Heaven-made Ring



0A thick smell of blood pervaded the air, causing many people to not dare breathe, especially Tian Cheng. His keen sense of smell allowed him to hold his breath, and his burning heart immediately cooled down. The main problem was that the people who died were all 16 or 17 years old. There was no lack of talented individuals among them; they were treasures of their parents, or perhaps the hopes of their entire family. In just a few seconds, they were all killed! He was even executed by the academy! This was the academy! The academy was a place of education. How could it be so easy to decide the life and death of a student? And it was in front of so many people, using such a cruel method!    


Tian Cheng had still underestimated the academy. It wasn't just him, everyone had underestimated it. Although the main forces of the St. Bist Royal Academy were only within the St. Bist City, as long as it was within the Southern Wind Empire, it would still be an existence that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Divine Church of Light, Mercenary Union, and other great forces. Here, it was God, and everyone had to obey its rules, and anyone who violated them had to be punished. Although this punishment was a bit big, it was still a matter of words.    


Although Tian Cheng had seen the cruelty of this world before, this was still the first time. After thinking about it carefully, these people did not die in injustice, after all, they owed money and killed people to repay their debts, so it was better if they had enmity with you. Even if there was no enmity, you wanted to kill them, and if they found out, even if you did not do it on purpose, you could only blame your bad luck, after all, no one deserved to die. Witnessing the academy's decisiveness and viciousness, Tian Cheng had no choice but to rethink his plans for the future. Judging from this situation, every move on the island was indeed within their monitoring range. They must have almost known what he was doing. Although there were no rules in this regard, they would definitely not give him something good to eat.    


Just as Tian Cheng was thinking about everything, that person's voice sounded, breaking this extremely quiet scene, and brought everyone back to reality.    


"Don't think too much into it. These people are just violating the rules. We are only following the rules and must be punished if we do something wrong. It's just that this punishment is a bit heavier." It's the same for your future lives as well. There are some things that cannot be done wrong, and mistakes represent failure, and represent death, just like them. "    


He changed his tone and continued, "Our St. Bist Royal Academy is a very humane academy. As long as the things you do not touch our bottom line, you will live a very happy life here. Things like this usually don't happen. Alright, you can all go back now. The top five thousand students will report five days later, and I once again congratulate you all on entering the St. Bist Royal Academy. You will have the most unforgettable few years of your lives here, and your lives will become even more exciting because of this! "    


After that person finished talking, the crowd in the square started to boil again. The shadow from before had been completely broken, and the corpses lying on the ground could not affect their mood in the slightest. A false alarm! They had thought that after entering the academy, they would have to live a life of constant fear and trepidation. Now, he no longer had to worry about this. Just like he had thought before, the beautiful life in the best academy in the entire empire was about to come!    


At this time, many people rushed out of the passage with excitement, while Tian Cheng and the rest followed the group out, he was also very excited, and wanted to rush out as fast as possible to see his brothers, but taking into account the influence he had in front of his subordinates, he resisted the urge, there was no way for him to sacrifice a little as the elder brother.    


"Big brother, are you going back to the exam grounds or where?" Jasper asked.    


"I need to return to the exam grounds first. My two younger brothers are still there. What about you?" Tian Cheng asked.    


"Our family still has some assets in the St. Bist City, I reckon that they are already waiting for us outside, we will not return there, but, after taking care of some matters in the family, we will come as soon as possible to find you." Brody said apologetically. According to their understanding, the lackeys would have to follow their big brother and run away. However, since they had entered the academy, their family would definitely not let them go so easily. No matter what, they would have to announce this to the world and eat and drink for three days.    


Tian Cheng laughed: "Why did you come to find me so quickly? What should I do? I was really worried that I would starve to death! It will only take five days anyway. At that time, we will be able to do a good job in the St. Bist Royal Academy! "    


At this time, Jake also walked over and said, "Don't forget, there's still me!" He was the most interested in doing business, and it was necessary to have a good time on the premise that he could learn well. How could he, who had been locked in his home for so many years, not go crazy with Tian Cheng and the others? At the very least, they couldn't compare to Jake. Jake had such a large force supporting him, of course he wouldn't need to worry, but Tian Cheng, everything was built up by himself.    


