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0Seeing the people coming and going, with an endless stream of people, Yang Yan could only see and feel worry in his heart.    


The Hundred Shrine was very mysterious, but no one could say how mysterious it was.    


However, there was one thing that everyone knew, and that was that there was a special power inside the Hundred Shrine. No matter who it was, they could only stay inside for three days.    


This point had never changed since the Hundred Shrine was built, and no one had ever been able to break this law.    


However, ever since that mysterious youth appeared, everyone's understanding of him had been turned upside down.    


First, he was able to freely enter and exit the cage like barrier, then he injured the clan head, and now, he broke the iron law of the Hundred Herb Hall that could only last for three days. It had already been four days, and Mo Beichen still had not come out. Time after time, he challenged the limits of people's nerves, making them more curious about that youth.    


Because they had Yang Yan's orders, no one dared to disturb him.    


But even after three days had passed, he still could not find Mo Beichen. Sensing that the matter was unusual, Yang Yan did not care about it anymore as he sent people out to search for Mo Beichen's figure.    


However, what no one expected was, for some unknown reason, was that the current divine hall of the Rampage War Clan was blocked by an invisible force, making it impossible for outsiders to enter. Even if it was Yang Yan who came after hearing the news, he would still not be able to do anything in the face of such a situation.    


Yang Yan, who was wandering outside the palace gates, was extremely worried and happy.    


He was overjoyed because ever since the child entered the shrine, there was indeed a change. However, at the same time, there was also an unexpected event. He was worried that no one would know if this unknown change was good or bad. At this moment, he felt extremely uneasy.    


What was different from the anxious and restless crowd in the outside world was that Mo Beichen had been completely immersed in his own world in these past few days, and did not notice the passage of time within at all, which was completely different from the outside world.    


Second level, third level, fourth level ?    


Time flew by quickly, witnessing Mo Beichen's continuous sensing and exploration. Cultivation methods weren't expensive, but it was easier said than done to find one that suited one's needs.    


At this time, Mo Beichen already had no distractions in his mind. All he thought about was to browse through all the martial arts and cultivation techniques in the hall, and then search for the most powerful one!    


Nine years later, Mo Beichen finally arrived at the top floor of the great hall.    


Along the way, he felt tens of thousands of auras. Some of these auras were strong and some were weak. The weaker ones were indiscernible, while the stronger ones were terrifying.    


After he finished looking through all of the records of the cultivation technique and secret techniques in this Fifty Floor Main Hall, Mo Beichen suddenly closed his eyes and started to ponder alone. It was only seven days and seven nights later that Mo Beichen finally opened his eyes and released a breathtaking glow.    


He turned and walked quickly, arriving at a wall, looking at the few words in front of him, Mo Beichen extended his hand out, and once again felt the Qi above it. After a long time, he slowly withdrew his right hand. There was a faint smile on his face as he hurried downstairs.    


It turned out that on every floor, Mo Beichen discovered that there were a few or even dozens of words that had an extremely odd aura, and was completely different from the aura that was displayed in the other words and pictures in this hall.    


They either existed alone or were mixed into some cultivation method manuals. Moreover, they did not exist only in words. Other than the differences in their auras, there was nothing about those cultivation method diagrams that made them seem strange and uncoherent.    


Moreover, these auras were not very obvious. If one did not sense them carefully, it would be impossible to detect the abnormality within. If it were not for Mo Beichen's high concentration and him using all his strength to sense and comprehend all of the techniques, he believed that he would have missed it.    


After concentrating for seven days and seven nights, Mo Beichen finally discovered the possibility of containing those mysterious places within the million cultivation methods. After confirming that he was right, he was filled with confidence.    


Fifty levels. Forty-nine levels. Forty-eight levels.    


The speed of Mo Beichen moving up was a hundred times faster than normal, verifying the "strange" records on every floor.    


Every time he came here, he would have to concentrate and sense the surroundings once more. When Mo Beichen checked that the strange Qi was indeed the same, the corners of his mouth once again curled into a victorious smile.    


Because he had a clear goal in mind, Mo Beichen didn't spend too much time before arriving at the first floor of the great hall. He calmed his mind and focused until he had gathered and organized all of them. Only then did he let out a heavy sigh of relief.    


Who would've thought that at this moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed!    


In Mo Beichen's mind, a little bit of light suddenly appeared, the extremely quick movement clearly indicated that it was forming a part of something.    


Very quickly, Mo Beichen found out the answer.    


The moment that light dot was completely formed, Mo Beichen only felt that a gigantic golden dragon suddenly came to life.    


That extremely terrifying gaze was cold and without a single trace of emotion, as if he was just a speck of dust in front of it. He was so minuscule that he couldn't attract the attention of anything. Yet when it saw him, its terrifying aura would probably kill him countless times with just a thought.    


As far as the eye could see, in the entire world, there seemed to be only this enormous golden dragon.    


