Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu looked at the successive quests and felt both happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that he could finally have a daily quest now, which meant that he could get more task points in the future.    


However, this mission of selling apples for ten pieces was too darned.    


It was already considered good that one catty of apples could sell for five or six yuan in wholesale sales, but now the super system wanted him to sell an apple for ten yuan, what the hell was wrong with him?    


Only a crazy person would buy such an expensive apple.    


Do you really think it's Christmas, Valentine's Day, when an apple is about ten dollars?    


Chen Sanqiu gritted his teeth and decisively clicked to accept the mission. After clicking thrice consecutively, he accepted all the missions.    


He wanted to build a vegetable shed, so he had to accept this mission. This task of managing the herb fields was even more important. Wasn't it just watering and fertilization?    


What was there to be afraid of?    


However, fertilization …    


Chen Sanqiu suddenly had a thought. The Super System wouldn't let him off so easily right?    


A green glow appeared in front of his eyes, "The herb growing shop opens a new product, the super herbs growing the fat liquid will only need five achievement points, and you can get one week's worth of the drug. Also, you can also improve the quality of the soil, promote the growth of the herbs, and produce the perfect herbs.    


"Pfft." Chen Sanqiu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. After completing the task of growing herbs, he still had 15 achievement points. If the apple cost 10 yuan, then he would have to use super pesticides and 5 points for super pesticides.    


After a while, the 10 achievement points were gone.    




"Oh, Huang Shiren, this is the f * cking Huang Shiren." Chen Sanqiu gritted his teeth. In the end, he clicked to buy the super herb to grow the fat liquid. He bought a bottle and gave it to the herb to grow the [A] -type robot to use when watering.    


He bitterly left the medicinal field and returned home to have a painful sleep.    


The next morning before dawn, Chen Sanqiu went to the farmers' market and bought a water pump and water pipe. After coming back, he and his father got a water pump and water pipe. After his father left, Chen Sanqiu painfully spent another 5 achievement points to buy a bottle of super pesticides.    


Irrigation apple orchard, wheat field and vegetable garden.    


On the other hand, Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang were busy taking their men to level the land. They had also added a metal net around the herb fields and had also added in the matter of repairing the road.    


The entire Fallen Phoenix Village had been dispatched to work for Chen Sanqiu's family. The village, which had not been lively for a long time, was bustling with noise and excitement, and the villagers passed the word by word of mouth.    


A prodigal son, Chen Sanqiu, came out of the Chen family. He was really a good person. Just working for the Chen family was already more profitable than farming for a year.    


Chen Sanqiu also just smiled. For seven days in a row, Chen Sanqiu went up the mountain daily to watch the growing of A-type robots to water and fertilize the farm. On the seventh day, Chen Sanqiu finally received 10 achievement points.    


He then accepted the daily quest, "Manage the herb fields, water them, and insect repellent for seven days straight. Reward: 10 points."    


Then Chen Sanqiu tragically found out that there was a super herbaceous insect repellent in the Super System Store. The price was also 5 points.    


Chen Sanqiu trembled in pain. He spent another 5 points on the 10 points he just received.    


After handing over a few of the super medicinal herbs to grow the [A] class robots, they went down the mountain and arrived at the apple orchard. Everyone had started working during the day and returned home at night to pick up apples.    


Chen Sanqiu still hadn't moved. He opened an apple bag and took a look at the two bottles of super pesticides he used to irrigate the apples. He was big and plump, and his face was smooth and red.    


He couldn't help but open one and take a bite.    




Just as he took a bite, the sweet juice instantly melted into his taste buds. Furthermore, there was the sweet scent of plants and vegetation coming from his mouth. Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but be shocked.    


He couldn't help but shout, "Okay!"    


He hastily plucked five or six apples and returned home, giving them to his parents for them to taste. It shocked Chen Zuyin and Lianxiang beyond belief. These apples were simply too delicious, they were so delicious that they burst.    


Is this an apple grown at home?    


Then the two of them ran over to the red python tablet at home to give their confession and kowtow.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned. The apples were delicious, but no matter how delicious the apples were, they would always be apples. The other party was selling a piece of apple for 3 pounds of meat.    


A deep sadness swept through his body.    


In the evening, Chen Sanqiu's family went to pick up the apples as well. After two days, they finally finished collecting all the apples. Chen Sanqiu felt relieved when he saw that the yard was full of apples.    


Now, as long as someone was able to move away to the Chen family's contracted mountain and the land went to work, all the apples in the house would be sold at the right price.    


Only Chen Sanqiu's family still hadn't sold their apples. Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang were currently busy on the mountain, and they couldn't get enough work on the land, so they couldn't care less about the apples.    


They all became Chen Sanqiu's sole mission.    


He could only ride his bicycle and bring a box of apples with him to the entrance of the village to wait for the person who would collect them.    


At the beginning, there were still a lot of vendors who wanted to buy the apple from Chen Sanqiu for $1.50 per catty, but seeing Chen Sanqiu's large, round, smooth surface was already worth more than $2.50 per catty.    


Upon seeing this, everyone's eyes reddened.    


However, Chen Sanqiu shook his head resolutely: "This apple of mine, ten yuan, if you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, then so be it."    


In the end, the news spread throughout Fallen Phoenix Village that not only had the Chen family's brat become a prodigal son, but he had also become a fool.    


[He gave me one catty and I won't sell it for five yuan, but he wants ten yuan for an apple. That is crazy.]    


That day, Zhao Lingling did not go up to the mountain to help. Instead, she ran to the village entrance to find Chen Sanqiu and tried to persuade him.    


Others would sell three pieces of a catty, but you wouldn't suffer a loss if you sold five pieces.    


When they arrived at Chen Sanqiu's stall at the village entrance, Chen Sanqiu was lying lazily on the deck chair with his eyes squinted, resting. He couldn't help but feel angry.    


He came to Chen Sanqiu's side and patted him awake: "Chen Sanqiu, is there something wrong with your head? Did you really become stupid?"    


Seeing that Zhao Lingling had arrived, Chen Sanqiu hurriedly sat up and said excitedly to Zhao Lingling, "Are you here to see me?"    



Zhao Lingling rolled her eyes and angrily glared at Chen Sanqiu. "I'm here to see a fool who wants to sell an apple for ten yuan. Are you the fool who wants to sell an apple for ten yuan?"    


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