Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu saw Wang Yu walk towards him step by step and felt weak in his heart.    


Although he was not afraid of the King, this was Xiao Yao Sect.    


Wang Yu is the young miss of Xiao Yao Sect, if you want to say something unpleasant, I will go to hell, how dare you touch Wang Yu with your fingers? How dare you touch a hair?    


I can't kill you, damn you.    


Cough cough, grabbing Wang Yu's chest is one thing, beating Wang Yu up is another.    


It couldn't be compared, it couldn't be compared.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and retreated step by step.    


Wang Yu pulled out the dagger at his waist and pressed closer step by step.    


Chen Sanqiu retreated all the way to the cave entrance. He had nowhere to retreat to. When he looked back and saw that the cave was still two to three hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain, he shuddered.    


Although his current defensive capability was impressive and powerful, if he just jumped down like that, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.    




Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched and his cheeks were in extreme pain. His eyes were red and tears were flowing out of them as he said to Wang Yu who was getting closer step by step, "Why do you have to suffer? Look, I have the Nameless Sword Arts, don't you want it or not? I'll teach you, you see, how nice it is. "    


"We have no enmity with each other. Say, we are all handsome men and beautiful women. Sit down and chat with each other. It's good to be on intimate terms with each other, don't you think?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled wryly at Wang Yu.    


Wang Yu sneered and took another step forward. He grabbed his dagger and stabbed it towards Chen Sanqiu's chest.    


Chen Sanqiu was so scared that he quickly took a step back. Sh * t, his defense is indeed strong, but Wang Yu's skills are not weak, he had trained in the Genuine Qi, and seeing Wang Wei attack him with the dagger just now, he knew that Wang Er had already infused the Genuine Qi into the dagger.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't dare to act pretentious. He stood there and let Wang Yu stab him in the chest with the dagger.    


Taking a step back, he stepped on empty air, causing Chen Sanqiu's forehead to be drenched in cold sweat. He jumped high and landed right behind Wang Yu, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You really want to kill me? Your father also knew that you were wearing a mask. F * ck, why didn't you go and assassinate your father and your father? "F * ck, what are you going to do if I don't get along with you?"    


Wang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Without my father, there would be no me. I can't kill my father."    


"Then why don't you go kill Zhen Xiaoyao?" Chen Sanqiu gritted his teeth in anger.    


"Zhen Xiaoyao is my father's last disciple and also the future of Xiao Yao Sect. How could I go and assassinate Zhen Xiao Yao?" Wang Yu said seriously to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Holy sh * t. In the end, that means I deserve to die the most?" Chen Sanqiu looked at Wang Yu speechlessly. His heart was filled with regret. F * ck me, I'm so free, why did I say Wang Wei was wearing a human skin mask? What the hell, isn't this just causing himself trouble?    


But then again, who the hell could guess that Wang Yu would care so much about this? He actually wanted to kill Chen Sanqiu because of this. This was too vicious.    


Vicious woman.    


The more Chen Sanqiu thought about it, the angrier he got.    


He deserved to be punished for not being able to match up to Wang Zhenyue in the heart of a king.    


After all, Wang Zhenyue was Wang Lu's father. No matter what, his daughter couldn't go and kill him, right?    


However, the thing that made Chen Sanqiu the most angry was that in the comparison between himself and Zhen Xiaoyao, he actually lost. That was bullying others too much.    


Especially for Chen Sanqiu, he could lose to anyone, but he couldn't lose to Zhen Xiao Yao.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, gritted his teeth, and said angrily at Wang Yu: "You have successfully angered me."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu suddenly laughed, and said to Wang Luo, "I suddenly thought, with your father's and Zhen Xiao Yao's thoughts, they definitely would not want me to live, right? Even if I pass down the Nameless Sword Arts to you, your father will definitely not let me leave Xiao Yao Sect alive, right?"    


Wang Luo saw the change on Chen Sanqiu's face and heard what Chen Sanqiu said.    


He was stunned for a moment.    


He thought, "It is indeed in line with my actions. My dad, Wang Zhenyue, has seen Chen Sanqiu's powerful swordsmanship. Why did he let Chen Sanqiu go?"    


"Tsk, tsk. Since I'm going to die anyway, why don't I just drag someone along with me." Chen Sanqiu chuckled, his tongue licking his lips, and walked towards Wang Dong with a smile: "You wanted to kill me just now? You silly girl, don't you think that you can kill me with just your ability? "Do you think so?"    


Wang Yu was shocked. "You, what are you trying to do?"    


"What is it? "Fuck you." Chen Sanqiu laughed loudly and immediately jumped up, pouncing towards Wang Yu like a tiger pouncing on its prey.    


Wang was now with Chen Sanqiu one by one. Wang was outside the cave and was shocked when he saw Chen Sanqiu rushing towards him. He wanted to fight back, but how fast was Chen Sanqiu?    


Not giving Wang Lin any chance to resist, he grabbed Wang Lin and lowered his head to kiss Wang Lin's lips.    


No one had ever thought of that.    


Wang Yu, who had always been extremely smart, suddenly went crazy at this moment.    


Seeing that Chen Sanqiu actually hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her small mouth, how could he?    


He actually hugged Chen Sanqiu back and bit the tip of Chen Sanqiu's tongue.    






"You madman."    


Just when Chen Sanqiu's tongue was bitten by Wang Wei and his head was spinning, Wang Yu actually hugged Chen Sanqiu and jumped again towards the cliff outside the cave.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Chen Sanqiu's mind was blank while he was in the air. The expression on his face was completely dumbfounded.    


Ye Zichen's mood completely broke down.    


Chen Sanqiu wanted to cry, but he couldn't.    



What the hell? No matter how he thought and thought, he couldn't come up with a solution.    


Wang Yun, this young miss of Xiao Yao Sect, is actually a f * cking person who likes to jump off cliffs.    


He had already danced twice today.    


F * ck, Chen Sanqiu is suspicious of whether there are any other places like this one at this distance from the cave entrance to the ground.    


In the end, it proved.    


I really don't have any.    


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