Carry-on Anti-virus System





Broken limbs flew everywhere, blood sprayed everywhere, including the Spirit Wolf. Several Demonic Beast were killed by the punch. The lucky ones could still leave behind some whole corpses, while the luckier ones could only find some damaged parts.    


However, even though the terrifying attack scared off many Demonic Beast, there were still many that were not afraid of death and rushed forward once again.    


Mo Beichen raised his arm, made a grasping motion with his fingers and suddenly grabbed the throat of a giant golden lion. His fingers revealed a sharp light, and with a" pu "sound, it tore apart the lion's neck.    


At this moment, Mo Beichen suddenly felt a pain in his arm. He discovered that a giant green wolf had bitten his wrist and was trying its best to tear it apart.    


Mo Beichen bent down to his knees, twisted his waist, waved his arms, and smashed the ground. Puchi!    




Due to the wolf's vicious bite, even when he was bitten to death, he did not loosen his bite. Instead, his bite became even more vicious. As a result, he was smashed to the ground. Half of his body broke apart, turning into a pile of rotten flesh.    


"Who else?"    


's domineering aura spread in all directions, his courage shocking. He opened his arms and roared, shocking all the Demonic Beast to the point that they trembled as they all stopped in their tracks to attack.    


At this point in time, there were less and less Demonic Beast left in the area and at least half of them had died under Mo Beichen's fists.    


Under his terrifying and bloody slaughter, some of the Demonic Beast finally became afraid and started to retreat. There were even a few that quietly turned around and escaped into the forest like a wisp of smoke.    


Seeing that fear was growing in his heart as well, and that he had plans to escape at any moment, the flame light in Mo Beichen's eyes grew brighter as terrifying energy gathered around his body.    


A lot of fine electric currents rushed out from his pores, forming a lightning barrier around his body.    


Under the effect of the static electricity, Mo Beichen's long hair danced in the wind, and her expression was cold.    


An extremely violent power surged out from his body and quickly gathered into his arms. This caused his two arms to glow brightly as golden light interweaved. Under the golden lightning curtain, he appeared dignified and dignified, his killing intent awe-inspiring.    


He threw out a punch, and a flash of lightning fell like a thunderbolt on the beast herd in front of him.    


Instantly, electric light shot in all directions and golden light scattered in all directions.    


Countless Demonic Beast s were blown into pieces, their bodies trembling, wailing and wailing as they ran with all their might, trying to escape this terrifying place of death.    


Every time Mo Beichen swung his fist, a place would become a sea of thunder, drowning dozens or even hundreds of Demonic Beast.    


Suddenly being struck by the thunderwaterfall, the Demonic Beast s struggled crazily. Many of them dragged their burning bodies and jumped around in fear.    


Mo Beichen only stopped after everything within a thousand meters had turned into an electric sea.    


He rushed over like lightning and hunted down those fish that had escaped the net. Then, he immediately collected the corpses that had fallen to the ground, preventing them from burning and losing their original value.    


Soon enough, the mournful wails and cries died down. There was not a single living thing left on the ground, and only a few badly damaged corpses were left lying on the ground. No one cared about them.    


In one breath, Mo Beichen killed hundreds of Demonic Beast before he discovered that his own strength had not increased at all. If he did not carefully sense it, he would not even be able to detect that slight change.    


"Sigh, it seems like only Demonic Beast at the level of the Golden Python can give me the energy I need."    


He let out a regretful sigh. After he finished tidying up the battlefield, he did not stop at his original spot. His figure flashed like lightning and stepped into a tall mountain.    


This tragic battle had finally come to an end. It was bloody and cruel.    


In this bloody killing field, only the strong could survive. The weak ? As long as he was willing to die!    


In the depths of the mountains, the beasts' roars shook the heavens. Their roars were like the roars of demonic dragons, causing billows of sound waves. The sound dispersed the clouds, and ten thousand beasts retreated in fear.    


Smoke and dust filled the air, and a baleful aura surged up into the sky. Rocks flew about in the sky, smashing apart ancient trees with rumbling sounds.    


A deafening howl sounded out like that of a wolf or tiger, containing a strong and fiendish aura within, terrifying the hearts of the people.    


In front of them, there was an enormous creature roaring in the dense forest. The sound waves rumbled and its eyes burned with a fierce fire. It seemed as if it could burn mountains and boil the sea.    


It was a dragon with a height of ten meters and a height of one floor. It weighed several tons, and on its head, there were three huge horns as thick as a bowl.    


It rushed forward, and the ground quaked and rumbled. The vegetation trembled, and began to collapse one after another.    


This is a rare dinosaur. It's called the Wild Horned Battle Dragon. It has a hint of the ancient bloodline, and its roar is like a flood dragon. Its aura is very close to a dragon, and it has a murderous aura that makes one's heart palpitate.    


Its entire body was covered in thick, glossy, and hard scales. Under the rays of the sun, it radiated an icy cold light. Judging from its powerful defense and perfect armour, its strength must be terrifying.    


In the Crying Demon Abyss, other than a few Demonic Beast, there were very few that could compare to it. In terms of both strength and defense, there was no way to compare.    


Not only was the Wild Horned War Dragon extremely powerful, its speed was also astonishing. It was as fast as lightning, and with a whistling sound, it could kill its opponent in an extremely fierce manner.    


The three gigantic horns on its head were sharp, thick, and indestructible. It could easily destroy a mountain, and like the most ferocious killing weapon, countless Demonic Beast had died on these three gigantic horns.    


In addition, the Wild Horned Battle Dragon had an irritable temper, so it was very easy for it to be angered.    


In its rage state, it would not only lose its mind, but it would also be able to chase and kill enemies for three days and three nights without stopping. In addition, the furious beast would feel as if it had been drugged. Its strength would increase tremendously, and its speed would increase explosively. It was extremely difficult to deal with.    


It could be said that if you accidentally angered a Berserker Horned Battle Dragon, unless you could kill her, you would have to run for your life and be mentally prepared to die from exhaustion while being hunted down ?    


This was another overlord level creature. The breath it breathed out seemed to carry extreme heat, causing the temperature in the surroundings to rise rapidly. It was as if it was in the middle of a desert, in a fiery domain.    


"Great, we finally found another Demonic Beast similar to the Golden Python!"    


Facing such a fearsome beast, Mo Beichen was not alarmed. Instead, he was overjoyed, and a fiery gaze shone from his eyes, causing the Wild Horned War Dragon to become restless.    


He did not hesitate, his entire body turning into a blur, instantly rushing to the front of the Wild Horned Battle Dragon, raising his fist and smashing it!    


This punch contained a ferocious power that caused even the air to tremble. A fist descended with rippling light, creating a vacuum space. Its power was astonishing.    




Rays of light blossomed from his fist, emitting a majestic atmosphere of power. The punch caused the Wild Horned Battle Dragon's head to slant to the side, and its body to tremble. Its power was simply unbelievable.    


Mo Beichen's body was covered in blood light, all of the War Qi gathered together and wielded a powerful hammer!    



A terrifying aura lingered around his fist, as if it was concealing a powerful berserk beast. It roared and shook the surroundings, causing the wild horned war dragon to instantly be enraged.    




They were thoroughly enraged as soon as they met. The Wild Horned Battle Dragon didn't dare believe that this little creature dared to be impudent in front of him. This kind of provocation was simply intolerable. She had to use the cruelest way to kill him in order to dispel the anger in her heart.    


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