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0Sensing the huge change in the Blue Fire, Mo Beichen was deeply moved.    


Who would have thought that the insignificant thing from before would actually grow into such a frightening state today?    


After killing the entire mountain range, the Blue Fire had finally risen to the peak of a Three Star Demon Soldier. One more step and it would become a Four Star Demon Soldier!    


After going through countless refining with the Demonic Beast's life essence, Mo Beichen's strength had finally stopped at the pinnacle of the 5-star level. No matter how much blood essence he refined, his strength did not change at all.    


He knew that he'd arrived at a bottleneck that he hadn't encountered in a long time.    


The gap was like a sheet of paper, one could not find the right way even though he knew it would be broken with a poke. If this were to happen according to a normal cultivation method, it would take a very long time for it to work.    


Unless one could hunt a Demonic Beast with exceptionally powerful blood energy, there would only be one last method ?    


Looking at the bottle in his hand that was sealed with a special technique, he could faintly feel a strong sense of blood coming out of it, which caused his heart to tremble with amazement.    


Feeling the powerful aura coming from within, the Blue Fire seemed to be restless and restless. It stared at the small bottle and seemed to view it as a terrifying enemy. As long as he saw something was amiss, he would immediately launch an attack.    


"Alright, don't worry, the things inside are good. No matter how many Spirit Stone there are, they might not be able to buy it."    


Touching the Blue Fire's head, Mo Beichen said with a smile.    


Seemingly understanding his intentions, the flames of viciousness in the Blue Fire's eyes gradually faded. That terrifying tooth of his also retreated as he laid down quietly at Mo Beichen's feet, leaning his body against's body.    


"Although I am strong now, I can't deny that there are countless experts in this world. Who knows, maybe one day I will meet an even more terrifying enemy.    


With my current strength, dealing with those few sects shouldn't be a problem, but my Lihuo City still has many powerful sects, so it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any special connections between them.    


I have to be fully prepared, so as to not leave any regrets. "    


Mo Beichen slightly muttered to himself, and finally took out the Shadow Devil King's blood essence that he had always kept.    


When he had helped Yan Linshan awaken the bloodline in his body back then, he had used his bloodline selection function to get rid of the excess Primordial Demonic Beast blood essence. He had been reluctant to use it all this time just to deal with the situation today.    


He poured the incomparably precious blood essence into his mouth, and in that instant, the blood in his body began to boil, rumbling as it surged. Blood Qi overflowed into the skies, gushing out from all 108,000 pores in his body, filling the air.    


The moment the spirit blood entered his body, Mo Beichen immediately activated the War Qi and began to refine the terrifying energy.    


This energy was extremely strong, far more powerful than any Demonic Beast blood he could absorb. His expression suddenly changed as he felt an intense wave of pain. It was as if countless steel needles had pierced his body, causing him to be unable to endure the pain and be drenched in sweat.    


However, he clenched his teeth and persevered. He didn't move, only painfully enduring the tyrannical aura roaming all over his body, washing away his flesh and bones.    


Mo Beichen's blood trembled, forming a wave of blood Qi, rolling and boiling, engulfing his entire body, and absorbing the vast energy.    


It was as if tens of thousands of ants were gnawing at his body, yet it also felt like countless steel needles were piercing his bones. It was as if his flesh and blood were being cut apart by blades, and blood was leaking out, emitting a shocking aura.    


The air shook and a surging flame of qi roiled and interweaved into a seven-colored torrent.    


Cracks had already appeared on the surface of his body, and some of the cracks were even gushing red.    


Within his body, his blood rumbled, and his internal organs trembled. After persevering for a long time, Mo Beichen's even his consciousness had become a little blurry, as if he was about to lose consciousness.    


However, he still clenched his teeth and endured it.    


He knew that as long as he could endure it, his fleshly body and willpower would undergo an astonishing transformation and become even more powerful.    




His dantian shook, causing massive waves to surge within the sky. At this moment, countless golden symbols danced in the air and emitted a terrifying power. It was mighty and awe-inspiring as it shook the soul.    


With a hong sound, a wave of dense golden energy surged outwards. It seemed as if it would shock the heavens and the earth as it hung in the air, illuminating the horizon.    


It then turned into a torrent of blood, flesh, bones, and organs, which entered his body once more.    


The meridian that was covered in symbols was washed away by the surging wave. It instantly shattered the strange patterns on it, allowing it to appear in the sky once more and shine with a golden light that illuminated the surroundings.    


In the blink of an eye, as if emerging from a dark hell of death, and seeing the light of day once again, he returned to the sunny world, his entire being felt incomparably comfortable. The joyous sounds of bones fighting could be heard incessantly as the muscles in his body became extremely muscular and a multicolored light enveloped his body.    


With the second meridian unlocked, Mo Beichen increased the strength of the python yet again!    


His body was like a precious jade, shining brilliantly, illuminating his entire body. His internal organs were clearly visible, and all of his bones rang loudly. He emitted sonorous sounds that shook the air.    


This flow of air came and went as quickly as it came, washing Mo Beichen's entire body, both inside and out, removing some excess impurities, allowing his body to receive the maximum amount of tempering.    


