Heaven-made Ring



0Looking at the broken little mud house, Grandfather's staggering figure appeared in Tian Cheng's eyes. He rubbed his slightly reddened eyes and silently vowed: "I must let Grandfather live a good life, I must make him eternally be happy." His relationship with the old man had long ago become indescribable. After the fusion of his soul, Tian Cheng now had a special feeling for his only family. In his opinion, perhaps the old man was the biggest source of his survival and struggles.    


Tian Cheng kept thinking. He was no longer the young man who had never seen the face of the world before. He had five thousand years of cultural heritage from the ancient country of civilization, as well as extensive research into some advanced scientific fields in the world. Although his knowledge of magic and martial arts didn't have much to do with this place, it should be enough for him to make a living here.    


The first problem he faced was the need for money. Regardless of that world, this problem had to be put first. Without money, there was nothing he could do. Only with enough money could he live a better life, and only then would he have the energy to do other things.    


Then how could he earn enough money the fastest? Tian Cheng didn't want to see an old grandpa in a day, so he had to work hard for his life again. It was also impossible for him to go back to the mountain and foolishly chop firewood.    


Looking at the endless mountains behind the house, Tian Cheng suddenly had an idea. The corner of his mouth twitched: "Aren't those Magical Beast worth a lot of money? Although I don't dare to mess with those high level Magical Beast, catching a few low level Magical Beast should be no problem, right? " No problem! There was no problem at all. Not to mention the advanced beast hunting knowledge that he already had in mind, even designing one on the spot was extremely easy.    


Tian Cheng was extremely familiar with the villagers' methods of hunting, it was nothing more than shooting arrows and using their weapons to chase, and at the highest, all he had to do was set up a few traps that he wanted to use as raw materials. The method they used was to capture very few of them each time. Furthermore, a majority of the Magical Beast they caught would die, while the ones that were severely injured would eventually die as well. The dead low level Magical Beast could only be eaten as meat, because other than a few other things from their bodies, they were useless. However, this was not the value of low level Magical Beast. Most low level Magical Beast were tamed and used as pets. Therefore, Tian Cheng had to capture him alive.    


Since they were young, they had been familiar with a few lower levelled Magical Beast s. The most common Magical Beast s were the first stage marmot s, with an extremely large number of earth element beasts, who were experts at digging holes in the ground. Their body shape was as big as an adult rabbit on Earth, and they were round, round, and very lovable. Tian Cheng first used their habits and bodies to quickly design a plan. After quickly drawing a picture on the beast skin paper, a simple model map of the beast trap appeared. Looking at the frames on the map, Tian Cheng revealed a confident smile.    


Holding the drawing in his hand, Tian Cheng started working on it, looking around for the necessary ingredients. Right now, he could only use wood as the master material, he also wanted to use stronger iron or other things. The problem was that his family was so poor that only wood was left, even with the tougher materials, Tian Cheng did not have the slightest confidence that he could make it into what he wanted without any high-tech tools. He had finished his morning work and had gathered all the materials he needed by this time.    


The old man looked at Tian Cheng with a puzzled expression. He had never seen his grandson doing such a weird thing before. Seeing the old man's puzzled expression, Tian Cheng smiled and said: "Grandfather, don't be too strange, I, your grandson, have now found a way to earn money, and also the kind that earns a lot, a lot."    


The old man did not display the slightest bit of excitement. Instead, he walked in front of Tian Cheng and rubbed his forehead. Why are you spouting nonsense? How much can I buy this little bit of wood? We are indeed a bit poor, but as long as we can see you grow up healthy and grow up well, and get ourselves a little better off, grandpa will be satisfied! "    


"No!" "Grandfather!" Tian Cheng hurriedly said in an honest voice. Tian Cheng was not surprised by the old man's actions. A person who had been poor for a lifetime already had a very, very low desire for money. Besides, no one would believe his grandson who had always been an honest man.    


