Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Zhen Xiao Yao used all of his strength and rushed down the mountain as fast as he could, trying his best to leave this small mountain.    


Earlier, the formidable imposing manner that he was unable to treat had simply caused Zhen Xiaoyao to nearly collapse.    


Facing such an imposing manner, there was no way for him to win. He didn't even dare to think of staying by his side and could only flee.    


It could be said that the strength that couldn't be cured was stronger than Old Madam Liu's strength.    


Among the many ancient martial arts sects in the ancient alliance, he could be said to be one of the best of the younger generation. Even the ordinary seniors and martial uncles were not his match.    


However, he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't even dare to think about it. He only thought about escaping as fast as he could.    


He rushed down the mountain in a flurry and saw Chen Sanqiu dragging Leng Rushuang onto the car from a distance. Zhen Xiaoyao originally wanted to rush over, but then he suddenly recalled the scene where Chen Sanqiu couldn't even slap him a few times.    


His heart trembled. Could it be that Chen Sanqiu had a secret that he didn't know about?    


Could it be that Chen Sanqiu had always been pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger? Actually, Chen Sanqiu was stronger than him, so how could he be stronger than a doctor?    


Thinking of this, Zhen Xiaoyao wanted to immediately rush over and leave with Leng Rushuang in the car. He instantly observed Jiao Jiao and took the opportunity to eliminate the idea of her being taken away.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu and co. driving away, Zhen Xiaoyao immediately followed them from a distance. On the way, he stole a person's car and immediately drove behind them. He wanted to see what was so special about Chen Sanqiu.    


When Zhen Xiaoyao followed Chen Sanqiu and the others all the way to the entrance of the courtyard, he saw Chen Sanqiu pulling Leng Rushuang out of the car with a sad face. He quickly walked toward the entrance of the courtyard, but didn't see Jiao Jiao and Yan Song come down.    


Stunned, Zhen Xiaoyao wanted to rush over to see what was going on.    


Jiao Jiao got out of the car and chased after the courtyard.    


Frowning, Zhen Xiaoyao didn't dare to directly go over and instead observed from afar.    


Chen Sanqiu dragged Leng Rushuang into the courtyard. When he saw Jiao Jiao chasing him, his expression immediately changed. He shouted angrily, "F * ck! Are you stupid? Why aren't you running? I told you to run!"    


Just now, Chen Sanqiu had waited for Yan Song to drive to the courtyard's entrance. He had obtained a brick from who knows where and knocked Yan Song unconscious. He wanted to let Jiao Jiao immediately escape, so he pulled Leng Rushuang to report to Old Lady Liu.    


She blushed and said to Chen Sanqiu, "If you let me go, what will you do?"    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and said to Jiao Jiao, "Let me ask you, I asked you to give the antidote to Leng Rushuang, are you going to give it to me?"    


Jiao Jiao clenched her teeth. She held onto her neck and insisted, "Not giving. Leng Rushuang wanted to kill me. Why should I give her the antidote?"    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said to Jiao Jiao, "That's enough. You can leave. If you don't, the old lady will come out and you won't be able to run away even if you want to."    


"Leng Rushuang is in my hands, I'm taking her as my hostage, but you can still run. If the old lady comes out, with her abilities, we might all be screwed." Chen Sanqiu said to the proud and cute girl with a grin, "If I could invent the super fertilizer and the super dust absorption paint, maybe I can invent an antidote that can cure the poison you poisoned, right?"    


She looked at Chen Sanqiu with a blushing face.    


Leng Rushuang looked at Jiao and Chen Sanqiu with a pale face and snorted coldly, "You dog couple, don't even think about leaving. If I die, neither of you will live."    


"A lecherous dog and a demoness, none of you will survive." Leng Rushuang's face was deathly pale. Now, Leng Rushuang felt that all the strength in her body was rapidly disappearing. All the muscles and blood in her body were becoming stiff.    


He knew that Jiao Jiao's poison was working on him. He clenched his teeth and looked at Chen Sanqiu and Jiao Jiao with eyes full of hatred.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Leng Rushuang, "I'm trying to save you. If it wasn't for your good looks, do you think I would be willing to save you? "Don't bite off more than you can chew! Lu Dongbin doesn't recognize you as a good person!"    


Leng Rushuang snorted coldly and ignored Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly. He turned around and said to Jiao Jiao, "Alright, you can leave. If you stay here, I might die faster."    


Jiao Jiao Jiao blushed. Ever since she was with Chen Sanqiu, Chen Sanqiu seemed to have more difficulties.    


Especially this time, when Chen Sanqiu saved him, he almost died. Now, Old Mrs. Liu also gave him the Seven-Day Gut Cutting poison. If he didn't get Old Mrs. Liu to give him the antidote, Chen Sanqiu would die without a doubt.    


Thinking about that, Jiao Jiao coldly snorted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Why would I leave? Do you think I'm afraid of Old Mrs. Liu? "    


Chen Sanqiu …    


She rolled her eyes and said speechlessly to Jiao Jiao, "You're not afraid, but I'm afraid. Is that okay?"    


She suddenly stretched out her hand and threw a pill to Chen Sanqiu. Then, she coldly snorted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I won't give the antidote to an old woman like Leng Rushuang, but I can give it to you."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned as he looked at Jiao Jiao with his mouth wide opened.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned as he did not expect the girl who was a strong queen would give him the antidote.    


What shocked Chen Sanqiu even more was that.    


Leng Rushuang, who was half-dead a moment ago, immediately reached out her hand to take the pill from Chen Sanqiu's hand and swallowed it when she saw the pill in Chen Sanqiu's hand.    


"I'd rather die than eat the antidote that Jiao Jiao gave me, but I'll eat yours." Leng Rushuang looked at Chen Sanqiu and said angrily.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


What the heck! To think that the cold face that had always been cold and proud was now cold like ice.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at Jiao Jiao and then turned around to look at Leng Rushuang. Both Jiao Jiao and Leng Rushuang couldn't help but blush.    


At this moment, Old Madam Liu suddenly appeared in their line of sight. She sauntered over to Leng Rushuang's side and stretched out her hand to look at her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes and nodded her head.    


He looked up at Chen Sanqiu and said, "You saved Leng Rushuang. Not bad, not bad."    


Chen Sanqiu immediately smiled and said to Mrs. Liu: "Old lady, look, shouldn't you also cure me of the Seven Day Intestinal Cutting poison?"    


Old Madam Liu smiled. "Alright. When you marry Leng Rushuang, I will naturally cure your poison."    


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