as the original Fallen Phoenix Village, and two villages that were even poorer than the previous Fallen Phoenix Village … if they really followed what Wang Cheng had said, then the entire village would be merged with the Fallen Phoenix Village, and that would be taking away their old lives.    


Chen Zuyin gave a helpless smile and rolled his eyes at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart trembled as he hurriedly said to Secretary Wang, "Secretary Wang, don't joke around. You can't do that."    


"I'm not joking." Wang Chengfeng smiled at Chen Sanqiu and patted his shoulder. Then, he pulled Chen Sanqiu to the Audi that was parked by the side of the road.    


After the two of them finished doing it in the back row, Wang Chengming smiled at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Actually, I'm helping you."    


"Help me?" Chen Sanqiu grinned. He trembled as he said to Wang Chengming, "Are you helping me?"    


"Of course." Wang Chengfeng chuckled and took out the map. He pointed at the map toward Chen Sanqiu and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Look at the geographical locations of your villages."    


He didn't even need to look at the map; he had grown up in Fallen Phoenix Village, Big Yellow Village, Dazhou Village, and Little Huang Village. He didn't even need to look at the map as he asked Wang Cheng, "Secretary Wang, I haven't studied much, don't lie to me."    


Originally, it was also for Chen Sanqiu's benefit. After all, if the village was divided into Fallen Phoenix Village, not only would the population and territory of Fallen Phoenix Village become bigger, but it would also be beneficial for the future development of Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu's expression, Wang Chengfeng smiled bitterly, "Look at the map again."    


Chen Sanqiu was helpless. Secretary Wang had said it twice already, so Chen Sanqiu couldn't just let Wang succeed lose face every time. He could only look at the map in his hand. When he looked at the map, Chen Sanqiu's eyes lit up.    


Big Yellow and Big Village were located behind the Fallen Phoenix Mountain, but when looking at the map, especially the road that Wang Cheng drew, which led directly through the county, it just so happened to pass through Big Yellow Village and Da Zhai Village. Moreover, if it was built around the Fallen Phoenix Mountain, it would be very easy to manage on the same plane.    


He patted Chen Sanqiu's shoulder and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Think about it, although there are still a lot of available land in Fallen Phoenix Village right now, but let's not talk about the near future. After you finish building the fertilizer factory, you will need a lot of workers, and you will also need a lot of vehicles to deliver the goods, don't you think that it will be very crowded if you go alone to Fallen Phoenix Village? From your plans for the Fallen Phoenix Village, I can tell that you value the environment of the village very much. Furthermore, you are also able to invest so much in building a fertilizer factory.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart was moved by Wang Chengfeng's words.    


Seeing the change in Chen Sanqiu's expression, Wang Cheng continued, "I don't think you just want to build a fertilizer factory here. If you build some other factories, then we won't have enough Fallen Phoenix Village, and we won't have enough people, right?" In the future, you might as well do it now. "    


"When the time comes, you can build a fertilizer factory in the village or the village of Big Yellow and build a road there. That will be very convenient, right?" Wang Chengfeng said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his head quickly spun around. Although after listening to Wang Chengming's words, he felt Wang Chengfeng was very right, but in his heart, he always felt Wang Chengming was trying to trick him.    


However, Chen Sanqiu couldn't figure out where he was fooling him.    


After taking a deep breath, Chen Sanqiu looked up and said, "Secretary Wang, I can't make a decision on this matter, and I'm not the village's secretary, so we have to discuss this matter with my father. Also, if we merge the villages, then this Fallen Phoenix Village will just start its new construction. If we merge the villages of Big Yellow Village, Da Yue Village, and Xiao Huang Village together, wouldn't that mean they also want to build a new village? I don't have that much money right now. "    


Wang Chengfeng chuckled and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Money is not a problem. At that time, the city committee can guarantee you a low-interest loan, and that won't be a problem."    


Chen Sanqiu's heart quivered. He felt more and more that he was being tricked by Wang successfully.    


He told Wang Cheng that he needed to think about it carefully. Wang Cheng also smiled and said, "Okay, think about it carefully, I won't leave town today, and when the time comes, I will also think about the matter of merging the village and the village."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


The matter of the fertilizer factory had been confirmed by Wang Cheng. Moreover, because the news of the merger of the village had been spread, the villagers of Big Yellow Village, Dazhou Village, and Little Yellow Village no longer dared to act as arrogantly as before. They were afraid that if they went too far, the matter of merging the village would end, and that would not be good.    


Now, looking at how popular Falling Phoenix Village was, how it was being built in a new village, and how they were going to build a fertilizer factory, everyone in the neighboring village was envious.    


If they could merge into Fallen Phoenix Village, it would definitely be a good thing. No one dared to act rashly, so they all returned to the village.    


After the villagers of Big Yellow Village, Dazhou Village, and Little Yellow Village left, Wang Cheng brought a group of people to the village to discuss how to merge the villages.    


Chen Sanqiu followed Chen Zuyin back to the Three Autumn Herbs Hall. Suddenly, there came a matter about merging the village and after a long discussion, they still could not come up with anything.    


Chen Sanqiu felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He left Three Autumn Herbs Hall and walked aimlessly in the village. As he walked, he arrived at his home's vegetable shed base.    


He saw that the lights were still on in the office of the vegetable shed from a distance. He walked over in confusion.    


Pushing the door open and entering, he saw Zhang Chunyan sitting on a chair with her eyes red and crying on the table.    


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