Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Su Qihu was instantly stunned. Liang Chengyu was stupefied. Zhao Lingling …    


Zhao Lingling immediately cried, crying loudly.    


"Wuu, is Chen Sanqiu still alive?" Did you not kill him, did you? " Zhao Lingling was extremely smart. She thought of all sorts of possibilities when she saw Liu Zhichao address her respectfully as sister-in-law.    


And the most likely possibility was that Liu Zhi Chao didn't kill Chen Sanqiu at all. Instead, he was completely beaten up by Chen Sanqiu.    


Liu Zhichao couldn't help but grin at Zhao Lingling. Zhao Lingling was so smart that she had decided to be the perfect match with Chen Sanqiu. Damn it, if anyone ever said anything to him again in the future, he would say that the villagers were honest, silly, and stupid.    


This father is the first to refuse to accept it.    


He was afraid that he would anger Chen Sanqiu again and kill himself. Liu Zhi Chao hurriedly nodded, took off his shirt, went to Zhao Ling Ling's side and covered her with the cloth. Then, he untied the rope from Zhao Ling Ling's body.    


When Su Qihu saw this situation, no matter how idiotic he was, he knew what was going on. He immediately cursed the gunner Liu Zhichao for being nothing special. Damn it, this was too darned.    


You're a gunner and an assassin, okay?    


F * ck, can't you be more professional these days? F * ck me.    


Without saying a word, Su Qiong Hu turned around and ran. Towards Liang Cheng Yu who was completely stupefied and came back to his senses, he did not even care. Damn it, in this situation, how could he care so much? Only by running away would he be able to survive.    


Liang Chengyu finally regained his senses. The pain of a bullet piercing his face immediately engulfed his entire body, causing Liang Chengyu to let out waves of miserable screams as he fell to the ground in incomparable pain, rolling back and forth.    


Both of his eyes were staring furiously at Liu Zhichao. Bastard, I paid ten million to kill you this time, but even though I accepted the money, I still recognize Chen Sanqiu as my big brother. Damn it, Liang Chengyu's heart was filled with hatred.    


Why did this happen? Liu Zhichao's strength could be considered one of the top assassins in the entire Chinese killer world. This was the top assassin that he had found through Su Qiong Hu's elder brother Su Tian Ci.    


He originally thought that Chen Sanqiu would be the one to kill him and spend ten million to find such an awesome killer. At least he was worthy of Chen Sanqiu.    


Who would have thought that in the end, the gunner Liu Zhi Chao not only failed to kill Chen Sanqiu, but instead gave him a bullet. This made Liang Chengyu's heart burn with anger and grief.    


"Why?" Liang Chengyu's heart was filled with hatred as he clenched his teeth and stared at the gunner Liu Zhichao as he asked.    


Liu Zhi Chao didn't expect Liang Cheng Yu to be so unyielding. He was actually able to speak to him in such a manner after he had used a bullet to pierce Liang Cheng Yu's face.    


Liu Zhi Chao shrugged his shoulders and said to Liang Chengyu, "There's no reason. It's just that my conscience suddenly exploded, and I suddenly want to be a good person."    


Liang Chengyu...    


Clenching his fists tightly, he looked at Liu Zhichao furiously and asked while gritting his teeth, "Am I not a good person? Didn't Zhao Lingling know what happened to Zhao Lingling before? "    


"As soon as I entered university, I started chasing you. How many years have I been chasing you for? Did I do anything to you during this time? "No, even if I were to hold hands with you, I would need your permission."    


"But what did you do to me? Why did you do this to me? Which part of me is inferior to Chen Sanqiu? "You've always been cursing Chen Sanqiu, but I know that in your heart, you actually like Chen Sanqiu a lot. Why?"    


"Zhao Lingling, answer me. Why did you do this to me?" Liang Chengyu's face was filled with pain as he angrily roared at Zhao Lingling.    


Zhao Lingling sat up on the table with a blushing face and stretched her legs. Under Liu Zhichao's confused expression, Zhao Lingling jumped to the ground and walked in front of Liang Chengyu.    


He raised his foot abruptly.    


His little foot instantly landed on Liang Chengyu's face, which could be said to be the face of the jade-faced young man.    




The gunner Liu Zhichao was listening on the side and his whole body was trembling. The sound of his nose being broken was really scary.    


Previously, Liu Zhichao didn't feel scared at all when he heard such a voice. Instead, he was enjoying the situation.    


He didn't know what was going on with him today, but when he heard that Zhao Lingling had broken Liang Chengyu's nose with a kick on his face, he couldn't help but shiver.    


The corner of his mouth twitched. This Zhao Lingling and Chen Sanqiu really were a pair.    


Screw it, they all like to kick people. Moreover, they will break their bones with a kick.    




Liang Chengyu had just been shot in the face by the gunman Liu Zhichao, and now that he had his nose broken by Zhao Lingling's kick, that kind of heart-wrenching pain made Liang Chengyu directly let out a scream, looking at Zhao Lingling with incomparable pain.    


Who would have thought that the usually gentle and gentle Zhao Lingling, who even felt a little weak, would have such a tough and unyielding side.    


"You … why did you …" Liang Chengyu asked Zhao Lingling with a pained expression.    


Usually, you pretend to be human. When I'm with you, I don't feel any sense of security at all. Bastard, you bastard. Zhao Ling bellowed angrily at Liang Chengyu, then once again, she kicked Liang Chengyu in the face.    




Liang Chengyu felt as if his entire face was about to be kicked to pieces by Zhao Lingling. He held his face in pain and rolled around on the ground in pain.    


He quickly ran to Zhao Lingling's side and pulled her back. He said to Zhao Lingling, "Sis, if you want to kill someone, let me do it. You're still young and have a long road ahead of you. You can't just kick this thing to death like this."    


With reddened eyes, Zhao Lingling turned around to look at Liu Zhichao and said while gritting her teeth, "You're not a good person either."    


Liu Zhi Chao's face reddened. He quickly told Zhao Ling Ling, "Sister-in-law, if you want to kick him to death, then kick him to death. If you can't kick him to death, I'll help you kick him to death."    


After saying that, Liu Zhi Chao hurriedly raised his leg and kicked Liang Chengyu's head.    


Liang Chengyu...    


"I'll give you 100 million and kill Chen Sanqiu and this woman for me." Liang Chengyu's eyes flickered with a crazed look as he shouted at Liu Zhichao, "I'll give you 100 million and kill them!"    


Liu Zhichao shivered inwardly.    


A hundred million.    


This was not a small number. Whether it was Liu Zhichao or most of the people in the world, a hundred million was enough to drive people crazy.    


Liu Zhichao gritted his teeth and grinned.    


A kick fiercely landed on Liang Chengyu's chest, directly causing him to nearly die.    



"Bastard, even if you gave me one billion yuan, I still wouldn't attack my brother and sister-in-law."    


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