Carry-on Anti-virus System



0After leaving the restaurant, Mo Beichen's mood was heavy.    


Although the boss Bai Chuan's words were not without reason, Mo Beichen still felt a little uncomfortable. It was as if he had done a good deed.    


"Perhaps, I shouldn't have meddled in this matter from the beginning."    


If it wasn't for the fact that the Rainbow Gang couldn't find him and wanted to take care of him, Mo Beichen would have left a long time ago.    


Unexpectedly, he had spent so much effort to help them resolve their worries, and not only did he not get a single word of thanks, he had even been chased away and hated by them. Mo Beichen's heart was filled with emotions, but he did not regret it at all.    


Originally, he wouldn't do all this to receive the gratitude of others. It was just that he didn't want to implicate others because of himself. As long as he had a clear conscience, everything else wasn't that important anymore.    


After leaving Demon Hunt Squad, Mo Beichen didn't have anywhere to go for the time being.    


The Lihuo City was too far away, it wasn't something that could be done in two or three days. Because there wasn't anything particularly urgent to do, Mo Beichen decided to change his itinerary and look for Lin Xiaoqing first.    


"Sigh, I had promised solemnly that I would make her recover. In the blink of an eye, a few years had passed. How was she now? If she never received my appearance, then maybe she was very disappointed and had already forgotten about me? "    


Thinking of that miserable figure, Mo Beichen felt extremely guilty.    


Although he was forced to delay the time to fulfill his promise, the other party did not know this and would only think that he was trying to comfort him. He would not be able to do what he had promised.    


In the past, it could be said that he had no other choice but to do so, but now that Mo Beichen's strength was extraordinary and he had found the best treatment, there was no excuse to delay it.    


Mo Beichen only knew that Lin Xiaoqian was in the Bihai City, and as for his exact location, he could only find out about it after reaching his goal.    


Fortunately, Bihai City wasn't too far away from Demon Hunt Squad. If one was fast enough, it would only take a little more than ten days to get there, which would be much closer than Lihuo City. After finding a random passerby and finding a general direction, Mo Beichen brought along the Blue Fire, one man and one leopard, and started a new journey.     


As they walked along the wide road, they saw beautiful scenery. The lush green trees on both sides of the road cast cool shadows on the grass. The grass was filled with wild flowers of all colors, with butterflies fluttering in the air.    


Looking at the canvas of the sky above him, Mo Beichen was not worried at all that a ferocious Demonic Beast would rush out to hurt him.    


Even though he had left the Crying Demon Abyss for ten days, he was still not used to living in the outside world, and the vigilance in his heart never relaxed one bit.    


This was a habit that he had formed over a long period of time of life and death, and was also one of the reasons why he had been able to survive until now.    


After walking for half a day, Mo Beichen suddenly stopped in his tracks. The Blue Fire also raised its head and emitted waves of low hums.    


"There's the smell of blood?"    


Smelling the bloody smell coming from the tip of his nose, Mo Beichen looked at the forest in front of him and knew that something must have happened in that direction.    


This bloody aura was very thick, and did not seem like it was caused by a fierce beast fighting to the death.    


Since he was right in front, and had the courage of an expert, Mo Beichen did not choose to take a detour, and instead continued onwards with a swagger. No matter what had happened up ahead, they would know very soon.    


Not long after, the bloody scent gradually became clearer. In addition, the faint sounds of swords clashing could be heard, and the sound of fighting could be heard.    


Very quickly, Mo Beichen could see that the two sides in the battle were clearly split into two sides.    


One of them was dressed in black, and his face was covered with a bandana. It was obvious that he was not a good person.    


Their movements were agile, their moves were ruthless, their coordination was tight, and they had a well-trained look. It was as if they were assassins that were formed by some kind of force, or bandits that specialized in robbing homes.    


As for the other group, they were much weaker.    


Not only was their overall strength weaker, their coordination was disorderly as well. In their panic, they did not even use half of their combat prowess. Looking at the current situation, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long before they were completely defeated and killed.    


Originally, Mo Beichen did not want to meddle in other people's business. He could still clearly remember the last time they met.    


However, when he saw a pair of terrified, small eyes on the carriage that was blown up by the wind, he immediately changed his mind. Killing intent gathered in his eyes as he quickly rushed forward.    


"Big Brother Zhen, all of you escape. I'll block them!" They have so many people that we are no match for them. If this goes on, none of us will be able to escape! "    


With one cut, the enemy was cut down. The middle-aged warrior's bloodied arms looked at the scattered corpses on the ground in pain, and he anxiously shouted out to his companion who was also riddled with wounds.    


"Bullshit!" Chen Te Jin, do you look down on me? How am I, Zhen Shanbian, a coward that fears death? It's just a few small fries. You guys go first, I'll cover your rear! Even if I am to die, I will have to carry a lot of burden! "    


Pushing Chen Te Jin to the side, and distancing himself from the incoming blade light, the man named Zhen Shanbian strode forward and fiercely punched out, shaking off the blade radiating a cold light, but his arm was also burnt by the roiling flames, it was extremely painful.    


However, although he managed to deflect the flaming saber light, he did not disperse it. With an explosive sound, the carriage instantly turned into a fireball, splitting in half and falling to the ground.    


"Bastard, I'll tear you apart alive!"    


Looking at the horse carriage that was cut into two, which immediately burst into flames, Zhen Shanbian's eyes spewed fire, the anger in his mouth could not stop, like an angry bull, he fiercely rushed towards the enemy.    


The people riding on the chariots were all women and children without any combat ability. If the knife cut down, the people on the chariots would not be able to survive! Zhen Shanbian was furious, he fought the bandit in front of him as if he didn't care about his life.    


Seeing that the man called Te Jin was still fighting and did not leave as he had instructed, Zhen Shanbian's eyes widened, and pounced forward ferociously, throwing out a punch, sending out a powerful punch that pushed back the enemy who was fighting with Chen Te.    


He kicked Chen Te Jin to the nearest carriage and cursed: "Bastard! Hurry up and f * ck off, take them and run as far away as you can! "    


At this time, why didn't you just bring him along and run? If you wait any longer, when he's exhausted, he won't be able to run away by himself.    


"Hurry up, I'll stay behind as well. Don't hesitate any longer!"    


"If you can escape safely, you must take good care of my wife and children!"    


Other than Zhen Shanbian, there were a few other men who were not afraid of death, and volunteered to stay behind to cut off the enemy so that their families could have a chance at survival.    


"Hehehe ?" Want to run? No one who has been targeted by my Devil Wolf has ever escaped! If you think you're stronger than the rest, you might as well try. "    


A masked killer cut out with his saber, drawing a scar on the ground that was about ten feet long. Everyone's heart jumped in fear, and they couldn't help but gulp and be on guard.    


When they heard that the one who was robbing them this time was actually the renowned Devil Wolf Gang, all of their hearts trembled, and expressions of despair surfaced on their faces.    


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