Mo Beichen came to the side of a pond and saw his body reflected in the water. It looked like a flawless jade but it was also as brilliant as glass.    


How could he still look like a normal person?    


If he showed up on the streets with this appearance, he would definitely be surrounded and watched like a rare animal. There might even be some people who wanted to capture him and use some terrifying and evil secret methods to refine him into a flesh puppet or steal his precious body.    


No matter which one, they were existences that Mo Beichen could not accept.    


Fortunately, this phenomenon only lasted for a few minutes before it returned to its original form. If not, he really would not know how to face others.    




Following Mo Beichen's leap forward, with a loud bang, the earth trembled, and several cracks instantly spread outwards. They stopped only when they were more than ten meters away, extremely terrifying.    


He jumped a hundred meters and came to the ground in front of him. The impact of his landing was so great that even the hard stone ground was crushed.    


His face was filled with shock, and he was inwardly overjoyed as he carefully felt the changes that had occurred to his body.    


This metamorphosis was extremely shocking, and it increased the strength of his body by another grade.    




Mo Beichen's five fingers tapped lightly, passing through the air, producing a tearing sound, which caused the air to explode, and pierced through the empty space.    


His face was filled with shock as he felt the surging river within his body. The roiling blood aura concealed an unbridled and surging power. If all of it was released, it would definitely cause a terrifying and devastating blow!    


"So powerful!"    



This power that had levelled up was simply too strong. It gave Mo Beichen a lot of confidence, giving him the illusion that he was invincible.    


The power of one python was enough to exert a force of ten thousand jin. Combined with his own strength, his total strength had reached a terrifying degree of thirty thousand jin.    


If it was a gigantic Demonic Beast, it would not be surprising if it had such a strong power. However, Mo Beichen was just a small human. In that weak body of hers, there was actually such a terrifying power, that was simply unimaginable.    


"The Shadowless Snake King is also a powerful Demonic Beast on the Primordial Bloodline rankings, but its rank is much lower than the Blue Flame Blood-scaled Python. Even so, it was still an extremely terrifying Demonic Beast.    


However, such a power actually only unlocks one golden meridian. Exactly how strong is my bloodline? "    


Mo Beichen was unable to imagine that he only needed to unlock one meridian out of one drop of Primordial Demonic Beast blood essence, but he still had a hundred and five channels sealed.    


Did that mean he had to continue hunting and refining one hundred and seven Primordial Demonic Beast in order to master his blood essence and soar into the sky?    


"Perhaps, just one strong Demonic Beast can make up for a few. Otherwise, this will truly be an incomparably difficult mission. It will simply be an impossible task. "    


After the instant of pleasant surprise, Mo Beichen calmed down for a long time.    


He felt that he had thought too much about it. He decided to first walk the path before him! It was not a good idea to be ambitious.    


Although his strength had greatly increased, he still felt that it wasn't enough and felt a little regretful in his heart.    


This was because he knew that his current strength was only slightly greater than that of an ordinary martial artist. In front of these peerless geniuses, this achievement was nothing.    


Mo Beichen had always placed himself at the same level as them, so he treated himself extremely strictly, and did not dare to slack off in the slightest. If one wanted to compete, they had to compete with the strongest powerhouses in the world. Otherwise, in front of the weak, what sense of accomplishment would there be in trying to be strong?    


Just thinking about this world, how there were countless terrifying gigantic beasts and the strong humans who were born with Primordial Bloodline made Mo Beichen feel extremely pressured.    


Needless to say, after witnessing Cang Yan's Blood Scale Light and the rest of the equally terrifying greater demons fight, the trace of pride and complacency in Mo Beichen's heart had already been torn to shreds.    


All that was left was a powerful impulse that spurred him forward. He hoped to reach the peak of the realm and compete with the most powerful son of heaven!    


"Lihuo City, I, Mo Beichen, am back!"    


Mo Beichen clenched his fist fiercely. His face was determined, and his eyes shone with a light like the sun.    


In the wilderness, a figure's killing intent soared to the sky as rolling blood qi straight down from the sky caused the thick clouds in the sky to churn and roll in shock, creating turbulent waves.    


Beside him, a majestic black panther accompanied him.    


Astonishing blood energy was being used to form a thick blood mist on its body, which spread to its surroundings and floated in the air, scaring the Demonic Beast in the distance away as it ran away in panic.    


It had been five years, but he had been defeated and fled in a sorry state. Finally, he had strayed into the land of the terrifying tribulations and completed his beautiful transformation. With an overbearing and savage aura, he had announced the return of the king!    


He had suppressed the hatred and unwillingness in his heart for five whole years, making it difficult for him to endure.    


That hatred was like an ancient volcano that had settled for tens of thousands of years. Under the awakening of the ultimate power, it would erupt once more, sweeping through the earth and smashing into the sky!    


With Mo Beichen's return, who knows how many people would feel fear in their hearts? They would be killed until blood flowed into rivers, and corpses covered the fields ?    


To them, their most terrifying nightmare was about to arrive. A terrifying enemy would arrive before them soon after.    


All those who had offended Mo Beichen back then, would welcome his thunderous fury and would bear the overflowing killing intent and slaughter!    


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