Heaven-made Ring



0On the second day, Tian Cheng rode his bicycle into the base at a normal pace. Arriving at the parking lot, they saw a luxurious car that was even more luxurious than the previous one. Tian Cheng did not feel anything, he had spent most of his savings on his own endless research, and compared to his surface vanity, he felt that his knowledge was much better.    


Opening his own private research room, Tian Cheng began on the unfinished task of yesterday. Then the doorbell rang.    


"Didn't I say that no one should disturb me at work?" Tian Cheng did not care who the other party was, and said those words without any trace of politeness.    


Even so, Tian Cheng still unwillingly opened the door. A light fragrance drifted over, and a young girl in her twenties stood before the door. Right at that moment, Tian Cheng was immediately attracted by the lady in front of him. She was dressed in female work clothes, her waist was slightly tight, making her tall and slender figure extremely obvious. Her long black hair was tied up, and it could be seen that she had dressed herself up for a long time before coming here. She smiled at Tian Cheng, revealing her pure white teeth. Her rosy cheeks still had a tinge of immaturity left in them.    


Very quickly, Tian Cheng realized that he had lost control of himself and quickly retracted his infatuated gaze. This was the first time Tian Cheng felt so much towards a girl. Perhaps it was because this was the first time he saw a girl at such a close distance, and also the first time he saw such a beautiful girl. At this moment, Tian Cheng's heart moved.    


She was stunned and her face turned red. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't utter a single word after a long time. Then, the girl opened her mouth.    


Hello, Doctor Tian Cheng. My name is Shu Ting, I am a recent graduate from Lip University, I have long heard of your extraordinary achievements in botanical research and have always admired you. The reason I came to find you this time is to find you for an internship.    


"Yes, of course." Without even thinking about it, Tian Cheng blurted out. He felt that he had already been smashed by a pie that had fallen from the sky, and his head felt a little dizzy. Then she blushed and stammered, "Actually... Err ? I do lack an assistant these days. " It was the first time he had been so nervous, even when faced with experts and professors who were recounting their findings.    


He, who had grown up pretty, had always been a real "bookworm" in the eyes of his classmates. However, most of his classmates admired him, but admiration was one thing. He did not have the time to chat with those girls, and those girls also did not want to deal with a "bookworm" for a long time. So apart from questions and later work, he rarely came into contact with girls.    


"Really?" The girl exclaimed, "Then let's start working now. It's a good thing that I'm wearing work clothes today." The young girl's bashfulness was quickly replaced by her enthusiasm and liveliness.    


Very quickly, Shu Ting went back to work. All of the things here were unfamiliar to this college student who had just graduated, and he was about to do something, but he did not know where to start from. As a result, she cast a pleading gaze at Tian Cheng, and he happily explained everything that had happened to her. The cold and dull research room was slowly turning into a warm and lively room.    


Time passed by very quickly. Soon, three months had passed. In the past, when he was researching, Tian Cheng felt that time would pass quickly, but compared to the time that he spent working together with Shu Ting, the former was not worth mentioning at all. At this moment, he finally experienced the meaning of relativity.    


In these three months, every day, Tian Cheng would bring Shu Ting along to finish all of his work, and continuously explain to her all kinds of knowledge. He liked to hear her praise him, liked to see her look of admiration due to his successes, liked to see her smile, liked to ask him questions and show her intimacy. Tian Cheng started to enjoy the scene of countless intimate contacts, the seeds of love had already been secretly transferred into his heart. He was only waiting for that moment, for his skin to break, for it to sprout, for it to take root.    


And in these three months, Shu Ting had also shed the immaturity that he had felt when he left school, and his speech and actions had matured quite a bit. Adding to that the people he had interacted with were professors, doctors, and some powerful people, her temperament had undergone a tremendous change.    


That night, Tian Cheng worked overtime, all alone, until eleven o'clock. Ye Zichen dragged his tired body along the road as he ran unsteadily on his bicycle. Even though he was very tired, the smile on his face never stopped, because tomorrow was the last day Shu Ting would work at his place, and he was prepared to confess to Shu Ting tomorrow. To this end, he didn't hesitate to pay a huge price and especially ordered ninety-nine big roses to be distributed to the flower shop. "At this moment, he's practicing what he's going to say tomorrow." Shu Ting, I like you, can you be my girlfriend? "I promise to give you a lifetime of happiness." Shu Ting, I ? "    


As he continuously muttered to himself, when he passed by a hotel, the colorful lights flashed and the man and woman kissing at the entrance appeared in front of Tian Cheng's eyes, and he laughed it off, not caring about anything else. With a sudden stop, a half meter long black mark appeared on the ground.    


"That girl ?" "Seems like ?" Tian Cheng was shocked. In an instant, that image just now flashed countless of times in his mind, as he continuously muttered to himself, "It won't, it won't, I must have seen wrongly." He turned his head back slowly. The mumbling suddenly stopped, and his entire body froze in place, as if even his breathing had stopped.    


"It really is her." He did not dare to believe his eyes, and ruthlessly rubbed it. He really hoped that the girl that appeared in front of him in the next moment wasn't the Shu Ting that he loved so deeply, but when he opened his eyes, everything was still the same. Instantly, countless intimate scenes of being intimate with a girl flashed before his eyes. Right now, he already treated her as his own world, but she was being passionately kissed. A wave of heartache came from his chest, causing him to forget to breathe. This was the first time he had fallen in love with this girl! How could he not be moved and heartbroken?    


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