Heaven-made Ring



0"Ya!" A scream came out from Tian Cheng's mouth as he punched one of the youth's stomach. The youth's fist stopped two centimeters away from Tian Cheng's face. His eyes bulged open as he looked at Tian Cheng with unwillingness. He could not believe his own eyes. Despite his level of Element Soil at the eighth level, he could not withstand a single punch from someone who looked very weak. As he fainted, he began to suspect that his status as someone who had been called a genius for a long time was actually that weak?    


To be honest, this youth was not weak at all. At the very least, to be able to endure past the first trial with his Element Soil at the eighth level was already quite good. One must know that quite a lot of Ninth Level Element Scholar had been lost in the first trial. It was all his fault that he did not go and hit them, and chose to pick Tian Cheng instead! The strength of this fist from Tian Cheng was equivalent to at least the full power of a single strike from his Fifth Level Element Master.    


Seeing that the man had fallen at his feet, Tian Cheng retracted his fist and laughed: "I never thought that fighting without a weapon is even better. If it was on Earth, I would be considered a martial arts grandmaster now! Hehe! I wonder if my idol, Xiaolong Li, is my match. " Amongst all the superstars, Li Xiaolong was Tian Cheng's number one idol. That scream just now was an imitation of his.    


Of course, he had paid a lot of attention to his idol's kick-ass style before. He clearly remembered that phrase, "to be unable to do anything, to be limitless". However, he had never truly practiced it, and all he knew was some theoretical knowledge. However, martial arts was not mathematics or physics. Theory was of no use to a weak person. Martial arts could not be learned alone. It was similar to science and technology. One needed to practice and experience. However, he was no longer a weak scholar. His strong body could create heaven and earth origin energy. Although it couldn't compare with those old monsters that had cultivated for many years, he was still considered one of the best of the younger generation.    


With theoretical knowledge, it was now just practical. With such a good opportunity in front of him, how could he let it go?    


There is no fixed move, nor is there a set pattern. 'Formless Form, Formless Form', in a fight, all movements must be simple, direct, fast, and only rely on instinct. " After recalling his important knowledge of the art of boxing, Tian Cheng smiled confidently and punched and kicked his opponent a few more times.    


"I'll fight!"    


"I'll fight again!"    


Those people couldn't get up again. He was someone who had a sense of public conscience. As long as others didn't beat him up, he definitely wouldn't take the initiative to go up and hit them. Therefore, Tian Cheng just stood there, waiting for others to attack. He was not afraid of how strong you were, he was only afraid that you would not come.    


There seems to be that smell too!" Looking at the few people moaning on the ground, Tian Cheng laughed sinisterly, and thought: "To think that I would have such a day! To be able to perform such a cool action with his bare hands and shout out such a magnetic voice, defeating such a powerful opponent. If he could take off all his clothes and leave a few scratches on the clothes, wouldn't he be more handsome? " Tian Cheng was truly narcissistic. This kind of scene was one of his childhood dreams, and now that he had succeeded, he could still forgive himself for being a little proud.     


Pausing for a moment, Tian Cheng retracted the smile on his face, and thought carefully: I wonder how effective it would be to use this Broken Fist Dao as a martial skill to train? "Who cares, next time when I have time I must try it out. This Fist Slasher Dao itself doesn't have any specific techniques or techniques. Everything is based on my heart, and it's focused on attacking. It's the most suitable for me." The most suitable technique for oneself was the best, and that was what the Broken Fist Sect paid particular attention to. This was the same reason why Tian Cheng trained in Source Power, to find and fuse techniques suitable for himself. Maybe if Tian Cheng really mastered the art of boxing to the first stage, it would have an unexpected effect, at least in the Demon Martial Continent, it would be able to display the essence of our Chinese martial arts right?    


At this moment, the intense battle was still ongoing. There were quite a few people who couldn't get up from the ground, but the sound of someone calling for someone to stop hadn't appeared yet.    


