Super Talisman Master

C620 Zhong Chuyu's Problem

C620 Zhong Chuyu's Problem

0Mo Jun slowly walked to the highest table in the first meeting room and sat down. Qin Jue stood respectfully behind him like a guard.    


"The chairman has more important things to do today, so I will preside over today's meeting." Mo Jun smiled and looked at the crowd and asked, "I wonder what your opinions on this?"    


Hearing Mo Jun's words, everyone responded, expressing that they had no objections. Everyone in the world knew that the Grand Marshal of the Military Department, Mo Jun, was wearing the same pants as the Chairman of the Federation, Gao Enn. Mo Jun saying that he would represent Gao Enn to preside over this meeting must have been instructed by Gao Enn. If even the Chairman of the Federation had no objections, what else could they say?    


"Since no one has any objections, then let's do it this way." Mo Jun looked around the scene and looked at everyone. Finally, his gaze landed on Ning Ya. "Ning Ya, is your teacher not here?"    


Facing Mo Jun's question, Ning Ya replied, "General, teacher has important matters to attend to. He cannot leave."    


Mo Jun understood Ning Zhongtian's situation. If it was not for something very important, Ning Zhongtian would not have left Black Moon War Academy. So he did not ask any more questions. He turned to the crowd and said, "I see that everyone is here. The meeting will start now."    


"Now, the first thing we need to do is to form an alliance between the Star Dragon Federation and the Mount Jie." Mo Jun looked at Zhong Chuyu, who was sitting next to Ning Ya, and said to the crowd, "Let me introduce everyone. This lady sitting next to Ning Ya is Miss Zhong Chuyu Zhong, who is representing Mount Jie in this meeting. I think everyone has heard about the double crossing of the Nascent Infant Lightning Tribulation not long ago, so I won't go into details."    


Before Mo Jun finished speaking, Zhong Chuyu stood up and bowed slightly to everyone. Everyone responded with a warm round of applause.    


"Miss Zhong, I'm sure you have heard about the reappearance of the Worm Clan in Carefree Secret Realm. If you have any questions about this, you can ask us. We will tell you the truth." Mo Jun smiled and said to Zhong Chuyu, "This is the foundation of our cooperation to form an alliance."    


Zhong Chuyu looked at Mo Jun with a subtle look and said faintly, "I do have a few questions that I want to ask."    


Mo Jun laughed and said, "Please speak."    


"First, according to what I know, it was not only your Homo Clan who met the Worm Clan in Carefree Secret Realm. There was also the Demon Clan. I'm sure the Marshal also knew that the Homo Clan of the Mount Jie was on good terms with the Demon Clan. At that time, if you want to join forces to resist the invasion of the Worm Clan, will the Homo Clan of your Star Dragon Federation hate the Demon Clan of the Mount Jie? Please answer my first question, if the first question is not properly solved... I think there's no need to continue the discussion."    


Hearing Zhong Chuyu's question, the scene instantly quietened down. Everyone's gaze was focused on Mo Jun. They wanted to hear how Mo Jun would answer Zhong Chuyu's question. After all, the war between the Homo Clan and the Demon Clan had been going on for more than eight thousand years. It was basically impossible for the Homo Clan to let go of their prejudice against the Demon Clan in a short period of time.    


Mo Jun chuckled under everyone's gaze and said to Zhong Chuyu, "I have also thought about this question before. The war between the Star Dragon Federation and the Demon World has been going on for too many years. It was so long that it almost made people forget the reason for the war. It was true that the Homo Clan of the Star Dragon Federation held great hostility and prejudice against the Demon Clan. This is something that cannot be changed in a short period of time, and there is no way to change it. "    


Zhong Chuyu took a deep look at Mo Jun when she heard him and said, "In that case, do you think we need to continue our discussion, Marshal?"    


"Of course it is necessary." Mo Jun looked at Zhong Chuyu and said, "Miss Zhong, I think it is a good way to solve the problem by seeking common interests."    


Zhong Chuyu lightly said, "Marshal, can you tell me how to survive with others?"    


"First of all, if our Star Dragon Federation and your Mount Jie form an alliance to attack and defend, then we will spread the news in the Star Dragon Federation and explain the basic situation of the Mount Jie to the people. We will let them know the difference between the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan. Secondly, the Demon Clan wasn't the only one in Mount Jie. There was also the Homo Clan. Our alliance with Mount Jie is mainly targeting the Homo Clan in Mount Jie."    


"Marshal, is this what you meant by seeking common ground?" Zhong Chuyu slightly frowned, "Only with the Homo Clan in the Mount Jie, wouldn't that mean we will divide the Mount Jie? I think that neither the upper echelons of Homo Clan nor Demon Clan of Mount Jie will agree."    


"Miss Zhong, please listen to me." Mo Jun chuckled and said to Zhong Chuyu, "It is not only our Star Dragon Federation and the Mount Jie's responsibility to resist the invasion of the Worm Clan. It is also the duty of the Demon World. I don't think I need to explain the conflict between Star Dragon Federation and Demon World. Once the Worm Clan invades again, no matter whether it's Star Dragon Federation, Mount Jie, or Demon World, we have to fight the Worm Clan with all our strength. Although we can't eliminate the conflict immediately, we can temporarily stop it from happening! "    


" The Star Dragon Federation and the Homo Clan of the Mount Jie have formed the Homo Clan Alliance, and the Demon Clan of the Demon World and Mount Jie have formed the Demon Clan Alliance. We will split into two groups to fight the Worm Clan. The Homo Clan of the Mount Jie and the Demon Clan will coordinate with each other. This way, we can form an alliance of the Star Dragon Federation, the Demon World, and the Mount Jie. While fighting the Worm Clan together, we can also prevent conflicts from happening. What do you think, Miss Zhong? "    


Hearing Mo Jun's words, the crowd immediately burst into discussion. Mo Jun's strategy of forming an alliance could be said to be very unconventional, but it was also very reasonable. It was simply tailor-made for the three parties. It couldn't be any more suitable!    


Zhong Chuyu was also a little surprised. She did not think that Mo Jun could think of such a perfect alliance plan!    


"General, I have already felt your sincerity. I am also willing to believe that Marshal sincerely wishes to form an alliance with our Mount Jie, but the matter of forming an alliance is of great importance and I cannot make the decision alone. After this meeting ends, I will contact the Mount Jie as soon as possible and seek their opinion before replying to Marshal. "    


"That is only natural. We still have time to wait, as long as it is not too long."    


Mo Jun smiled and said to Zhong Chuyu, "Miss Zhong, now you can ask the next question."    


Zhong Chuyu took a deep look at Mo Jun and asked, "My second question is, once we have different opinions, who should we listen to when we don't know who is right and who is wrong?"    


Zhong Chuyu's second question was much sharper than the first question. This was a question that concerned who was in charge of the alliance. In terms of strength and territory, Star Dragon Federation was naturally stronger than Mount Jie. Of course, they also wanted to be the leader. However, the Mount Jie might not think so.    


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