Heaven-made Ring



0Although the Misty White Tiger said that it thought that an ancient almighty being had settled down here, it did not know about the Ancient Jade Key and its secret. What it wanted to do was to do its best to kill or chase away everything that appeared here. Therefore, the Ancient Jade Key in Tian Cheng's hands could not scare it at all, and a fierce battle was unavoidable!    


"You really don't know what's good for you, cat!" You think I'm easy to bully? If you have the ability, go and find those old fellows! Today, I want to see who will be the one to get slashed! " Tian Cheng thought for a moment, then the four beasts appeared behind him. He did not believe that he could defeat this fellow with just himself, and escape from this great formation. The difference in strength between the two of them, as well as the fact that the battlefield was controlled by this great formation, meant that Tian Cheng could only rely on trickery to obtain victory.    


As' local 'Magical Beast, they had a strong opinion of this foreign species. If it did not have enough strength, they would definitely challenge it to a duel. We have a whole bunch of level seven and eight Magical Beast in our Magical Beast Forest, why the f * * k are you making us make you guard this formation from such an important position?    


Once the four beasts appeared, who could contend against them? None of them were easy to mess with. As soon as they came out, they rushed up and began the siege they had been practicing for a long time within their Source World!    


One after another, 'Myriad Arrows Piercing Heart', 'Burning Heaven'... However, a level eight Magical Beast was still a level eight Magical Beast. Even if they were slightly injured, it was still far from a level seven Magical Beast could compare to it. Although Xiao Tian and the rest were not normal people, how could this White Tiger be a good person? "To be selected by an ancient Supreme Elder and spend so much effort to pull it out of another space, this proved its ability.    


The four beasts had been besieging for half an hour now, traveling for several hundred miles through the great formation. Other than the fact that the white tiger's heartbeat had increased slightly and its breathing had quickened, there was no injury on its body at all. On the contrary, among the four beasts, other than the little freak Xiao Jin, Xiao Tian, the wood spirit, and Big Mountain all had different degrees of wounds. Although this was nothing to them, the difference between them was already very clear.    


In the constantly changing grand array, the four beasts' siege couldn't gain any advantage at all. In the end, they were still split apart and pressed down one by one!    


Once again, the Misty White Tiger disappeared into the air, the four beasts surrounding him in a circle. Tian Cheng, wielding the sword in his hand, continued to look around at the thick mist around him, vigilant of that fellow's sudden attack. This kind of scene had already occurred many times. Even Tian Cheng, who was under the effect of the Spiritual Sense, could not take care of every single one of them, and after discovering that Tian Cheng's Spiritual Sense was especially powerful, the attacks of the Misty White Tiger were even more strange and unfathomable.    


At this time, only Tian Cheng closed his eyes, but he was not listening to anything. At their level, the use of eyes and ears had already decreased. Carefully sensing the surroundings, Tian Cheng's mouth revealed a faintly discernible smile.    


Tian Cheng's Spiritual Sense continued to search for an answer. He had already started this task at the beginning of the battle, but he was still unable to find an answer that satisfied him. However, a second ago, he noticed that there was a trace of mist in the middle of the constantly changing mountains and rivers not far away from him. Even though it was just a trace, he was able to find it. This strand of fog was different from the others. From start to finish, it did not move along with the movements of the mountains and rivers. Instead, it appeared in a specific location at an extremely fast speed, waiting for the right moment to move again.    


The smile on Tian Cheng's face became wider, he knew that this wisp of mist was the Misty White Tiger that had been hiding for a long time. As long as he could find its traces and launch a sneak attack, this matter would not be so hard to resolve!    


Without notifying the Four Beasts, Tian Cheng secretly summoned his Ancient Jade Key and also prepared to launch a sneak attack. Although the Ancient Jade Key Tian Cheng wasn't very good with it, he could only use it as his own weapon at the moment. Although the Rebirth Sword was good, it was still just a Holy Instrument. In addition, ranged attacks required such a fellow. It was just like how in modern times, a handgun was used at close range while artillery shells were used at long range. However, in front of the heavy artillery shell that was the Ancient Jade Key, it could only be considered a handgun.    


"Now is the time!" Sensing the mist's movement once again, Tian Cheng's entire body tensed up, and he used his full strength to unleash the Ancient Jade Key. The jade key that was as small as a palm suddenly became like a ten meter tall cake, quickly pressing down towards a part of the fog.    


Before the Four Beasts could react, they heard a scream from the fog. It was different from before. This time, there was no anger within the screams. There was only relief from the pain and nostalgia for his life. Because Tian Cheng's sudden attack had caused it to feel death, a true death.    


