Heaven-made Ring



0What was the ultimate state? It meant that both sides had to use their most powerful moves or moves to defeat the other! If he wasn't able to defeat his opponent in these few moves, then he wouldn't have a chance to win.    


At this time, Tuss was indeed going to use his strongest moves, and as for Tian Cheng, he would obviously avoid them if he could, but as long as he couldn't, he would accept the challenge. He did not have any of the most powerful techniques to attack him. In other words, up until now, he had yet to condense the essence of the Heavenly Fusion Sword Technique. All of his moves were the same.    


It wasn't his fault, because up until now, he hadn't seen the other person's most powerful moves that caught his eye. Or rather, the other person had been defeated before he could even take out his most valuable skill. Now, the chance had come! There were always a few moves in a martial skill that belonged to the category of ultimate skills.    


He remembered that Tuss's sword technique was almost finished, he was only missing the last few moves. If Tuss still did not come out, Tian Cheng would miss the chance to comprehend a full set of martial skills. If he still had a few more moves, he would definitely have the chance to beat Tuss to the ground. Tuss also realized this, which was why he took out his trump card.    


"Reverse Wave Sword Technique: Violent Waves!" Tuss roared, he activated the Holy Element Power on the sword and stood at his original position, drawing out a profound stance, and slashed at Tian Cheng!    


Suddenly, a sword aura formed by enormous surging waves appeared in front of Tian Cheng, completely disregarding the huge 'mountain boulder' in front of him, as it madly surged towards him! With the bravery of being invincible, it was as if everything in front of him would be washed clean. This was the Sword Qi!    


Sword moves were only meant to prepare for close combat. The true function of a sword move was to condense the sword move into a sword beam that was transmitted through the sword! Amongst the sword techniques, there were no most powerful moves, only the most powerful sword qi! It was the root of all the killing between experts. Killing people without seeing blood was also a principle. Powerful sword Qis could cut through the enemy from several miles away, so when it reached a certain point, long distance attacks were not only a tool for mages.    


Seeing that the huge wave was rushing towards him and it was too late for him to dodge, Tian Cheng tightened his grip on the sword and squinted his eyes.    


Forget it, at this point, I can only learn while using it. Although he had only condensed 30% of the Reverse Waves Sword Technique, the power released by the Source Power should not be too weak! F * ck! We did it! If he didn't succeed, he would die!    


With a loud roar, Tian Cheng also imitated Tuss's actions. Gathering all of the Source Power s on the sword body and drawing that mysterious posture. Just as the huge wave reached Tian Cheng's eyes, he suddenly released a blinding white light, which was even brighter than Tuss's. Obviously, he succeeded in condensing the 'Violent Waves' Sword Qi!    


Ah!" With a loud shout, Tian Cheng swung his sword down.    


"Boom!" As the two energies collided, a loud sound resounded in the forest, startling all the birds and beasts in a radius of several miles. The blinding white light attracted the eyes of many people even though it was just a casual show. In the Purgatory Forest, there were simply too many such things. Any one of the higher level mages could cause such a commotion.    


A Sixth Level Element Master that seemed to be one or two levels higher than a Sixth Level Element Master, using his most powerful move to collide with it, was truly not ordinary!    


When the dense smoke gradually dispersed, they saw that with Tian Cheng and Tuss as the center, the surrounding fifty meters, the trees were all sliced into half from the waist up. The two of them also stood there, looking at each other without showing any expression. But at least it could prove that Tian Cheng did not lose, that was enough! Stealthily learning the opponent's moves while defending against their attacks was already something worth celebrating.    


However, things seemed to be even better than he had expected.    


"Pfft!" Tuss who was standing still suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood. It could be seen that he had endured for a long time.    


"You ? Just who are you... How did he do it!? Why... Why do you know my martial skill ? Reverse Waves Sword Art! " Taking one step at a time, Tuss slowly walked towards Tian Cheng. Tuss stuttered, clearly, his injuries were not light!    


He truly couldn't understand why he would end up like this. It was one thing for him to lose, but he actually lost under the same kind of battle technique as him!    


This Wave Reversal Sword Technique was a middle grade Earth Grade martial skill, acquired through his father's, Earl Horvath, sister, who became the King of Suppressing the North, and then spent a large half of his life's savings to obtain it.    


From the day Tuss advanced to the day that Element Master began, he had been training arduously. Even if Tian Cheng had cultivated it, he was still a level two Element Master after all! Why was the power of the last move even stronger than his?    


Rubbing his aching chest, Tian Cheng held back the blood in his body and walked over to Tuss slowly, saying sternly: "This martial skill is not yours, so you are only allowed to practice it? Where did the loser get all this nonsense! "Alright, you should know what to do. Hurry up!"    