"This time, it should be the same as last time. They will only stop when the people who are still standing meet their standards. However, how much would he have to reach? There are only around 50,000 people left standing! " While dealing with the few people who came forward to fight, Tian Cheng thought to himself. They had experienced Tian Cheng's might a few times, and all of them understood it now. In any case, he had no enmity with her. If she continued to pester him, wouldn't she be courting death? Why didn't he find a slightly weaker one? Therefore, Tian Cheng's opponents were getting fewer and fewer. He was also happy to be at ease and randomly choose two opponents to fight with him. In the end, all he needed to do was to stand by himself and slowly swim around.    


Just as Tian Cheng was practicing hard, he heard a familiar scream from the crowd: "Ah!"    


Tian Cheng quickly used all of his strength to punch his opponent down, and then quickly turned his head towards the crowd, with a slightly anxious expression on his face.    


"It's Jake! That's right, it must be him! " Tian Cheng slapped his forehead, and scolded himself: "How could I have forgotten about him at such a crucial time? Although he is a third level Element Master, if he does not learn any martial arts, he will definitely not be able to stop a group of people's attacks. " Tian Cheng no longer had anything to hide, he used all of his strength and rushed towards the direction of the scream.    


At the start of the free-for-all, they were all fighting on their own and were 'mixed' for real. However, after fighting, they slowly formed many small teams composed of dozens of people. They were all working in groups of one. Although it didn't sound good, it was especially useful here. Everyone understood the principle of having more people and more strength, and your school didn't say that you shouldn't be like this! Moreover, as long as they could take the St. Bist Royal Academy examination, no matter how ruthless they were, they would still dare to use it. And this time, they had indeed found Jake.    


"Jake!" Tian Cheng quickly rushed out of the path and arrived at the source of the scream. When he saw a dozen or so people surrounding a youngster who was fighting with fists and legs, he shouted at the youngster who was lying on the ground struggling with all his might. Evidently, the teenager who was being attacked by others was the brother that he had always been worried about: Jake. At this moment, he was in the center of a circle formed by a dozen or so grinning youths. Blood was flowing out from his nostrils and the corners of his mouth. His delicate and pretty, round, and smooth face had been beaten until it was a little deformed. He kept rolling around in the circle, and it was clear that he was no longer able to fight back, but those people who hit him had no intention of stopping, and the more they fought, the more vicious they became, as if they wanted to kill him.    


Without thinking, Tian Cheng charged forward like a cheetah with his fastest speed, and easily knocked down two people with a single punch. An opening appeared in the circle. Tian Cheng ran in, blocked Jake's side, and assumed a cool pose. He gazed at the youths who were still surrounding him with a cold gaze. From the looks of these youngsters, he could tell that this time, it was not because the exam was that simple. It was obvious that these people knew each other before, and their relationship was not ordinary either.    


"Jake is a good person! When did he offend such a group of troublesome fellows!? It can't be that this place involves some powerful relationship again, right? " Tian Cheng had made the deal with Jake quite a few times, so he knew that their family had some enemies. Seeing the postures of these people, he guessed right. What he did not understand was that the clan's hatred had actually started to show up here, and it had almost succeeded. Fortunately, he had made it in time.    


At this time, Tian Cheng was like a mafia lord protecting his own brothers. Facing so many people, he looked fearless, and had the aura of a hero. However, he was still a little nervous and thought to himself, "You kids better not come up here! I can't handle all these people.     


One of the "bosses" amongst the group was also fighting against Tian Cheng, and the move that Tian Cheng used just now had scared the hell out of him. He thought to himself that with his level of level four Element Master, it was absolutely impossible for him to defeat the two Ninth Level Element Scholar s so easily without having to practice any martial arts. Furthermore, no matter how he looked at it, he could not see Tian Cheng's level. He only felt that there was an extremely strong energy fluctuation coming from his body. As an outstanding descendant of a noble family, a future successor to the throne, his subconscious mind told him that he definitely could not take care of this matter rashly. Therefore, he didn't move an inch and waited for the situation to develop.    


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