Heaven-made Ring



0Seeing Tian Cheng's confidence, the old man could not help but let out a sigh. "Child, this world is not as simple as you think it is. Without any martial skills or magic, no matter how much knowledge you have, it would just be empty talk. The old man didn't dare to say the word 'slave.' To him, a slave was more terrifying than death.    


Tian Cheng's expression still did not change, but instead became even more excited, and said to the old man: "Grandfather, although in my memories there is no method of training martial skills or magic, there are many things that can help me cultivate. I believe that as long as I follow that method, I will definitely be able to achieve success in the next three years. By then, as long as I can enter the academy, I will be able to cultivate a profound martial skill." "When the old man heard these words, he regained some of his divine light and hope was ignited once more." Good! Good! Grandson, grandpa knows that the current you is no longer the you of the past. No matter what you do, grandpa will support you.    


The old man paused for a moment, then continued, "Grandfather was reduced to this state because his strength was too weak, and your parents were also killed because of this."    


"Killed by someone else." Since young, his grandfather had told him that his parents had both died of illness, but now he said that they were killed by someone, how could he not be shocked? Although he had never seen his parents, every night when he dreamed, he would lie in his parents' warm embrace and tell them about his thoughts. He was afraid that he would wake up from his dream and lose them, because it was only there that he would feel the love of a father and a mother that he had never had before. But dreams always woke up, and when he returned to reality, he could not help but cry like the rain.    


Tian Cheng held the old man's hand and asked urgently, "Grandfather, quickly tell me, what exactly happened here?    


The old man caressed Tian Cheng's hands and comforted him: "Originally, Grandfather never planned to tell you about this matter in this lifetime, because we will never be able to defeat that enemy, and would instead be easily killed by him. Grandfather only wishes for you to live a peaceful life. But you are different now, so Grandpa can tell you without worry. "    


The old man shifted his gaze away from Tian Cheng and looked into the distance, as if recalling something, "At that time, your father, Stein, followed me from the age of eleven onwards, and travelled far and wide. Due to his relatively good aptitude and high comprehension ability, he received the guidance of a senior from the Mercenary Group, and quickly surpassed me. And that was when he met your mother, Lina. She was a beautiful, kind woman, and soon they were in love. Your father ended his life as a mercenary, but it was also the beginning of our family's nightmare.    


With his identity as an Element Master, he quickly found a job as a guard commander in the house of a Count. However, one day, after your mother found out that she was pregnant with you, before your father could even return home, she ran over to the Earl's Mansion to tell him the news. "Who knew that not only did he fail to find your father, but he even ran into the Count. When he saw this beautiful woman, he immediately became so perverted that he went berserk without a care for anything else." At this point, the old man clenched his fists, the veins on his head bulged, and he bared his teeth as he looked into the distance. Tian Cheng, who was standing at the side, was also extremely furious. He wished that he could travel through time and space and tear that Count to shreds to save his mother.    


The old man continued, "At this time, your father rushed back from the outside. Seeing that the Count was about to commit violence, he rushed forward without thinking, injured the Count, and saved his wife. And from then on, they began to flee for their lives. However, the Count still held a grudge and hadn't given up on chasing after them. In the end, after you were born, those people found out where they were. In order to not affect us two, they lured the enemy away and never came back. "I was also afraid that they would come back to find us. Thus, I brought you to the edge of this little mountain village."    


After hearing the old man's memories, Tian Cheng's face was already full of tears, and his eyes were as red as a wild beast's. "Ahhh!" At that moment, he only wanted to personally kill that Count. If not for him, their entire family would have been able to live happily ever after, and he wouldn't have to be sad because of not having a father's love and mother's love. It was all because of him.    


After a long while, Tian Cheng finished venting his anger, and returned back to his seat. His anger did not hide anything, and he knew his own strength very well. He calmly asked the old man, "Grandfather, tell me who he is. We must take revenge."    


The old man looked at Tian Cheng with praise in his eyes and nodded. His grandson's intelligence was much higher than his.    


"Horvath, Bitter, according to your father, he is an extremely sinister, cunning, and sinister person, and his power is also extremely great." The old man said word by word.    


"Horvath, Bitter ?" Tian Cheng repeatedly chanted his name, but he had already cursed him a million times.    


In a gorgeous castle, a middle-aged man dressed in aristocratic attire was standing there. He saw her with a full face of beard, a fat body, and big mouthfuls of food. When he was eating, a sudden sneeze came and most of the food flew out from his mouth through his nose. When he regained his senses, he glanced to the side and easily saw that the maid's smile had already stopped. Without saying a word, he pulled out his sword and slashed at the maid, it was hard to believe that the maid's head was already missing from the speed of her sword, which was even faster than the first level Element General. The poor young and beautiful girl had lost her life just because of this naughty smile. The other maids all knelt on the ground, praying for their master.    


Putting away the sword, the middle-aged man did not continue to kill anymore. Ignoring the corpse on the ground, he started to eat again.    


It was obvious that this middle-aged man was Horvath, the Horvath who had always been cursing. Bitter, if Tian Cheng knew that this curse was effective, he would probably curse him at the same time as Horvath was eating, it would be best if he wasn't careful and choked him to death, saving himself the trouble.    


Just like this, Tian Cheng and the old man finished their lunch, and Tian Cheng had resolved the conflict in his heart. Although he did not tell the old man the entire truth, at least from now on, there would not be any estrangement between the two of them, so Tian Cheng was at ease. Squatting in his horse stance, not caring about his trembling legs, Tian Cheng yelled towards the distance, "Father, mother, I will definitely take revenge."    


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