"Grandfather, I'm speaking the truth. I can use them to make something, it can be used to catch some low level Magical Beast, and the success rate is also very high. We will never have to live like this again. We can also eat, dress, and drink like everyone else. Grandfather, believe me, I will definitely be able to do it. " Tian Cheng held the old man's hand, looked into his eyes, and said excitedly. He had been thinking about this day for too long! He was endlessly waving a large axe in the mountain to temper his body. But what was the purpose of exercising his body? Wasn't it to earn money and make the lives of his family better!? Now that he was no longer the little boy in the mountain village from before, and he had the ability to create wealth, how could he not be excited?    


Looking into his grandson's confident eyes, the old man had completely trusted him. Although he didn't know why he believed in such a ridiculous promise, he still chose to believe that there was no reason to trust at this moment. Perhaps it would be the same in his future life as well. Nodding his head, the old man gave a similarly excited smile: "Child, Grandfather believes in you, Grandfather will always believe in you, it's Grandfather who's the fool! It was fine for him to live his entire life without any vision, but to think that he would even implicate his own grandson. Right! We need to live a good life in the future as well as other people. "    


This sentence was probably the most passionate sentence the old man had ever said in his life. 'A life as good as anyone else' might just be the life of an ordinary commoner in his heart. However, Tian Cheng thought that this was indeed a better life than anyone else.    


After eating lunch, Tian Cheng continued with his project, and the old man also helped. Although his theoretical knowledge was very good and he had done quite a bit of practice in the past, he had never done this before. He could only rely on his theoretical memory to practice, so his work speed was very slow. There was no way that everyone's first pot of gold wouldn't be so easy to earn. An afternoon had passed, and the grandfather-grandson duo had been busy with their work. The two simple cages were ready, and their ugly appearance did not match its fine structure. But luckily, they were strong enough to be used. The operation was about to begin.    


Just tonight, Tian Cheng decided to experiment with his masterpiece. Using the branches to wrap around the cage, the dark green leaves completely covered the skeleton of the cage.    


Tonight, Tian Cheng could only obediently stand to the side of the trap and wait for his prey to appear. There was no other way, he did not want to stay in this damned place at night either. He wanted to say that there were no higher levelled Magical Beast here, but who knew if they would come out and take a stroll when they were happy! But if they didn't stay here, just based on the wood, they definitely wouldn't be able to trap those Magical Beast for a long time.    


"Sigh!" When I get rich in the future, I will definitely create a few good iron cages and stand guard here everyday. I will not be eaten by Magical Beast and will be scared out of my wits sooner or later. " He thought about it silently.    


After setting up the trap, Tian Cheng hid behind a big tree and paid close attention to his surroundings. With his current superhuman senses, everything within ten meters of him was under his control.    


The quiet minute passed, and it was already late at night. The moonlight was very bright, making the entire forest seem as if it was wrapped in a huge silver veil. It was a very beautiful scene. But Tian Cheng who was on the tree was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful night scenery. His body was unconsciously soaked in sweat. He was not afraid of death, as he had wandered around the edge of life and death several times. He deeply understood the meaning of life, and treasured even more this hard-won life.    


Right at that moment, a sound came out from not too far away, although the sound was soft, Tian Cheng could still hear it. He turned his little black eyeballs around to make sure there was no danger in his surroundings, and then slowly revealed his chubby body. The round little guy ran as fast as he could to the trap he had designed, and inside was one of their favorite foods. He looked around, and after confirming that it was safe, he finally walked into the cage and began to eat without a care in the world. At this time, there was a "bang" sound as the cage was closed. This was the most important part of Tian Cheng's plan, as long as a prey touched the mechanism inside, the cage would automatically close.    


Tian Cheng immediately jumped down from the tree and picked up the cage, putting it into the cloth bag he had prepared beforehand. At the moment, he did not dare to be careless, even though this was only a Rank 1 Magical Beast, its earth element magic soil ball would not be very comfortable hitting one's body. Tian Cheng carried the cloth bag and quickly arrived at the other trap's location. He saw that the little fellow inside had also caught sight of a marmot, at this time, the little fellow was struggling with all its might, and the entire cage had become deformed, with multiple pieces of wood broken. Tian Cheng sighed, and also put it in.    


Looking at the big bag, he wiped off the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile, "At least you have lived up to my hard work today. I have finally earned my first pot of gold. I will start my new life with these two rats!"    


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