The fog dissipated quite a bit, and the swirling rivers and mountains also came to a halt. He smiled as he led the four beasts over, only to see that underneath the big cake, there was only a head of the Misty White Tiger left, and it was constantly spitting out blood. The moaning sound was very soft, if not for the fact that it was inside the big fog, coupled with its special abilities, it would have been smashed to death by the huge rock!    


Hey! Little fellow, do you think you can beat me in a sneak attack? Tian Cheng laughed in his heart as he looked at the misty tiger's miserable state.    


"Brother, cook this guy!" Tsk tsk! I have seen the world, but the Magical Beast of the Fogdeep Continent have never heard of it. The quality of the meat... "Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it." After kicking the huge body a few times, Xiao Tian laughed sinisterly. Xiao Jin and Big Mountain also followed suit. They looked forward to the taste, especially the level 8 dish. The wood spirit looked at the three of them with disdain. It had always been close to them when it came to eating human flesh and bones. There was nothing it could do about it.    


After putting away the jade key, Tian Cheng took out a dagger and was ready to cut. As a research scientist, he naturally wanted to see their internal structure, not to mention that this guy had threatened their lives before.    


"Wait!" Just as Tian Cheng was about to cut down, clan leader Nas and a group of people flew over from afar. Without the control of the Misty White Tiger, the formation naturally wouldn't be able to trap them.    


Seeing that Tian Cheng was about to kill the dying Misty White Tiger, Clan Chief Nas spat out another mouthful of white smoke. The Misty White Tiger's status in the Misty Continent was very high. Its totem was that of a large clan, and it was also the symbol of a people's spirit! Of course, Tian Cheng did not know about this.    


Clan leader Nas, you came at the right time, you have also contributed a lot to defeating this big guy, just give it a try later! With that, Tian Cheng raised his blade again.    


"Please wait!" Nas sweated profusely as he said, "Little friend Tian Cheng, can you not kill it! It has committed a great sin, and it deserves to die a thousand times for that. However, as intelligent beings, sometimes we have to think from the Magical Beast's point of view. First of all, killing people is only its nature, not to mention that it is carrying out its duties. "    


The soul fluctuations that Nas transmitted were very clear and fluent, but Tian Cheng was a little dizzy.    


"Humans are born from humans, Magical Beast are born from beasts, humans can be born from beasts, but Magical Beast can only become Magical Beast ?"    


"Think about it, are they easy? After living for most of my life without anything, in the end, I am going to be skinned alive ? "    


"It's not that I'm filled with compassion, I'm just interpreting this from a natural perspective. We can't do that..."    




"Patriarch Nas, I really want to ask you a question." Tian Cheng stopped his rambling and asked, "Did you all graduate from the philosophy department? Or perhaps, what relationship do you have with Monk Tang? "    




"Alright! Just tell me what you want to do! "    


"I hope you can let it go and give it to us!" Nas said seriously, "I also know that it is worth a lot. Our Misty White Clan has accumulated quite a bit over the years, and none of those things in your human society are not priceless. Soon, we will return to the Misty Continent. In return, we are willing to give these things to you! "    


Misty Valley was a huge treasure in the first place. The Misty White Clan had lived here for tens of thousands of years, so how could they not have accumulated resources? He was afraid that just a little bit of it would cause the entire continent to go crazy!    


Regarding this kind of deal, Tian Cheng was naturally very willing! This made him sigh with emotion: This person! It was hard not to get rich!    


"Then I'll leave it to you guys, but doesn't the chief need to give a deposit first?" As you know, I'm a businessman. Since it's a business deal, I should follow the rules, no? "    


Helpless, Nas took out a few bright crystals from the Dimensional Ring in his hands. No matter how hard he tried to conceal it, Tian Cheng could see it very clearly.    


"These two are Class 9 Spirit Beasts' Magic Crystle s, and these two are the Sky Crystals that are the first ranked in your society. These are all top quality goods in my Fogdeep Continent. I think they should be enough to pay the deposit!"    


What a joke, although the Fog Continent was an alternate dimension that existed, although it was very different from the Demon Martial Continent, but in terms of resources, it was the same. Just the items that Clan Leader Nas had taken out was enough to buy several large nations! How could he not feel heartache?    


Laughing vulgarly, Tian Cheng happily received the treasures. With these ingredients, the day of turning the Rebirth Sword into a set of Divine Instrument shouldn't be too far off ?    


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