Looking at Tuss's miserable state, Tian Cheng laughed, yes, he laughed! He never thought that he would actually be able to completely condense 'Violent Waves' in that short moment, and his attack power was even stronger than Tuss's!    


Haha, the strength of Source Power is indeed not ordinary! Now, he had his own ace in the hole too! And this Wave Reversal Sword Technique was clearly much more powerful than normal martial skills! If he could completely refine him, his strength would definitely increase by more than a level! It was possible that even without using the 'Vajra Body', he could still defeat a Element General Level expert!    


Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, Tuss did not do as Tian Cheng said, and instead started laughing heartily.    


"Hahaha!" Tian Cheng brat, you have defeated me, and I admit it. However, in Purgatory Forest, achievements are calculated by the team, and the one you have defeated is just me, but I still have nine members? If you have the ability, defeat all of them! "    


After all, Tuss was also very puzzled, and only now did he remember that he still had a few teammates. In the beginning, he had never thought of fighting Tian Cheng alone by himself. He only felt that he could still handle the fight and didn't call for them. Where the hell were they?    


Laughing loudly, Tian Cheng grabbed Tuss and threw him towards the direction of Tony. This throw was at least a hundred meters away, although it was not enough to kill him, breaking a dozen of his bones would not be a problem. This is also the chance for Tian Cheng to take revenge! Since he couldn't kill him, it wouldn't be a problem for him to injure him, right? As for crippling his Dantian, hmph, that's not the time yet! It's just a little dog, let's play first!    


"Bam!" Tuss descended from the sky and coincidentally smashed into the body of a Pease who was still doing his best to resist, causing a human-shaped dent to appear on the ground. Pease, who wasn't injured in the first place, was probably only left with half a life.    


Originally, Pease and the other two were completely capable of defeating them. At some point in time, the Drunk Bee had given them a few acupuncture points. At this time, out of the six people on the battlefield, three had already fallen. The few of them were originally struggling to persevere, after Pease retreated from the battle, they were quickly subdued by Tony and the other two.    


"Big brother!" Seeing Tian Cheng's appearance, the three of them respectfully shouted, and excitedly looked at the ten experts who were originally standing in front of them with faces full of arrogance. The way of the world had become faster! The day will come when we farmers will become masters! This was all thanks to this big brother of his! Otherwise, how could he be so grand? If three level one Element Master beat nine levels above level three Element Master, would anyone believe it when word spread? Even he couldn't believe it!    


Nodding his head, Tian Cheng looked at the dying Pease below him, and did not speak anymore nonsense, he took out the Magic Crystle s and materials from their bodies, and asked them to cut ten points out of his points, and then the few of them walked towards the inner part of the forest, and instantly disappeared from their line of sight.    


With his current strength, Tian Cheng did not place Pease in his eyes at all, and was too lazy to bother with him anymore. Relying on just picking me, I don't have to be afraid of him, even more so with the group challenge, I, your father, am going to turn you all into a beehive!    


What was Pease worth in the academy? He was just a rookie! A third level Element Master could only play a small role in a freshman, wasn't it just relying on his father's little connections to win over a few talents? In front of those old factions, he was nothing!    


Tian Cheng's goal was not only this small 'Heaven Extinguishing'. There were too many challengers in the academy, there were too many of them. Spending their time on a small role like Pease, that would definitely be a waste! There were a lot of good opponents ahead, and experts of the Element General Level were all around one to one. Only when he fought with all his might would he be able to improve at his fastest and most stable speed!    


As Tian Cheng, the other two, and the beast slowly advanced, the battles between 'day' and 'Heaven Extinguishing' in every part of the forest slowly began. Without exception, all the members of the 'Heaven Extinguishing' had their bodies pricked or pricked twice. They were all dizzy when they fought, and a few of the weaker members fainted just like that. The trend of being one-sided in the past two months had been completely reversed!    


One day, two days ? On the fifth day, nearly three hundred members of the 'Heaven Extinguishing' had been 'constantly' ravaged three times or more ', and the Magic Crystle in their hands was no exception. Not only were all the Magical Beast materials taken away, the numbers inside the card seemed to decrease day by day.    


And 'All day' not only recovered all their lost points, the number of people increased from 76 to more than 100. The number of people and the number of points increased day by day, and everything was steadily developing! However, from the fifth day onwards, the main source of their points would no longer be from the hands of the 'Heaven Extinguishing'. Instead, he began a mission for the very beginning of Holy Element Master ? ? Hunting Magical Beast, fighting with mages, and snatching everything they had.    


This was not only a way to earn points, but also a process of training. This was where the improvement of their strength would begin. Therefore, Tian Cheng did not send out many Drunk Bee.    


Tian Cheng brought Tony and the other two into the middle circle of Purgatory Forest, and started a series of brutal battles.    


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