Heaven-made Ring



0The night sky filled with floating mist and moonlight cleverly merged together, forming a beautiful scenery in this tranquil night. It was like a curtain, like a waterfall, making people feel intoxicated from staying here, and compared to going to any other place, it seemed that this was the only place that was worthy of the four words, 'I have no regrets in this life'.    


Of course, these four words were only meant for ordinary people. To Tian Cheng and the others, although this kind of scenery wasn't bad, it was far from qualified for them to give birth to such a feeling. No regrets in this life? Humph! What kind of joke was this? Putting everything else aside, we haven't taken a wife yet? This was something that would be said hundreds or even thousands of years later.    


Furthermore, everyone knew that this appearance of beauty was only a cover for killing intent.    


Under the lead of the Misty White Tiger, the group of people effortlessly walked out of the great formation. They arrived at the center of the great formation ? the final location of the ancient secret!    


With merely a step, he brought everyone into an area that was completely different from the outside world. No, it should be said to be a space, because Tian Cheng could no longer feel the aura of Misty Valley at all.    


"Eh? What was going on? "As long as I get any closer to this area, a mysterious force will shoot me away. I've been severely injured on several occasions, how come nothing happened today?" The Misty White Tiger muttered to itself as it looked in front. It would glance at Tian Cheng from time to time, waiting for an explanation.    


"Like I said, I'm the Son of Heaven, the person who can open the treasure. In a sense, I'm the owner of this place, although some guys are just ordinary loyal to their masters and like to bite their masters from time to time, but not everything is the same!" Tian Cheng laughed and said, then unknowingly scolded the Misty White Tiger again. Tian Cheng had always remembered this guy's retaliation previously. However, what he said was not wrong. It was precisely because Tian Cheng created a unique aura after integrating with the complete Ancient Jade Key that caused the repulsive force in the relic to disappear.    


"Who did you say was unfaithful? You are not my master, so what I have done for you is already very good. If you had not taken control of my Queen, you would have knelt down and begged me, but I would not have brought you here! " From its point of view, the reason why Tian Cheng could defeat it was because of the Divine Instrument. Furthermore, it himself was a beast with a master and wife, so its words were naturally louder than usual. It couldn't lose face in front of its own woman, right?    


"Did I say it was you?" Tian Cheng asked, and then laughed: "But since we have reached this point, I have no choice but to mention it. Firstly, I defeated you, and barely counted as your master. It's married, you know? Strictly speaking, I am still your master, so if I am not your master, what am I? "    


"Don't think that I don't know. Along the way, you've been using your arms to attack me all the time. You've been wanting to give me a f * cking beating!"    


Hearing that, the strong Misty White Tiger immediately withered away, retreating behind Nas without saying a word!    


There was no longer a need for the White Tiger to lead the way in this space, Tian Cheng was the first to walk in.    


Suddenly, his vision changed! All the mist had disappeared. Not only that, the black night had also disappeared. It was unknown just where it was emitting light that was stabbing at everyone's eyes! However, no one closed it due to the stabbing pain in their eyes. Instead, they opened it even wider!    


"Is this the ancient ruins?" "Oh my god!" Patriarch Nas was the first to exclaim in surprise.    


In front of him was a massive white palace. It was over a hundred zhang high, and it pierced through the clouds! Even Nas, whose strength had reached the level of Element Sovereign, felt himself to be insignificant in this instant. That dazzling white light was emitted by it. Tian Cheng looked carefully and discovered that every inch of its skin was actually made of Sky Crystals! And the quality was not worse than the two Nas Patriarchs in his hands!    


"Am I seeing things!?" Haha! Little ones, what are you waiting for, hurry up and smash them! Sky crystals! These were all sky crystals! Just by getting a little, we can create a few Divine Instrument. Once we return to the Misty Continent, we are invincible! " Nas roared, as though he had gone mad. After the group of people behind them heard the order, they immediately grabbed their weapons and started smashing them. The items behind them might be good, but what light elements would they have? The most important thing was to catch what was in front of him.    


F * ck me! What kind of quality was this? Is that all you have? Such a perfect artistic name, you guys are really willing to do it! Tian Cheng secretly cursed. To be honest, just the design of this palace made Tian Cheng, the master of design, gasp in admiration. As someone who pursued art, he sighed in admiration at the violent actions of the barbarians in front of him.    


"Young Master, shouldn't we do something?" Grarris walked over and asked, his palms already starting to sweat.    


"Err ?" After considering for a few seconds, Tian Cheng said: "Tell a group of people to go! Watch out, take down those flowerbeds and floors first, don't move the roof structure for now, probably can't! Hurry up! Don't let these bastards snatch it away first! "    


After another group of people left, only Patriarch Nas and the five elders remained at the entrance of the palace.    


"Open the door! "According to the previous agreement, we will rely on our abilities to obtain the treasures inside. I promise you with my Misty White Clan's personality, as long as you do not commit murder or rob, we will absolutely not attack you." Maybe he had seen through Tian Cheng's worries, Patriarch Nas emphasized once again. The first time, he gave away a super treasure like Heaven Crystal. Who knew what was in it that would not make people go crazy. Guarantee 'might not have any practical use, but it was better than nothing. Tian Cheng also knew that his side's strength was not higher than the opponent's. If they were to fight for some reason, it would be hard to ensure that both of them would suffer.    


"Since the Patriarch has already said so, I naturally won't be a small fry. Come on!"    


Summoning out the Ancient Jade Key, Tian Cheng walked towards that huge door. It was unknown what material the door was made of. It was bronze in color, and there were divine dragons engraved on it. Tian Cheng was sure that even the most powerful Divine Instrument would not cause any damage to it. Only this piece of Ancient Jade Key could open it up!    


As he controlled the Ancient Jade Key to fly to the center of the gate, a white light flashed and the palm-sized jade key instantly became like a wheel, stably embedded into the groove that was created for it.    


"Boom!" A loud sound rang out and the entire palace shook as if an earthquake had occurred. However, the sound only lasted for a split-second before it disappeared.    


"One second..." Two seconds... "Three seconds..."    


A minute passed, and the few of them stared dumbly at the door, waiting for the next moment to change. Unfortunately, it seemed like it did not want to do anything. And the jade key that was embedded in the groove had also completely fused with the door, no matter how Tian Cheng tried to pry it open, it could not move at all.    


"What's going on? Could it be that there are some other steps? " Tian Cheng turned to Xiao Tian and asked.    


"Of course there are, but you can't complete it alone!" Before Xiao Tian could even speak, the voice of an old man came from the sky. He did not seem to be friendly!    


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