The few grown men started to laugh out loud together. As for Terry, he was ignored by them. The three of them all felt that this wasn't a good idea, but none of them said anything. Because it was already like this, and there were actually no consequences at all. Terry's eyes were just a little resentful, and did not vent his anger and run away as he had imagined.    


Just as a few of them were laughing loudly, Tian Cheng's gaze unintentionally landed on one of the people in the crowd, and his expression instantly froze. That person was precisely Pease, who had been tormented a hundred times by Tian Cheng. Seeing him here, it could be considered normal, as the purpose of Tian Cheng's last chess move was to make them lose their Magic Crystle. If nothing unexpected happened, he would not die. According to what had happened, he should have lost all his Magic Crystle and didn't manage to get admitted into the academy. However, right now, Pease was laughing loudly without a single trace of disappointment on his face. That sinister gaze was filled with confidence as he walked step by step towards Tian Cheng.    


That's not right! Where did his confidence come from? Could it be ? Tian Cheng suddenly turned his head to look at the name list, and quickly skimmed over it. When he saw the 1597th place, his expression became a little ugly, because the names written on it were precisely Pease's names! Looking in Pease's direction, Tian Cheng became suspicious, there was no reason! In such a short period of time, in such a short distance, it was impossible for those patients to escape from these people! But how ? At this time, Jake and the others also felt Tian Cheng's abnormality, and all of them looked in the direction of his gaze.    


"Pease! It's Pease! How could he be like this, could it be that he was robbed? We had planned for so long for the Brother Tian Cheng, but who would have thought that someone else still beat us to it, sigh! It's all my fault, I lost a great opportunity to earn money. " He still clearly remembered the kidnapping plan that he and Tian Cheng had planned earlier, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. He had forgotten about his friends just for Terry, so how could he remember the other plans?    


Laughing slightly, Tian Cheng said: "Don't sigh anymore, but you have done it a little this time, who would be your brother! However, Pease was truly tied up by someone, and the person being tied up was me. We've been planning for so long, we can't let that perfect plan go to waste. We can do it without you. However, he was lucky enough to not get promoted to the next round and actually managed to pass. However, this is also good. There will be more opponents for us in the future. "    


Just then, Pease walked in front of them. Tian Cheng's actions did not change his expression at all, instead, it had become even more severe. He used a gaze that seemed like it could spit fire at Tian Cheng, and said with a smile: "I didn't think that would happen, right! I said before, I, Pease will not lose, and I will return whatever you have done to me.    


Then, he turned to Jake and said fiercely: "You're lucky this time, but next time you're dead for sure!" After saying that, he swept a few more people with his cold gaze before leaving with a laugh. Although he wanted to laugh in a big, generous way, he was reluctant and sad. Does he even have the right to laugh? No! He had brought along a few people who had died at the first level of Element Master. Those were elites that his family had spent a lot of effort to cultivate, and there was still a lot of room for growth, but this time, he had used most of them; he had brought along a large amount of wealth from his own Dimensional Ring, so it was impossible for him to compete with his brother for the throne without a large amount of wealth. Now, he had to start all over again. Fortunately, he had gotten the exam. Otherwise, he would have committed suicide.    


Back then, after Tian Cheng let out that loud roar, Pease had immediately made a decision to attract firepower from his two subordinates, and then used this opportunity to escape. He did not look very attractive to begin with, and coupled with the fact that he did not have any Holy Element Power's undulations, it was easy for him to escape to the teleportation circle. However, his two subordinates were already in trouble.    


Looking at Pease's back figure that was relatively faster than others, Tian Cheng and Jake also started to laugh loudly, wasn't he just a defeated soldier! He was already like this, yet he still dared to say such disgusting words. Doing something to Jake? He couldn't have been stupid! The current Jake had a genuine Fifth Level Element Master, a level higher than his. But it didn't matter, didn't he still have to come? He had missed out on the last opportunity. This time, he definitely had to seize it.    


A few people laughed and walked out of the passage. After leaving behind their respective addresses, they said their goodbyes and mounted their respective Beast Cart s. This time's exam was finally over!    


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