Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu didn't expect the super system to assign him such a mission so early.    


Building a super new village had long been part of Chen Sanqiu's plan. However, with his current strength, it would be difficult for him to build a super new village.    


Fallen Phoenix Village was originally a poor and backward village. Although they were now using him as a vegetable shed, they had yet to see any profit from that.    


Fallen Phoenix Village was still a poor village. If he wanted to build Fallen Phoenix Village into a modern super new village, there were too many things that needed to be done.    


It was like eating water, drainage, electricity, roads, and other aspects of the problem. It was enough to make Chen Sanqiu the top two.    


Li Zhenghua was lying on the bed playing with Nannan, and seeing Chen Sanqiu who was smiling a moment ago suddenly turn worried, he couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that he did not raise the Yangtze Sanpao well enough?    


Li Zhenghua had his reservations regarding Chen Sanqiu's insistence on rearing the Yangtze River anglefish at Cloud Locking Lake. However, Chen Sanqiu had managed to overcome all difficulties and had raised the Yangtze River anglefish at Cloud Cleaving Lake. Furthermore, the young generation of the Yangtze River anglefish had grown quite well, which left Li Zhenghua with a lot of admiration in his heart.    


For Li Zhenghua, who had traveled far and wide, drank wine, ate meat, and played with women, Li Zhenghua was very clear on the value of the Yangtze River shad.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu suddenly frown, Li Zhenghua could not help but panic a little. He quickly asked Chen Sanqiu with a grin, "Sanqiu, what's wrong? "Could it be that there's something wrong with the way I watch over the young of the river sage fish?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled at Li Zhenghua, "No, I just suddenly realized, Fallen Phoenix Village is indeed a little too poor right now, isn't it?"    


Li Zhenghua didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to suddenly say this. He grinned and said, "Although I'm a bit poor, but after following you to grow vegetable stalls, I think we'll earn a lot of money in the future."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and thought for a while before saying, "However, I want to build Fallen Phoenix Village into a super new village, what do you think?"    


Li Zhenghua …    


He really wanted to go up and touch Chen Sanqiu's head. He wanted to see if Chen Sanqiu had a fever and then smash Chen Sanqiu's head open to see what exactly was in Chen Sanqiu's head that made Chen Sanqiu think so much every day.    


"You want to build Fallen Phoenix Village into a super new village?" Li Zhenghua rolled his eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu, "This will cost a lot, and how do you know that the villagers will agree? Are you going to build it for free? "    


"Not free." Chen Sanqiu said resolutely.    


Li Zhenghua …    


Ye Zichen rolled his eyes, then said to Chen Sanqiu speechlessly, "We don't give it to them for free? It would be weird if they can agree to it. "    


Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly, thought for a while and said to Li Zhenghua, "I'll go back and discuss this with dad, dad has always wanted to build a super new village in Fallen Phoenix Village, I'll go back and ask dad about his thoughts."    


Li Zhenghua grinned as he watched Chen Sanqiu walk away.    


Li Zhenghua bitterly smiled and sighed. He had always felt that he was a pretty awesome person, but now, compared to Chen Sanqiu, Li Zhenghua finally understood what was truly amazing.    


"Dad, Uncle Chen Sanqiu looks so amazing" Nannan's gaze followed Chen Sanqiu's figure until it finally returned to normal. Clenching her small fist, she said to Li Zhenghua in all seriousness, "Daddy, when Nannan grows up, can we marry uncle Chen Sanqiu?"    


Li Zhenghua …    




He almost vomited blood. His sister, Li Xiaoyu, seemed to be interested in Chen Sanqiu.    


Now, his daughter actually told him to marry Chen Sanqiu when he grows up.    


What the hell, this made Li Zhenghua very depressed to the bone. He hurriedly said to Nannan, "Nannan, just say these words, don't take it seriously, there are many good men in this world."    


Nannan hearing Li Zhenghua say this, looked at Li Zhenghua adorably and nodded her head before smiling at him, "Oh, I know, there are many good men in the world, and Uncle Chen Sanqiu is the best man, right?"    


Li Zhenghua …    


Chen Sanqiu went back to the Hall of Herbs and found his father, Chen Zuyin. He told him about how he wanted to build Fallen Phoenix Village into a super new village.    


After becoming the chief of the Fallen Phoenix Village, he had always wanted to build a super new village out of Fallen Phoenix Village. Now that he heard Chen Sanqiu mention it on his own, he could not help but feel gratified. He smiled at Chen Sanqiu with satisfaction and said: "I am very pleased that you were the first to ask to build a new village."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed dryly, "However, I feel that we can't build a new village for free for the villagers. Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed dryly," However, I feel that we can't build a new village for the villagers.    


Chen Zuying nodded, he patted Chen Sanqiu's shoulder and said, "You think the same thing as me, I think the same, haha."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, and asked his father, Chen Zuyin, "But, dad, what should we do in this new village?"    


"We will take on 60% while everyone else will take on 40%. Isn't that fine?" Father Chen Zuyin said to Chen Sanqiu, "I think the villagers will agree."    


Hearing his father Chen Zuyin's words, Chen Sanqiu thought for a moment and felt that it was a bit difficult.    


However, he still said, "We don't need the villagers to pay for the infrastructure. I think it should be possible for them to bear forty percent of the cost of the house. Let's go and ask them."    


Chen Zuying nodded and excitedly went to the village committee team to hold a meeting.    


He told the members of the village committee about paying to build Fallen Phoenix Village.    


He had originally thought that the village committee members would all support him.    


Who would have thought that after Chen Zuyin finished, these village committee members' faces were all full of bitterness and bitterness. Not a single one of them wanted to side with him.    


Chen Zuyin was stunned, he asked after a while, "Is there a problem?"    


The female director, Fan Jinhua, spoke up at this moment, "Old Chen, you can build a new village for the villagers for free, but if you want them to take the money, no, not even a single cent, you're already used to it. If you want to split every penny into two halves, then suddenly making them take the money, how is that possible?"    


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