Heaven-made Ring



0"My Grey's Chamber of Commerce can make money, of course it has something to do with you guys!" Tian Cheng laughed, and continued to speak like an experienced salesperson: "Now is the starting point of the merchant guild, the required funds are too big, and the merchant guild is in a shortage of funds, I will give all of you a chance, if you are willing, you can spend 10 million gold coins to buy 5% of Grey's Chamber of Commerce!"    


"Think about it, if the Chamber of Commerce earns 2 million gold coins a month, if you sit at home and do nothing, you will get 100,000 gold coins, which is 1 million gold coins a year! You will be able to pay off your debts in just a few years. Moreover, with the development of the Chamber of Commerce, the profits will only get higher and higher. Even if not for yourself, for the sake of your family's descendants, this investment of ten million is definitely worth it! "    


Would there be a shortage of funds for Grey's Chamber of Commerce? To be honest, if Tian Cheng did not take measures to sell something, it would really be short. However, this was not the reason for Tian Cheng persuading them to buy shares. Although Tian Cheng had never personally participated in matters of finance, he had read too many books and read too many books regarding finance! A company was no different from a company. Its development by itself was absolutely impossible. Not only did it need financial support, but more importantly, it required manpower!    


Bringing them into the party, on one hand, Tian Cheng wanted to borrow their funds to better control them. Only when their own interests were at stake, would they not reveal what had happened today, and threats would not work. This company's ten million is yours, if you harm me, then your ten million will be gone. No one would do such a stupid thing.    


On the other hand, the company's manpower was currently seriously lacking. Each and every one of these lords were intelligent and had a huge amount of power. Their joining, was very consistent with the company's development!    


Under Tian Cheng's passionate speech, the three of them lowered their heads and started to consider the pros and cons of the speech. After all the years they had been working together, it was still impossible for them to go crazy from just a few words from others. In reality, they did not have any room to think, and did not forget one thing. Right now, their little lives were still in Tian Cheng's hands, and they did not have any qualifications to bargain with him. Furthermore, the conditions that Tian Cheng offered were not that difficult to accept.    


Fatty Fan Te raised his head and said, "Young Master Tian Cheng, I agree to your conditions, but 10 million gold coins is not a small sum. You have to raise it in a month." Ten million gold coins was a huge sum of time for a family like this.    


Pointy Eyes and Big Ear Hiller nodded in agreement.    


Following that, Tian Cheng took out a pen and paper, and drew up the agreement. The three lords each stamped their own blood on the seal made by the Lord, and two cities each were cut off, the compensation was 20 million, with immediate effect! That 5% share agreement would wait for them to gather the 10 million gold coins before deciding.    


As for the property and administration rights of the deceased City Lord, Dawson and the ten Southern City Lords Nuse, they were tentatively handed over to Tian Cheng. Logically speaking, they were the ones who took the initiative to invade Tian Cheng. However, in terms of procedure, he still had to report it to the Empire, and only when the documents were written down, Tian Cheng would officially be in control of the territories. However, the six cities of the three Lords, from now on, officially belonged to Tian Cheng.    


From the time the conflict broke out to the time of the life-and-death battle to the time when the conditions had been agreed upon, it had only been an incense stick's worth of time since the signing of the contract. Putting away the large stack of treaties, Tian Cheng smiled and said: "The facts will prove that today, you all did the biggest mistake in your lives and the greatest right thing at the same time. Just to emphasize, do not doubt my ability, it is not something you all can predict!"    


Tian Cheng threw another mysterious sentence, secretly taking out two Energy Crystal s, and crazily threw their energy into their bodies. Now that they were already on the same boat, they naturally wouldn't do anything foolish. Before they worked hard for him, it was necessary to give them some benefits.    


With the influx of the energy, the three of them started to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their three pale faces slowly turned red, and the sunken chest area of the fatty, Fan Te, also became flat again.    


"Hu!" The two Energy Crystal s gradually turned into nothingness, and at this time, the fat Fant's body flashed with a white light, he actually broke through! With Tian Cheng's help, his Element King broke through from the first level to the second level!    


