Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu followed the direction of the beautiful woman's hand and looked ahead. He saw a skinny man in a gray sweater running with a red woman's bag. He kept pushing the passersby who were blocking the way.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately grabbed a 28 "beam bicycle from a grandpa who was watching the show. He threw off his feet and rushed out.    


"Aiyo, my old phoenix, you have followed me for over twenty years." The old man cried out in fear, tears flying out of his eyes due to the heartache.    


Just as he was about to throw off his old arms and legs and give chase, he saw Chen Sanqiu already running far away with a flying kick and felt a pang in his heart.    


Big Sis consoled him, "Don't be afraid, I went after the thief. I'll give it back to you."    


"That guy doesn't look like a bad guy."    


The grandpa felt much better. He had wanted to go home and cook dinner, but now he could only wait here.    


Half an hour later, Chen Sanqiu came back on his 28 "beam bicycle and found that there were only three people left at the entrance of the roadside stall.    


One of them was Li Xiaolin. She would definitely be waiting for him.    


And the beautiful woman who lost her bag, she wouldn't leave.    


There was also the owner of the rafters he was riding, the grandpa.    


The rest of them were gone.    


With a grin, he kicked the pedals and arrived in front of the three people. He pushed the ground with his left foot and swung the car in a perfect arc. It landed on the ground and elegantly hit the support.    


He smiled at the old man, whose mouth was twitching from the heartache, and said, "Uncle, the chain is loose, so I tightened it for you, and oiled it for you, and also oiled it for you with my foot. Tsk, tsk.    


After all, Chen Sanqiu went after the thief and helped him fix his bicycle, so he didn't say anything. He even praised Chen Sanqiu to be a good guy before riding away on his 28 "beam.    


After the old man left, Chen Sanqiu handed the red bag back to the pretty woman.    


"Little brother, thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, all the money would have been lost." The pretty girl hurriedly said to Chen Sanqiu in gratitude. She opened her red bag with great speed. There was 100,000 in cash inside, but she didn't move it at all.    


He couldn't help but to have a better impression of Chen Sanqiu.    


"It's nothing. It's just a small matter." Chen Sanqiu smiled and shook his hand. He looked at the pretty woman's ankle and frowned. "Did you twist your foot?"    


"Sister Feng, Sanqiu is the strongest doctor in our village. With one glance, I know that you've sprained your ankle." Li Xiaolin said proudly.    


"Sister Feng?" Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but grin.    


"My, my name is Wang Xiaofeng." Wang Xiaofeng's face turned red as she said in embarrassment.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled dryly and nodded. He said to Wang Xiaofeng, "Go to the roadside stall, I'll turn your feet over here."    


Wang Xiaofeng originally wanted to go to the hospital, but she didn't really believe in Chen Sanqiu's ability. What could a village doctor do? That's why those who aren't strong can come to the village to be doctors.    


If he really had great ability, then he would have to go to the hospital in the city center and become a doctor.    


However, Chen Sanqiu had just helped him take back his bag. Furthermore, since he did not touch the money and was too embarrassed to refuse, he could only nod in agreement.    


"Ouch." Wang Xiaofeng wanted to stand up, but she felt a bone-piercing pain in her left ankle. Her body was crooked and she was about to fall to the ground.    


Chen Sanqiu quickly hugged Wang Xiaofeng's upper body and shouted, "Be careful."    


Wang Xiaofeng's upper body was in Chen Sanqiu's arms. She sniffed Chen Sanqiu's masculine scent and couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster.    


He suddenly felt as if a pincer had grabbed his chest. He lowered his head to look.    


She couldn't help but blush deeply, feeling as if her entire body was going to go limp at any moment.    


"Let me carry you in." Chen Sanqiu didn't even notice as he carried Wang Xiaofeng into the stall.    


Li Xiaolin stomped her foot in anger. A woman had a strong feeling about her. Her gaze was sharp as an eagle's, and she could see where Chen Sanqiu's hand was at.    


Ye Zichen was angry, but he also thought that Chen Sanqiu probably didn't feel anything.    


"Small breasts." Li Xiaolin made a judgment before she felt more at ease.    


He straightened his chest and followed her in.    


Chen Sanqiu actually felt it. However, it was a bit awkward for him to move his hand away in this situation. He directly hugged it and then quickly moved his hand away.    


He squatted down and looked at Wang Xiaofeng's ankle before taking off her shoes.    


Li Xiaolin felt jealous upon seeing her foot as white as jade. She thought to herself, how come I don't have such a beautiful foot?    


Moreover, the skin was really good. The skin of the city people were even better.    


Wang Xiaofeng's little foot was held by Chen Sanqiu as his entire body trembled. His little red face was as red as a monkey's butt.    


He kept telling himself: "He is a doctor, a village doctor, a village doctor. Don't think too much, don't think too much."    


"The bones are wrong." Chen Sanqiu lightly touched Wang Xiaofeng's ankle with his finger and said, "Let me give you a proper set of bones first. It might hurt a little."    


Wang Xiaofeng was about to nod after hearing Chen Sanqiu's words.    


Chen Sanqiu's hand moved and instantly straightened Wang Xiaofeng's back.    


Before the heart-wrenching pain could make Wang Xiaofeng cry, it was gone.    


He couldn't help but sigh in admiration towards Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and stood up. Seeing that the roasted chicken wasn't as hot anymore, he hurriedly called for the boss to get him to heat it up again.    


Wang Xiaofeng put on her shoes, took out 10,000 yuan from her bag, and was about to give it to Chen Sanqiu to express her gratitude.    


Li Xiaolin's eyeballs nearly popped out of her sockets.    


Hateful Chen Sanqiu, this little bastard, just won't accept it.    



"Since you don't want it, why don't I treat you to a meal?" Wang Xiaofeng regained her capable image as she spoke to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded. "Alright then."    


Chen Sanqiu picked up the basket and called Li Xiaolin to follow Wang Xiaofeng out.    


"Why are you still holding the vegetable basket?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at the vegetable basket in Chen Sanqiu's hand and could not help but ask with a smile.    


Before he could say anything, Li Xiaolin already said, "Chen Sanqiu is a great person in our village, the vegetables are all grown by Chen Sanqiu himself. Look at the tomatoes, I say that they are not for sale for one catty for one hundred yuan, but Chen Sanqiu is honest, he sold it for fifteen yuan for one catty."    


When Wang Xiaofeng heard Li Xiaolin's words, she was stunned. It was as if she was listening to a joke.    


When Li Xiaolin saw Wang Xiaofeng's look of disbelief and the smile on her face, she angrily took out a tomato, washed it in the stall and passed it to Wang Xiaofeng. "Eat this and you'll want a second bite. You'll know if I'm right."    


Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to argue with a village girl, so she had to take a bite out of her tomato.    


Immediately, his entire body became alert.    


He could not help but take a second and third bite. In the end, Wang Xiaofeng, who usually didn't eat much, actually finished the whole tomato.    


Taking a deep breath, Wang Xiaofeng looked at Chen Sanqiu with sparkling eyes. "I have a lot of needs. How much can you give me every day?"    


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