Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu hummed a song as he left Li Xiaolin's house and sauntered up the mountain. When he reached the herb field, he brought some food for the red python, but other than weeding, he also brought some food for the red python.    


Along the way, he was still thinking about what that coyote from last time had been up there doing. It had been a long time since he had seen that coyote.    


He was still thinking if he was killed by a hunter.    


When he reached the foot of the mountain, he went to check out the Three Autumn Herbs Hall that was about to be built. Now that it was sealed, as long as he could decorate the interior well, he would be able to put it into use.    


Returning home, Chen Sanqiu had just entered the living room when he saw the village secretary, Zhao Qingfan, and the village chief, Zhao Baoliang, both in his living room. His father, Chen Zuyin, and his mother, Tan Lianxiang, both had sullen expressions.    


Especially his father, Chen Zuyin, who looked like he was holding back his anger. Chen Sanqiu was shocked for a moment and didn't know what exactly happened.    


"Three Autumn's back." Zhao Qingfan hurriedly stood up and smiled at Chen Sanqiu when he saw him return.    


Chen Sanqiu also smiled at Zhao Qingfan and asked, "What's going on?"    


Zhao Qingfan looked a bit embarrassed. He looked at Zhao Baoliang and indicated for him to speak. However, Zhao Baoliang pretended not to see Zhao Qingfan's expression and continued to smoke his cigarette, completely ignoring him.    


Zhao Qingfan cursed inwardly at Zhao Baolang for not being a good person. 'F * ck, it was you, Zhao Baolang, who came to find me this time. You're the mastermind, f * cking mastermind!'    


Although he was cursing Zhao Baoliang in his heart, he still sighed and said to Chen Sanqiu, "It's nothing much, I just have something to tell you today."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and took out a box of Zhongnanhai from his pocket. He handed one to Zhao Qingfan and helped him light it up. He asked, "Secretary Zhao, if you have something to say, just say it. We're not outsiders."    


Zhao Qingfan's face reddened as he quickly took a drag from his cigarette to ease the awkwardness in his heart. He blew out a smoke ring and said to Chen Sanqiu, "It's like this, Zhao Shaolin went to look for me today, he said that since you have already contracted so much forest, land and even the best land, Zhao Shaolin is unwilling to accept it. Furthermore, he thinks that selling your apple for ten yuan should be a good thing for the whole village."    


At this point, Zhao Qingfan said to Chen Sanqiu, "So, let's ask if you can leave your own land and make it the public land of the village committee. Of course, we will also compensate you with a better piece of water."    


Zhao Qingfan let out a long sigh of relief after he finished speaking. He felt it was a bit awkward as he raised his head to take a careful look at Chen Sanqiu. Seeing that Chen Sanqiu's expression did not change, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


Tan Lian Xiang slapped the table and said angrily, "Isn't it just watching our family sell apples for money in the third autumn? Zhao Shaolin had a feud with my family's Three Autumn Festival, so he was deliberately tormenting my family's Three Autumn Festival. What happened? I won't hand over my own land, what's wrong? "    


He said to Tan Lianxiang, "Sister-in-law, you can't put it that way, and we're not going to mess with Chen Sanqiu. However, we're all from the same village, and we have good stuff, so we should all stand on the same line to get rich together. As a graduate of a university, your family's education level is high, so why don't you ask Chen Sanqiu first?"    


After saying that, Zhao Baoliang narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Sanqiu. Then, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket.    


Chen Sanqiu took a glance. Other than Li Xiaolin who did not write her name, there were a few who had been helping his family build vegetable sheds, build roads and houses. They all wrote their names and pressed their fingerprints.    


Qin Lianxiang took the letter and read through it. She couldn't help but be enraged. "These damn bastards. We were building roads and planting trees earlier, and we didn't mistreat them. Now they're biting us back. They have no conscience."    


The corners of Chen Zuyin's mouth twitched, he shut his mouth and did not say anything.    


Chen Sanqiu paused for a moment and smiled, then said to Zhao Baoliang, "It was Zhao Shaolin who caused this, right?"    


Zhao Baoliang pursed his lips, but didn't respond.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and said to Zhao Baoliang, "It's okay, but we have to take the apple tree away."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Zhao Baoliang's expression immediately changed. Zhao Qingfan couldn't help but take a deep breath.    


Sis, what do I need from that apple tree? They were all old farmers, which family didn't have land?    


Zhao Baoliang forced a smile and said to Chen Sanqiu, "That apple tree, it's best not to take it with you."    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but smile as he said to Zhao Baoliang, "That doesn't make sense. Even if you're willing to take over the village committee's land, those trees belong to us, don't you think so?"    


After thinking for a moment, he said to Chen Sanqiu, "How about we pay for those trees and then we can pollinate the apple trees in the whole village next year. At that time, everyone will remember your good fortune."    


Chen Zuyin's face was filled with anger, "Even if we use our land, a village, or even if they come to get pollen, how can I not let them?"    


Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang looked very embarrassed by Chen Zuyin's words.    


They lowered their heads and did not speak.    


They were all waiting for Chen Sanqiu to say something.    


"Since you want to leave those trees behind, I don't ask for much. One tree costs thirty thousand, a total of one hundred trees. Just give me three million and it'll be fine." Chen Sanqiu told Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang.    


Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang were stunned.    


F * ck, a tree costs 30,000, this is crazy.    


However, thinking that Chen Sanqiu could sell it for ten dollars per apple, this tree could be said to be a treasure tree.    


However, Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang glanced at each other. Who the hell would want to take that money?    


Seeing Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang not saying a word, Chen Sanqiu frowned and said to Zhao Qingfan, "If you think it's expensive, then forget it."    


"It's not that expensive, it's just that the village is poor and we can't afford to spend that much money." Zhao Qingfan said to Chen Sanqiu helplessly.    


"That's fine too, why don't you give me the Guanyun Lake that no one else in our village has contracted with. Fifteen thousand a year, not a few, after eighty years, then lay the foundation of the Guanyun Lake for ten acres." Chen Sanqiu said with a smile, "If it's alright, I'll give you my private area. It's fine if I give you the tree."    


Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang looked at each other and swallowed their saliva. This condition seemed to be acceptable.    


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