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0In Thousand Destructions Forest Valley, a young man covered in blood was fleeing in a sorry state. His clothes were all tattered, and had almost become a spiderweb.    


Looking at its damaged appearance, some were cut by tree branches, some were torn by rattan, and some were torn by fangs and claws of unknown animals.    


However, it was unknown what kind of experience was needed to make the originally good quality clothes tattered to such an extent.    


Although the youth was in the running for his life, his panicked expression revealed a faint sense of calmness. The curve of the corner of his mouth also showed that his situation wasn't as dangerous as it seemed.    


Being in the forest, the youth was not restricted by the complicated environment. Instead, he used the natural plants and traps to get rid of the pursuers, or to directly kill his prey.    


He moved nimbly between the thistles and thorns, his palm emitting a few balls of flame from time to time, harassing the beasts that were relentlessly pursuing him.    


Seeming to be infuriated by his endless string of methods, that tiger-like ferocious beast let out a wild roar. On its head and joints, many incomparably hard scales slowly grew out. After transforming, its speed greatly increased. Just as it was about to catch up with the youth, he laughed loudly and increased his speed, leaving the beast far behind.    


The tiger was furious. He had always been fooled by others!    


As he roared, two wings sprouted from both sides of his body. With a light flap, he flew behind the proud young man.    


Silently, the tiger beast appeared behind him, slowly opening its mouth wide. A mass of light gradually condensed into form, just as it was about to attack, it did not notice the smile on its prey's face.    


At this moment, the tiger beast was suddenly unable to move. It turned around and realized that it had been tightly entangled by many vines. Then, it was suddenly pulled down, tightly wrapped by the wind. No matter how it struggled, it was unable to break free.    


Under its unwilling and desperate gaze, the youth smilingly placed his palm on its forehead.    


"There's meat to eat tonight!" The young man clapped happily.    


He slowly walked forward and pulled the lifeless beast out from the man-eating vine.    


He then dragged them to a river bank and peeled off the tendons and cut the skin. After washing up, he started a bonfire, picked up a thick and sturdy branch, put on a large piece of meat, and started roasting it back and forth.    


Looking at his proficient appearance, it was unknown just how many times he had repeated this action.    


Not long after, the meat was covered in oil, and sizzling sounds could be heard as it fell onto the fire. The tempting aroma drifted out along with it, filling the air.    


The youth tore off pieces of meat as he looked at the bonfire in front of him.    


The youth's legs were crossed as he bent his knees to his chest. His arms were tightly wrapped around his knees, and he was slightly trembling. He leaned against a tree and looked at the stars that filled the sky. His eyes were filled with endless worry and longing.    


He placed the piece of meat next to his mouth and took a small bite. His eyes glazed over as he whispered: "Little Mo brat, are you alright?"    


Ever since the day he had lost contact with Mo Beichen, only Qian Yufen was left alone in this extremely dangerous forest.    


Without Mo Beichen's company, it was difficult for him to move forward, and even food was a problem for him. Fortunately, his adaptability was high, and his time with Mo Beichen had not been wasted. He still learned a lot of skills, which was why he carefully persevered on.    


Qian Yufen could not imagine, that if not for Mo Beichen's special training, he would have already been buried in this forest filled with killing intent.    


Although the environment he was in was extremely stressful, it still gave him endless motivation.    


This youth who was originally afraid of death was now forced to make changes in order to survive. In order to save his "feeble" little life, Qian Yufen had put forth an unprecedented amount of diligence, and every single day, he would desperately squeeze out every bit of potential within his body.    


He had never thought that even if he were to live well, such a simple wish would become so difficult and luxurious.    


If someone were to complain that life was too dull and boring in front of him now, Qian Yufen would definitely throw over a slap and ruthlessly step on them twice. In the end, he would grind his teeth and fiercely curse: "You bitch! I don't know if I'm lucky or not! Do you know what life is? Life is to let you live a life worse than death, painful to live! "If it wasn't for that guy, sometimes I really want to die ?"    


Every day, Qian Yufen would struggle for food and worry about finding a safe place to stay.    


His body and mind were both tired and tired from the exploration as if he was treading on thin ice. Up till now, training and becoming stronger were just empty words. It was all a joke!    


Here, the most important thing was to protect his own life. If he lost his life, what would he use to cultivate?    


This is a war!" It was a war that only belonged to him, a war that lasted for a long time in order to survive, to see the sun tomorrow!    


In this war, the strength of both sides was far from being proportional, and the outcome would not rest until one side was dead. No matter which side was the slightest bit careless, they would suffer a crushing defeat. And a loser's fate was to lose their own life.    


Qian Yufen did not know when this would end, but he knew that he had to work hard to live past today!    


Because of this, Qian Yufen struggled incessantly on the edge of death every single day, and even at every moment. He knew that he had no other choice. In order to survive, he could only be on high alert and do his best to kill all the enemies that wanted to kill him!    


One day, two days, one month passed.    


Qian Yufen even half opened his eyes, afraid that he would be unable to wake up again after falling asleep. Two months, three months, a year had passed, yet Qian Yufen did not let down his guard because of the increase in his own strength.    