Just as the white light dimmed, Fan Te half-knelt down towards Tian Cheng, tears still flowing as he said emotionally, "Young Master Tian Cheng, I, Fan Te, am willing to serve you forever. My clan's generation, will never change!" The power of the method he cultivated was huge, but it was extremely difficult for him to advance in level, especially at this time, it was basically impossible for him to advance any further. But this young man waved his hand and allowed his Element King to advance from level one to level two, this was simply too incredible, such a person, was it wrong to follow him?    


Tian Cheng waved his hand, signalling Fan De to stand up, and smiled at the three of them, then said: "This is just a small part of my ability, although it cannot be considered strong, but I admit that other than me, no one else can. If you follow me, there will be many benefits in the future, like Fan De, helping all of you increase your Element King will not be a difficult matter."    


If it was said that they thought money was their life, then depending on their strength, it was their fate to strike. The bomb that Tian Cheng threw was so heavy that they were unable to differentiate between east and west. Let's not talk about it. There was no reason for us to follow him and do it without any conditions!    


With a wave of his hand, he collected the eight corpses of Element General experts. There was nothing he could do, the injuries on their bodies were too easy to see through. Leaving behind the corpses of the City Master Dawson and the Lord Nuse, Tian Cheng brought the three Lord out.    


After announcing that the City Lord and Lord Nuse had colluded to kill the other Lords, the three of them brought their own troops to start raiding their homes. The two Element King that Fan Te and Nuse brought with them were not killed by the Demon King and the others. Instead, after being heavily injured, they were tied up by the wood spirit's wood type magic. Without a second word, Tian Cheng went up and stabbed the Element King that Nuse brought with him. If you don't do anything bad during a gathering, is it necessary for you to bring the clan's one or two Element King s and run?    


However, the place where they gathered was not in the City Lord's Mansion. Although there were a lot of powerful forces in there, with the strength of the three great lords and the experts they brought, they were able to suppress the entire City Lord's Mansion very quickly. Doing this kind of thing, these three lords were the most considerate of all, not long later, all the treasures that were cleared out were reported to Tian Cheng.    


He held a small booklet and started reading: "Young Master Tian Cheng, City Lord's Mansion, Dawson and Nuse have a total of over 3 million gold coins. The value of the precious property is around 2 million gold coins and these are their Dimensional Ring s.    


He passed over two Dimensional Ring Kele and continued, "The City Lord's Mansion Palace has a total of over five hundred people. Among them, there are more than three hundred guards, more than two hundred servants and Dawson's family members. Lars City has over five thousand city guards, and most of them are the trusted aides of the Lars Family. After tonight, news will definitely spread, and if they come, it will be a great test for us! " A look of worry flashed across Keller's face. Tian Cheng's current interests were his own, there was no reason not to.    


"I'm fine!" Tian Cheng shook his hand, and lightly said: "If they want to cause trouble, then let them do it, a mere five thousand people wouldn't be enough. Wait until this matter is reported, and after the imperial edicts are passed down, it will not be too late for us to come back. "    


"However, this matter is indeed a little bit mysterious. Even if the four of us were to insist that they would do us harm, would the Empire's side believe it?" Furthermore, Nuse is the son of the Bixi Family Patriarch, he is a Duke.    


"If I'm not wrong, this is what the Empire will do." He Tian Cheng looked into the distance and spoke with profound meaning in his voice: "As for the Bixi Family, we don't need to worry about them right now. Their upper echelons are still far away from here, and they won't send out their upper echelons just for a simple reason. Moreover, their rights were built on the empire. Without the empire's permission, they would not be able to do anything. Now, we will go and take Nuse's house, and take over the southern cities! " With that, Tian Cheng jumped out of the City Lord's Mansion, and disappeared into the night sky.    


Tian Cheng was also betting on himself, betting that not only would the empire not offend him, they would also have to rope him in. If they did not have such thoughts, then they would not have been so secretive about the 'Moon Howling Wolf' case last time, wasn't it clear that they did not want others to know of his ability, and he wanted to eat this alone?    


And the reality was exactly what Tian Cheng had thought it would be. At this moment, in a dazzling palace in the capital, Hua Di Nas, a burly man of around fifty to sixty years old with a stern face was currently reading the minute words written on a simple beast skin. "He wore a long golden robe embroidered with many legendary Divine Beast s, giving off a noble aura. From time to time, his eyes would shine like a sharp sword that could pierce into someone's soul at any time.    


He was the king of the Southern Kingdom, and currently, he was holding the latest developments regarding Tian Cheng and his territory!    


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