The golden dragon illusion came and went even faster. Although it was only for a few seconds, Mo Beichen felt that it had been ten thousand years.    


When the golden dragon dispersed, only the vigorous calligraphy style and the elegant golden calligraphy characters remained. Looking at the few hundred words of the chant, Mo Beichen's heart trembled. He blurted out: "Dragon Slaying Seven Calamity Technique!"    


Suppressing the wild joy and shock in his heart, Mo Beichen thought back to the golden dragon that made him wish that he was dead.    


According to the records from before, the Dragon Slaying Sabre was the highest level of cultivation for the Berserker War Clan. If it was cultivated to its peak, one's actions would not only contain the strength of a huge dragon, but also the momentum of thousands of dragons dancing in unison.    


That violent and fierce power could destroy everything, invincible and unstoppable!    


It seemed like all his hard work over the years had not been in vain. All of his efforts had finally paid off at this moment!    


He didn't know which genius came up with this method, but if no one discovered the peerless profound art hidden within the millions of cultivation methods, wouldn't they be afraid that the peerless art from the Raging War Clan would be lost forever?    


But no matter what, Mo Beichen had not wasted his time, and could be said to have returned with a great harvest. If he could solve the problem of how to leave this place, it would be even more perfect.    


"Is this their strongest technique?"    


Originally, he only wanted to try his luck, but he didn't think that he would actually find such a powerful method.    


Suppressing the beating of his heart, Mo Beichen suppressed his excited mood, and stared at the words that seemed to carry some magic power, and gradually sank into it.    


His face was one of infatuation, and his expression was filled with amazement and shock. One must know that this was an extremely powerful battle technique passed down from the ancient times. It was hundreds of times stronger than normal martial techniques and was a rare treasure!    


Time passed bit by bit like this. Mo Beichen's entire body emitted a faint golden radiance, and unknowingly, he was immersed in this brand-new unknown world. Gradually, he lost track of time and also lost track of himself ?    


Different from the people who were happy because they had obtained a powerful cultivation technique, Yang Yan's face was always clouded with worry and misery.    


It had already been three years, but not only was Mo Beichen still completely missing, the Berserk War God Shrine was also unable to enter.    


He did not know what Mo Beichen had experienced in the process, but he was extremely worried.    


With each passing day, the worry in his heart increased. Yang Yan's heart was under a lot of pressure, and no one could imagine it, nor could they understand it. However, he could not find someone to pour his heart out to. His days of suffering and depression had made Yang Yan's life extremely difficult.    


Every single day, Yang Yan would come to the front of the Raging War Clan's divine hall to try and see if he could enter, find Mo Beichen, and ask him what exactly had happened there during that long period of time.    



However, every time he came with a hopeful mood, he would leave with disappointment.    


Day after day, people felt that the mayor seemed to have aged even more. The deep self-blame and worry between their brows caused everyone's mood to become heavy.    


Every day, the people would subconsciously look towards the path that led to the Hundred Shrine, hoping to see a figure that they yearned to see there. However, this kind of intense expectation for the future had failed him time and time again ?    


Time passed slowly in the midst of their complex and indecisive moods.    


That continued until one day three months later, an enormous pillar of light charged into the sky. It passed through the purple-coloured Spirit Formation, broke through the sky, and illuminated the horizon.    


People in the city ran out into the street to see the spectacle.    


Seeing this unusual situation, Yang Yan felt an ominous feeling, and under his worry, he immediately used his divine sense to check for movements of Mo Beichen in the Hundred Shrine. Unexpectedly, she could not feel his presence at all. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air!    


Yesterday, he had just confirmed that Mo Beichen was safe and sound, and was still inside the Divine Palace. How could he have mysteriously disappeared in less than a day?    


"No, that's impossible! No one can disappear from under my eyelids, and it's impossible for anyone to leave the Hundred Shrine without a sound! "    


Yang Yan was furious, but he was afraid that something was amiss. He carefully checked again, but in the end, he still did not find Mo Beichen.    


This time, Yang Yan was shocked and angry. How could a perfectly fine person disappear right under his nose? Unwilling to give up, he activated the entire city to search everywhere, especially the Hundred Shrine that had disappeared. Even after he personally searched for a dozen times, he still could not find any clues.    


After confirming the fact that Mo Beichen had gone missing, Yang Yan slumped onto his chair. His originally lively and spirited eyes were now filled with dejection, as he became incomparably exhausted.    


He did not dare to reveal his side of despair in front of his people. As the mayor and the chief, he had an unavoidable responsibility to lead everyone to build their homes and regain their confidence, not to fill them with despair and sorrow for the future. If he lost hope of the future, what about the rest of the city?    


"Don't tell me, the heavens want our clan to die?"    


As he looked up into the sky in a daze, Yang Yan's expression became dejected for a moment as tears rolled down his face.    


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