Day and night, the four seasons changed. In the blink of an eye, two years passed. After losing contact with Mo Beichen, Qian Yufen wandered around the Thousand Destructions Forest Valley alone. That deep loneliness almost drove him crazy.    


He wished so much that he could have a companion that was as strong as himself. Even if it wasn't to deal with danger together, even if it was to talk to him, it would be fine!    


However, after hundreds of days and nights, he had yet to encounter any living beings that could speak.    


Sometimes, when he was bored, he would mutter to himself, telling himself jokes. Even though he had heard it thousands of times, he would laugh until tears streamed down his face every time. Sometimes he would tell what he had seen and heard after he left home, over and over again, without tiredness.    


Qian Yufen kept blabbering nonstop, not caring at all that he was the only listener. When it comes to happiness, they dance. When he talked about the indignant story, he would even vent everything on the spot out of excitement.    


Other than that, Qian Yufen would also sing to relieve his boredom.    


Initially, he only hummed softly, but gradually, his voice became louder. In the end, it could not even be said that he was singing; it was completely singing. In a state of madness, he was laughing and crying at the same time. He didn't care at all about his actions, whether or not he would attract powerful vicious beasts and put himself in danger.    


Or was this his goal? You want to take this opportunity to completely free yourself?    


A song of tears said desolation, flying cloud together with lightness.    


Very quickly, another year passed ?    


In the past few years, Qian Yufen seemed to have become a complete wild person in the forest. He was occasionally crazy and occasionally crazy, and his moody look caused people to be extremely worried. In the end, he could already faintly find his way out, but Qian Yufen didn't have the slightest thought of leaving.    


He knew that this was not only a challenge to him, but also the greatest opportunity of his life. If he could make it through this trial without collapsing, then he would be able to soar into the skies and walk the path of the strong as he had anticipated.    


For the sake of his parents' expectant gaze and Mo Beichen's firm gaze, he also could not give up so easily. Moreover, Qian Yufen also guaranteed that he would be able to be a top-notch expert, which also caused Qian Yufen's heart to be filled with unyielding fighting spirit.    


However, becoming strong was not something that could be done overnight. It required countless bloody battles, a life and death experience, and the ability to endure loneliness and hardships that ordinary people could not endure.    


After experiencing all these, Qian Yufen suddenly felt that his past self was so naive, thinking that he would be able to stand up for the warriors just because he had hot blood in his heart and become the strong hero in everyone's hearts. But he didn't expect that he would have to pay such a arduous price.    



It wasn't too late for him to wake up. Everything had a chance to be salvaged.    


Every time he thought of the determined figure who had accompanied him throughout these three years, Qian Yufen would feel depressed.    


As a result, he would often come to the shore and face the sea. He would sit down casually and quietly watch the surging waves of the sea surface for a few days. Only at this moment would he be able to calm down and allow the feelings in his heart to flow without restraint ?    


Last year, the spring hatred arrived, the moon was still there, and the colorful clouds had returned. Right now, the moon was still bright, and the colorful clouds were still the same. However, the people around him had forever disappeared without a trace.    


Three years passed in the blink of an eye like a dream.    


The clear and cold moonlight fell onto the sea surface, gently rippling with the gentle breeze. One circle after another, until it suddenly shattered into countless pieces. The undulating waves around him continuously washed over the faint sadness and loneliness in Qian Yufen's eyes.    


Since then, they had met for the first time and had met for the first time in a long time. It was like they had met for the first time in a dream. Warmth, confusion and redness, fear of meeting each other is a dream.    


Qian Yufen knew that his lonely self was actually not lonely at all. Slowly standing up, Qian Yufen lightly patted off the sand on his body, before a resolute look appeared in his eyes. He knew that it was time to leave ?    


Unknowingly, he had already come to Thousand Destructions Forest Valley, and it had already been almost four years?    


It had been a long time since there was any news of him. Would his family be burning with anxiety? When they found him, would they cry with tears in their eyes and sob with joy? Or would they lock him up for more than ten years in a fit of rage?    


The corner of his mouth curled up into a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time. Qian Yufen muttered to himself in his heart: "This time, I'm afraid I will have to disappoint you two. I, Qian Yufen, am no longer that foolish brat from the past! "    


With eyes filled with heroic spirit, Qian Yufen suddenly turned and walked in the direction that he had decided on.    


Along the way, he did not intentionally hide his figure, nor did he conceal his aura. Instead, he was emitting a soaring fighting intent. Just like that, he arrogantly and wantonly announced his arrival to the surrounding ferocious beasts!    


Compared to when he had entered the Thousand Destructions Forest, where he took every step forward, where life and death could not be controlled by himself, Qian Yufen now had enough strength to be proud of!    


As a result, he no longer had to dodge or run. He had to go straight in the direction where a large number of terrifying Demonic Beast were gathered. He wanted to wash away his shame and kill his way out!    


Thus, under the waves of mournful howls and furious roars, Qian Yufen, bathed in blood, turned into a devil and resolutely walked down the road to his home ?    


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